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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 93.2% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<schmars[m]> blocktrron: something more low-level about the usw-flex: after the first sysupgrade, it fails to mount the overlay: [7.659759] mount_root: jffs2 not ready yet, using temporary tmpfs overlay -- and later: mount_root: failed - mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock9 /rom/overlay: Not a tty
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<Grommish> rsalvaterra: Octeon 5.15 looks stable *ponder* I'm going to leave it running and see
<Grommish> rsalvaterra: Looks like 20Mb extra RAM for 5.15 vs 5.4, but it isn't climbing!
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<schmars[m]> blocktrron: all good! - i built a smaller image, then on firstboot the overlay came up, then `[70.015719] overlayfs: upper fs does not support tmpfile` but after a simple reboot it works
<schmars[m]> same after another sysupgrade -n, but that's workable for now
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<xback> ynezz: imx 5.15, as soon as a pcie device is attached: https://pastebin.com/raw/TsqJrBBF
<xback> after 6 or 7 reboots, it suddenly becomes stable
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<rsalvaterra> Grommish: Wait, you're saying the memory leak you chased for months in 5.10 is somehow fixed in 5.15?
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<stintel> that or it's just so hard to reproduce it might appear as if it's fixed and once you move on with life it will surface again :P
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<xback> stintel: is this regarding that memory leak you talked about years ago?
<stintel> no
<stintel> this is a "new" one that popped up going from 5.4 to 5.10 on octeon
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Well, then… we just have to backport Linux 5.15 to OpenWrt 21.02 for Octeon! :D
* rsalvaterra runs
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<mangix> So this kernel 5.15 bump. People have forgotten to implement the most important feature of it. NTFS driver.
<robimarko> Well, its important for those that use NTFS
<mangix> aka most OpenWrt users
<T-Bone> s/most/a fraction of/ :)
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<robimarko> I kind of doubt that NTFS is such a vital feature
<robimarko> Its nice to see it finally get a proper kernel support though
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I've been using OpenWrt for about 10 years and never used ntfs.
<stintel> 15+ years and never used ntfs
<mangix> Yeah but this is OpenWrt-devel :)
<f00b4r0> somehow i fail to see what prevalent router workload would require ntfs :)
<jow> I already fail at exposing a disk via the network with openwrt
<f00b4r0> lol
<jow> ntf gives cryptic errors, samba always had permission issues
<jow> *nfs
<rsalvaterra> jow: I just use NFSv4. :P
<stintel> yikes, nfs is even more annoying as of v4 :/
<jow> eventually I said screw it, wifi is streaming everything anyway
<jow> *wife
<rsalvaterra> stintel: I beg to differ. Have you seen how many ports NFS < v4 requires? :/
* f00b4r0 uses afp - hides
<stintel> well with nfs4 everything needs to be under the same "root path" or you get the weirdest issues
<stintel> that's horribly unflexible
<rsalvaterra> I also stream everything… from my media servers. :)
<mangix> ksmbd is a replacement for NFS
<mangix> probably faster too
<jow> yeah I know, ksmbd is the new kid on the block. I haven't looked into it yet
<jow> allegedly it's a nice, steamlined samba alternative for those who just want to expose shares
<stintel> my main issue with samba is the musl incompatibility :P
<rsalvaterra> stintel: In that case, ksmbd might be up your alley.
<stintel> yeah no, unlikely that supports running an active directory
<stintel> I am actually running an AD with Samba4, spread over multiple sites, replicated, radius linked to it, wpa-enterprise using AD credentials, etc
<mangix> It supports RDMA though :)
<rmilecki> jow: ftp works fine for me ;)
<f00b4r0> ;)
<rmilecki> maybe just makes me look like a dinosaur
<rmilecki> but hey it works
<stintel> I bet you don't use chrome!!!
<robimarko> or firefox
<xback> +1 for ftp. keep it simple :-)
<mangix> firefox doesn’t have ftp either
<jow> xback: ftp client support is terrible
<stintel> right, modern browsers dropped it at some point
<rmilecki> ah, yeah, KDE's Dolphin
<PaulFertser> btw, it seems ksmbd is broken in current master due to incompatibility of old kernel module (21.02 had it backported from a newer one) with current userspace.
