<hurricos> nick[m]1234: there is definitely such a way, it's just very specific ...
<schmars[m]> <neggles> "have to use full build system..." <- there's actually quite a few people doing that, might be worth to get a config option. some freifunk people are sending batches of 100s of tp-linnks to some factory that swaps the chips
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<schmars[m]> (sorry about the matrix formatting, i remember from weechat days that it looked terrible in an irc client)
<schmars[m]> this is from their first batch, with pics https://freifunk-muensterland.de/841er-aufruestung-gestartet/
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#511](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/52/builds/511) of `x86/legacy` failed.
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<neggles> schmars[m]: it would be nice if the imagebuilder had an advanced option to override imagesize limits yeah
<neggles> nick[m]1234: if you have a boot log i can tell you what the DT should look like
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<neggles> stintel: I have DSA kinda-working on the oc200 :D
<neggles> it works but it has some trouble with the MIB, probably because it's expecting more ports than there are or somesuch, so I get packets but the driver isn't handling the headers right
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (71.4% images and 72.7% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<russell--> gs108t-v3 vlan troubles
<russell--> probably at least partly because i don't understand config bridge-vlan. why can't i just use lan1.100, lan1.200 etc
<neggles> russell--: because it's a switch :P
<neggles> russell--: here have an example https://gist.github.com/neg2led/e0eff5bb2db7e5c6cbde23e491e03d48 (note: i don't know if it calls the CPU port eth0 or not)
<neggles> this puts vlan 1 untagged/default on all ports and 10/20/30/40 tagged on all ports (at least in theory, works on other dsa devices)
<neggles> aw man
<neggles> stintel: OC200's default root password is `HWOmada`
<neggles> took two weeks for hashcat to find that (i'd forgotten it was running)
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<nick[m]1234> neggles: great! :) later today I can send you a complete bootlog.
<nick[m]1234> is there any reason our lua version is so old?
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<neggles> nick[m]1234: is it old?
<neggles> I assume it's as new as it needs to be for luci et al.
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<russell--> neggles: i'm familiar with examples, what i'm missing is what a bridge-vlan is. ubiquiti er-x doesn't need it
<neggles> russell--: are you familiar with cisco-style switch config?
<russell--> no
<neggles> that's ok, it turns out to not be very useful anyway
<russell--> er-x uses dsa
<neggles> so a bridge-vlan object is a vlan ID which the bridge knows about / is aware of
<neggles> if you don't care about using vlan tags, you don't need one
<russell--> on erx, it's easy to just bridge eth2 and eth3.100, etc
<neggles> e.g. on an ER-X, say you wanted to use lan1 for WAN, and lan2-5 for LAN, but you don't care about vlan tagging anywhere - just put lan2 thru lan5 into a bridge, use that for lan, then directly bind lan1 to wan
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<russell--> where eth0-eth4 are the switch ports
<neggles> then s/lan1/eth0, s/lan2-5/eth1-4
<neggles> russell--: if eth0-4 are the switch ports, what does the cpu port show up as? switch0?
<russell--> eth0@dsa
<neggles> ah ok dsa
<russell--> if i want tagged packets going out a port, i just add eth2.100 to one bridge, maybe eth2.300 to another bridge
<neggles> yes, so the whole thing with DSA is it removes that
<neggles> does it in the switch instead of through the CPU
<russell--> ethN *are* the switch ports!
<neggles> yes, but binding to them that way causes all traffic to hairpin via the CPU
<russell--> i don't think it does
<neggles> this config would give you, eth0 = WAN, direct-bound, eth1-4 = LAN bridge, with vlan 0 untagged on all 4 attached to interface 'lan', vlan 100 tagged on eth1 with interface 'lan.100', vlan 300 tagged on eth2 with interface 'lan.300'
<neggles> rather than binding to the tagged vlan on the port, you bind to the VLAN on dsa cpu-facing interface, then use the bridge-vlan to configure tagging on ports
<neggles> (I am not 100% sure that 'dsa' is the correct base device name to use there)
<neggles> it should be, though
<neggles> if `ip link` shows `dsa` + `eth0@dsa` thru `eth4@dsa` then it is
<neggles> I am also not clear on whether the 'dsa' interface itself needs to be in the bridge/bridge-vlan and I don't know if i have a dsa-enabled thing i can test with
<neggles> oh i have an ER-X right here
<russell--> dir860l is another mt7621 based device that behaves the same
<Borromini> neggles: ip link doesn't show anything like that on MT7621
<neggles> Borromini: on which version
<Borromini> 22.03 branch
<Borromini> so DSA
<neggles> interesting
<neggles> well i've just flashed snapshot onto my er-x, so give me a minute :P
<neggles> Borromini: thought so
<Borromini> how so?
<neggles> yours looks the way i expected it to
<Borromini> :)
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<neggles> however it appears that in snapshot, we've changed 'eth0' in your readout to 'dsa', and 'lan1' thru 'lan5' to 'eth0' thru 'eth4'
<neggles> it's only a name change
<russell--> as of r18967-cf346dfadf
<Borromini> ok
<Borromini> i missed that, didn't realise a rename happened (i kinda liked lan0-4, was very clear but maybe not the most versatile)
<russell--> dir860l uses eth0 and wan lan1-lan4 for ports
<neggles> compare and contrast
<neggles> that's defconf, no vlan filtering
<neggles> russell--: just realised ive used the wrong 'option device' for the VLAN interfaces in my earlier example
<neggles> updated it
<Borromini> neggles: is there some backward compatibility of will configs auto-migrate?
<neggles> Borromini: I dunno, but it's purely a name-change
<Borromini> whenever you modify /etc/config/network e.g.
<Borromini> ok
<neggles> converting from the lan1-5@eth0 to eth0-4@dsa is just "decrement number by 1, change 'lan' to 'eth'"
<neggles> I imagine having eth0 be a port that doesn't really exist was confusing people
<Borromini> :)
<russell--> i think the rule is to follow the labelling on the case
<Borromini> yes, that's how the labels started out afaik.
<neggles> that would make sense
<russell--> speaking of erx, i've had a few (apparently power interruption related) squashfs failures relating to unreadable NAND blocks now, latest being today
<russell--> i think i've seen it on two other occasions
<russell--> more than that, actually, but in two cases it rendered the device unbootable, on a few other occasions it was less consequential failure and i was able to reflash it remotely
<russell--> three cases including todays
<Borromini> is the ER-X NAND?
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<neggles> Borromini: yep
<neggles> russell--: that would be because squashfs doesn't have any bad block handling really
<neggles> nand should be ubifs
* neggles shakes fist at ubiquiti
<neggles> (...and everyone else)
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<russell--> it's squashfs on ubi
<russell--> ubinfo -a
<russell--> it isn't the lack of badblock handling, it's the sudden loss, or possibly just corruption, of an essential block
<russell--> Count of bad physical eraseblocks: 0
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<russell--> fwiw, this is what i want to work on gs108t (and which, i think, works on er-x and dir860l): https://paste.debian.net/1237467/
<neggles> russell--: https://paste.neggles.dev/6UaJT
<neggles> converted
<neggles> ah wait missed one thing
<neggles> there
<neggles> uh, typo on line 45, missing a colon.
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<neggles> russell--: also, that's... weird, squashfs being read-only and all
<neggles> how can you corrupt something you don't write to?
<robimarko> Doesnt mean that the storage media cant get corrupted
<russell--> i'd prefer if it didn't, but it's hard to reproduce
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<neggles> i mean i'm sure it's *possible* but i was under the impression that it was practically impossible to damage/corrupt nand/nor just by reading it
<neggles> hell i've had it happen before but not regularly (and it was on an octeon with a broken driver :P)
<russell--> empiricism says otherwise
<russell--> again, seemed have have coincided with a power anomaly
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<russell--> kind of kicks robustness in the teeth
<nick[m]1234> Why does iptables-nft selects iptables-legacy?
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<nick[m]1234> neggles: here is a complete bootlog dmesg https://gist.github.com/PolynomialDivision/20024cfeda5646879cd7d427a9b4f11c
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<neggles> nick[m]1234: https://gist.github.com/neg2led/dab8a508cb8dfb040f31f9ed37b0959f this is all your pcie needs to be
<neggles> but i'm missing the ath9k,eeprom stuff
<neggles> and do not have time to find it right now but i can do so tomorrow :P
<nick[m]1234> but where exactly? I thought the order is important ;)
<neggles> not really, you have compatible tags in and you're specifying endpoint numbers
<neggles> it's fine
<neggles> if you were putting the wifi@0,12 before the wifi@0,11 that would be problematric
<nick[m]1234> great :) I think I can specify the caldata myself. Let me test
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<nick[m]1234> neggles: here are my changes
<nick[m]1234> just building the image
<mkg20001> Which is the right group to ask about libuclient? I'm trying to GET json from localhost (olsr jsoninfo), but after calling uloop_run() none of the passed callbacks get executed.
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<daniopasa_> one problem
<daniopasa_> Hi all
<daniopasa_> Javier Marcet
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#512](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/52/builds/512) of `x86/legacy` completed successfully.
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<neggles> nick[m]1234: i did not read your previous one closely enough - updated https://gist.github.com/neg2led/dab8a508cb8dfb040f31f9ed37b0959f
<neggles> PCI IDs were not matched with what your actual devices report