<rsalvaterra> Christ, FTP… at least SFTP, it's a less stupid protocol. :)
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<f00b4r0> curlftps? :)
<rsalvaterra> I… no. :P
<mangix> Yep. ksmbd breakage my fault
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: it works! get away :P
<rsalvaterra> xD
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<f00b4r0> :D
<mangix> I hate the kernel module situation with older releases.
* rsalvaterra hates kernel modules.
<mangix> speaking of which, 5.15 breaks half of them
<xback> anyone else playing around with MHI over here?
<robimarko> I guess that would be me
<robimarko> Due to ath11k PCI
<rsalvaterra> Building an image with 5.15 for my Omnia…
<robimarko> xback: You trying to use the MHI modems?
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<xback> robimarko: yes
<xback> I just ported support for Telit FN980 and FN990
<xback> and I've got a Nokia 5G base station on my desk here
<robimarko> xback: Ok, I did not mess with any modems
<robimarko> Only ath11k PCI cards
<xback> and does it work properly?
<robimarko> In 5.15 yeah
<robimarko> 5.10 is really rough, I eventually gave up on it
<xback> I found some repo's which backport the missing bits for 5.10
<xback> it worked .. but it's a pain to maintain. so i dropped it again
<robimarko> Yeah, I tried the backporting route
<robimarko> But you basically need to manually backport ton of changes
<robimarko> And it all breaks with point updates
<xback> used these. and asked to update them to the latest point releases (which they agreed on)
<robimarko> Thats nice of them
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<aiyion> I've got a D-Link DGS-1210-24 at hand. Wasn't there a discussion for support for it about a week ago?
<aiyion> biot.com/switches returns 404 -.-'
<PaulFertser> aiyion: wiki moved
<PaulFertser> aiyion: what hw revision did you get?
<aiyion> A1
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<aiyion> the one without ipv6
<aiyion> iirc
<PaulFertser> aiyion: a1? That's rather old, right?
<aiyion> "EGS121024M...A1G"
<aiyion> (literal dots)
<PaulFertser> aiyion: what's inside? Probably it's not supported at all.
<PaulFertser> aiyion: https://svanheule.net/switches/start is the current address
<aiyion> Have not opened it yet;
<aiyion> thanks for the link
<PaulFertser> aiyion: did you buy it recently new?
<aiyion> No, was bought by someone else.
<aiyion> I think its used and at least from 2015, more likely earlier.
<PaulFertser> aiyion: then it's likely https://openwrt.org/toh/d-link/dgs-1210
<PaulFertser> aiyion: so Marvell-based, not supported.
<aiyion> Thanks. That sucks :/
<aiyion> Well. Said colleague just offered a Cisco Catalyst Express 500 and asked if that would do.
<aiyion> I think I'm up for a budget meeting...
<aiyion> Thanks again.
<rsalvaterra> If you can read this, my Omnia is running Linux 5.15 fine. :)
<rsalvaterra> [ 0.000000] Consider using a HIGHMEM enabled kernel. <- NO.
<rsalvaterra> 752 MiB ought to be enough for anybody.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#177](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/72/builds/177) of `imx/cortexa9` completed successfully.
<stintel> "hw revision without IPv6"? uhm, mkay
<f00b4r0> i was about to say ;P
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<Grommish> rsalvaterra: stintel: spoke to soon :( https://gist.github.com/Grommish/2cede3cceff2b8671b8f31ebeafd74fc
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<rsalvaterra> Bummer… :(
<jow> ohh, disturbance in the build force? new builders?
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<Grommish> rsalvaterra: stintel: while :; do date >> /etc/memlog.log; free >> /etc/memlog.log; sleep 300; done & and that was the result
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#503](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/29/builds/503) of `pistachio/generic` failed.
<Grommish> rsalvaterra: but, it just means I get to go back to chasing again.. one service at a time
<Grommish> but at least 5.15 works, even if badly
<rsalvaterra> For fsck sake…! The Tor block stopped announcing new Tor builds. is out about two months ago and I just noticed.
<ynezz> jow: been using ksmbd and minidlna just fine for over the year (same uptime on that lime2 board) almost on a daily basis
<rsalvaterra> *Tor blog
<Grommish> stintel: Has to be done :(
<Grommish> No point in wasting resources for something that doesn't work
<ynezz> jow: build force is currently very low, we've lost some buildworkers so currently shuffling some builders to 19.07 and 21.02 as they have been stalled for some time
<stintel> can someone cherry-pick 1fa87800 to 22.03 ?
<ynezz> xback: I assume it's upstream issue, it should be quite easy to bisect on imx6
<jow> ynezz: hmm, why lost. Hw died or OSUOSL decided to downscale?
<ynezz> it was some old HW (ex Facebook?) so probably not worth the maintenance efforts
<rsalvaterra> stintel: I can do it.
<stintel> thanks, I don't have 22.03 branch and not planning to for now, lack the time to be involved
<ynezz> jow: and some of the boxes died and they've probably simply removed them and IIRC there was some email where they stated that
<jow> ah okay
<rsalvaterra> Done.
<jow> ynezz: do you know if we followed up blocktrron's offer?
<jow> I planned to do it but lost the topic out of sight due to real work interfering
<blocktrron> jow: as far as I've informed there was no follow up from our side
<ynezz> blocktrron: our side = uni side = your side? :)
<blocktrron> OpenWrt side
<ynezz> ah, bummer, so what is needed, ssh keys?
<jow> friendly inquiry first
<jow> will write a mail now and put you two on CC
<ynezz> cool, thanks!
<ynezz> I was probably out of the loop, my last parsed message on that topic was "19:29:51 < blocktrron> zorun: I'll ping you tomorrow when i got the current contact details"
<blocktrron> Thw Bladecenter is a different offer than the one from the university
<blocktrron> ynezz: I'm drowning in todos sorry for that
<ynezz> ah, so actually you've two offers going on, very nice, thanks!
<ynezz> xback: can you please create GH issue so we can track it? pepe2k is probably going to look into that
<xback> ynezz: sure will do
<xback> ynezz: found also another issue with imx target
<xback> when running kernel_menuconfig, all the kernel options which are defined in cortexa9 or a7 folder are not used
<xback> an example of this is symbol CONFIG_PCI
<xback> it;s defined in the cortexa9 folder, but when running kernel_menuconfig, it's not selected
<ynezz> maybe it's missing some dependency handling?
<xback> i'll ask pepe2k for his 2 cents
<ynezz> but it certainly works for the builds, because that `CONFIG_NET_DSA_MV88E6XXX_GLOBAL2=y` was defined in cortexa9 config
<xback> yes, it works for the build, but not for config editing :-)
<ynezz> hm strange, then it wouldn't be possible to refresh the kernel configs as I've used `make kernel_oldconfig` for that
<xback> feel free to give it a quick test: clone a fresh master repo, select a cortex a9 target (I use gateworks ventana normal), run kernel_menuconfig
<ynezz> xback: in order to reproduce it, do I need something from your .config or just default should work?
<ynezz> ok
<xback> then search for CONFIG_PCI
<xback> it will be deselected
<xback> Thanks. appreciated
<xback> I really don't know how to fix this one :(
<ynezz> omg, I was on the wrong branch and that CONFIG_BUILDBOT=y has just decided to delete my toolchain
<Grommish> xback: Should the imx Makefile FEATURES have pci selected in addition to pcie, or does that matter
<ynezz> so need to wait for toolchain rebuild
<robimarko> Are the pci and pcie in the features even relevant?
<robimarko> Cause, they are gonna get picked from the kernel config anyway
<xback> robimarko: regarding mhi
<xback> when booting your device, do you see any mhi prints in dmesg, even when no hardware is attached?
<robimarko> No
<robimarko> I think they only show once ath11k in this case commands a new state
<xback> so when /sys/bus/mhi is present, all should be fine?
<robimarko> Yes, it should
<robimarko> You can check the state and channels in debugfs
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<ynezz> and imx/ca9 http://sprunge.us/6cpkmj
<robimarko> xback: Yeah, nothing is printed once MHI is loaded and there is no device
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<stintel> will the octeon snapshots automagically disappear from the snapshots directories?
<stintel> (now that it's set to source-only)
<ynezz> no
<stintel> we should probably do that, otherwise source-only doesn't have that much effect
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<ynezz> for that you would probably need to make that rsync buildbot foo source-only/broken aware
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<ynezz> so it would delete those dirs and check how the mirroring is handled
<ynezz> IIRC there is some rsync happening between mirror1 and mirror2 downloads servers
<xback> robimarko: thanks for confirming
<jow> I think auto-deletions are too dangerous
<jow> that's why they're not implemented in the rsync cascade
<ynezz> it should be probably ok with list of dirs for deletion generated for targets marked as broken/source-only
<ynezz> but it's going to make it quite complex, as one would need to use Git tree, branches and so on in that mirror script
<ynezz> so yeah, I agree, too dangerous
<jow> or rather, too much effort for what's a rather infrequent event
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<ynezz> :)
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<ynezz> xback: unfortunately not able to reproduce that pci issue on my apalis board http://sprunge.us/g1Giho
<ynezz> xback: you need to do `make kernel_menuconfig CONFIG_TARGET=subtarget` in order to get that subtarget config in the mix
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<xback> ynezz: noted on the subtarget thing. thanks!
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<rmilecki> mangix: i updated my old OpenWrt dir and I was just asked about PACKAGE_kmod-fs-ntfs3
<rmilecki> mangix: i think someone did package it after all :)
<rsalvaterra> aparcar: nf_conntrack pull merged.
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: gracias
<rsalvaterra> I'm all for saner defaults. :)
<ynezz> xback: can you try following revert http://sprunge.us/Rp4Ysm ?
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<xback> ynezz: ok. i'll test it right away
<xback> building ..
<xback> still crashing :(
<ynezz> hm, bummer
<xback> Thanks for your efforts none-the-less :-)
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<ynezz> xback: what uboot version are you using?
<xback> U-Boot 2020.04-dirty (May 20 2020 - 12:35:32 +0200)
<xback> only slightly modified to change the login sequence
<xback> Autoboot in 3 seconds. Press 'x' 10 times to stop autoboot
<ynezz> xback: "Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 31303099" that address is same in every crash, it's 313030 is 100 in ascii
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#10](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/79/builds/10) of `ipq40xx/chromium` completed successfully.
<aparcar[m]> norris: -^
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<xback> pepe2k: hi
<xback> pepe2k: do you have a gateworks ventana board by any chance?
<pepe2k> xback: hi, I know about the problem, talked with ynezz, the only PCIe-enabled board I have is HummingBoard2 Edge
<pepe2k> will try to reproduce it later today
<xback> oh nice. tyvm
<ynezz> pepe2k: welcome back :)
<hanetzer> oh hey, its pepe2k . Love your u-boot mods :)
<ynezz> xback: another attempt, thanks http://sprunge.us/o4XlmH
<ynezz> "overwrites these in its host_init callback" smells like that fixed virtual address we're seeing in that crash
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<pepe2k> hanetzer: thanks :)
<pepe2k> ynezz: good to be back
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<aparcar[m]> jow: is it possible that the ucode bytecode is bigger than the plain script?
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<nlowe> felix Do you know if "measure channel noise and report it via survey" has been implemented for the MT7612U? I see two patches for the mt7615 and mt7915 but doubt it applies. Need to check more and I don't yet have hardware. (On order from aliexpress)
<nlowe> Wrong felix, sorry...
<nlowe> nbd Do you know if "measure channel noise and report it via survey" has been implemented for the MT7612U? I see two patches for the mt7615 and mt7915 but doubt it applies. Need to check more and I don't yet have hardware. (On order from aliexpress)
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<hurricos> stintel: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commitdiff;h=1fa8780056a8c7a2e26c8b4d5e6979232f117349
<hurricos> You have liberated me.
<stintel> it either draws attention of someone able to fix it, or paves the way to drop octeon entirely
<hurricos> I love it.
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<nbd> nlowe: i think mt7612 does not support reporting channel noise
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<jow> aparcar[m]: unstripped yes, since it'll contain the plain script code, the bytecode and debug offsets
<aparcar[m]> jow: how to strip it?
<jow> -s
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<aparcar[m]> thanks
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mediatek.html has been updated. (60.6% images and 82.1% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<Umeaboy> I have a question about the translations on the weblate platform. Can screenshots or at least smaller images of the things that we're translating be added to weblate so we can actually see where it's located and its context?
<Umeaboy> I see the string location, but not the context.
<Umeaboy> For instance, in the LuCi application called qos there's a string called Calculate overhead and translating that into Swedish is harder if I can't see it in its context.
<aparcar[m]> Umeaboy: I think that should be possible
<Umeaboy> And this accounts for all the strings that have more than one word in it.
<Habbie> probably also true for some that have just one word
<Umeaboy> The function to upload screenshots to Weblate has been disabled so if I could I would upload images myself.
<Umeaboy> Who here can be so kind and upload these?
<Umeaboy> I know it's not done in one day, but we have to start some time.
<Umeaboy> No offence.
<Umeaboy> I work to finish the Swedish translation and I love to work fast.
<Umeaboy> It doesn't mean that it'll be perfect, but it means that I multitask. :)
<aparcar[m]> Umeaboy: I just did
<aparcar[m]> I didn't upload all obviously, will continue tomorrow
* Umeaboy stands up and gives aparcar[m] a round of applause
<aparcar[m]> I don't know how to enable screenshot uploading for everyone
<Umeaboy> There should be a setting somewhere.
<Umeaboy> Let me check.
<aparcar[m]> Umeaboy: I'm off for now but will try to add screenshots tomorrow
<Umeaboy> Thanks again.
<Umeaboy> Sleep tight.
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<hurricos> grommish: which Octeon board(s) do you have that you can spare for testing?
<hurricos> Honestly, I just want to know whether the octeon ethernet memory leak came after the 5.6 re-instatement
<Grommish> hurricos: I've got a CN7020AAP1.2
<Grommish> hurricos: Which has 3 independant kernel/storage partitions
<hurricos> I'm asking because I'd be happy compiling you some initramfs's
<Grommish> hurricos: It isn't under 5.4, it is under 5.10+, but you've seen the posts and my whining :)
<Grommish> hurricos: Sure, I can run whatever
<hurricos> So what board is that in?
<Grommish> hurricos: Or I can pull a branch to compile locally if that helps
<hurricos> Honestly, what's going to happen is
<hurricos> 1) I'm going to compile 5.10
<Grommish> Uhh.. the Itus Shield.. It's a RHino board
<hurricos> (or actually, just master) -- 2) I'm going to go into the linux target dir; 3) I'm going to copy in .git from a Linux; 4) I'm going to manually check-out a slightly older revision and create a .patch file from it; 6) I'm going to re-compile and find out which opts break.
<hurricos> (when I found it was between kernel revisions)
<Grommish> hurricos: If you've got the talent and the will, I've got the time and gear
<hurricos> you OK booting from initramfs? I have no idea what the platform is like, whether you have serial
<Grommish> Yep and yep
<Grommish> My kernel and/or initramfs is just laoded onto the vfat partition or via TFTP
<Grommish> I can even kermit/zmodem if I have to
<hurricos> OK. The other option is generally ... minimize kernel opts on a snic10e (e.g. no SMP) and leave it unstripped and literally
<hurricos> oct-remote-copy and compare
<hurricos> (that is, copy out from RAM and try as best as possible to find what's changed)
<Grommish> I've got full access to uboot as well
<hurricos> do you have a snic10e?
<Grommish> No.. I have the Itus Shield :)
<hurricos> can I *send* you a snic10e?
<hurricos> My problem is that I don't have the time or concentration to keep a host set up.
<hurricos> If I assemble a desktop, it overheats, or a panic on the SNIC10E causes a hard crash.
<hurricos> My office is a mess.
<hurricos> A SNIC10E can have its memory copied off of it over PCIe
<hurricos> is why I suggest it
<Grommish> Would it be better if we could figure out a way for you to remote into a linux box with the console setup?
<hurricos> nah, I need a SNIC10E. If there are buffers being allocated but never deallocated, they contain something. I just don't want to set it up because every time I do I end up with the cat knocking it over or one of a million other things goes wrong.
<hurricos> I mean
<Umeaboy> Is there a command to remove unnecessary packages in openwrt?
<hurricos> I can give you biulds
<hurricos> I'll go start that
<hurricos> that's easy, it doesn't cause a mess.
<Grommish> hurricos: neggles has the SNIC I believe and also experience with the platform, he's just far busier than I am
<hurricos> He (rightyfully) wants Octeon to die, I cursed him with the SNIC :(
<hurricos> I have a box full of 'em, I just don't want to set it up.
<Grommish> He says that, but deep down, he still has them around ;P
<hurricos> long sigh
<Grommish> I mean, I can find a system to toss it into
<hurricos> it's a matter of time before the maintainers drop octeon-ethernet again, too