<Slimey> heh
<Slimey> time to short some pins
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<neggles> hurricos: IT'S OCTEONS ALL THE WAY DOWN
* neggles sobs
<neggles> stintel: interesting, a dodgy nanoHD I have here says the same but it works
<neggles> (it is also mt7621 but this one keeps locking up, suspect the flash is worn out)
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<Tapper> hauke you taged 21.02.3? and ksmbd is stil broken.
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<mangix> some dude wants help with mining crypto on openwrt. kick rocks.
<Grommish> neggles: One of the Itus devices died yesterday
<neggles> oh no
<Grommish> Console is spitting out gibberish like it's got the wrong line-speed
<Grommish> Port lights never come up, front panel does, but nothing else
<Grommish> Verfieid the cable is fine, plugged it into the 10x and dropped it to 576 and it read fine
<neggles> ouch
<neggles> sounds like eeprom corruption or something
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<neggles> is there a trick to using an external kernel tree with the buildsystem?
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<robimarko> neggles: There is a option in menuconfig to use an external tree
<robimarko> However, make sure to not enable GPIO key hotplug driver
<neggles> robimarko: ahhhh is THAT the problem?!
<neggles> whenever I've tried it's thrown a weird error with user_headers or somesuch
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<robimarko> It is a problem for sure as OpenWrt uses a hotplug based custom driver instead of the event based one
<robimarko> Not sure if its your problem
<neggles> well i've definitely had it turned on every time i've tried so :P
<neggles> oh god. my embarassment of a DSA driver successfully compiled.
<neggles> guess it's time to see if it works
<Vavooon> Hi. I'm having a strange problem with `glib2` on 22.03 branch: when using `g_cond_wait_until` call, it never waits specified amount of time, instead it just returns `FALSE`(which stands for timeout) immediately. It is affecting underlying software which is using this method, `gst-rtsp-server` in my case. I have prepared an example app which reproduces the issue, while it is working completely fine when executed on my PC
<dwfreed> pastebin your example code?
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<dwfreed> add a line to check the value of g_get_monotonic_time() when the timeout happens
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<Vavooon> @dwfreed When I add it into my example, here's what it says:
<Vavooon> start timer: 6239454209 wait until: 6244454856 while timeout: 6239456027
<Vavooon> Updated pastebin https://pastebin.com/00sxYzYe
<dwfreed> most likely it's a musl bug
<dwfreed> if you can, try to test on eg alpine linux
<stintel> often getting things like this: * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency libucode20220206 for ucode
<stintel> can we fix that by autorebuild somehow? very annoying
<neggles> um, glib documentation says this is expected behaviour
<neggles> i, think? it's not clear, but it does want the mutex to be locked before you go checking it
<Vavooon> @neggles When I lock the mutex, it does not proceed into the `while` loop
<Vavooon> @neggles Could you point me to the place where it says it's expected behaviour
<dwfreed> that's because your mutex nor your cond are initialized
<dwfreed> because neither*
<dwfreed> you're allocating them on the stack, so they're random data; they need to be init'ed
<neggles> yeah i was about to say that
<Vavooon> Thanks a lot, however I've just added `g_cond_init(&data_cond);` as well as `g_mutex_init(&data_mutex);` and `g_mutex_lock (&data_mutex);` but the issue is still happening
<neggles> the examples show the GCond and GMutex being declared globally
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<dwfreed> after correctly initializing the mutex and cond, and locking the mutex before the loop, what does the timeout report for the new value of g_get_monotonic_time, and how does that compare to the expected end time?
<Vavooon> start timer: 7063974018 wait until: 7068974664 while timeout: 7063975922
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<stintel> ugh, unifi 6 lite, what an annoying little device, single port device using DSA
<neggles> this https://paste.neggles.dev/idQz9 does not work, and hangs forever on attempting to lock the uninitialized mutex
<neggles> this https://paste.neggles.dev/4t5YZ does work as expected
<neggles> and is basically a carbon copy of the glib example
<neggles> a mutex declared inside a function isn't very useful...
<neggles> stintel: which phy did they hook to the physical port?
<Vavooon> @neggles Just tried your code, still doesn't wait (but works fine on PC too)
<neggles> interesting. might be a musl bug then like dwfreed suggested
<neggles> i have an alpine chroot lets see
<stintel> neggles: dunno, didn't look, just trying to recover asap, only here 2 days + need to meet with a lot of people
<neggles> ...actually it's just past midnight and somehow I've managed to trigger a kernel panic on `mutex_lock_nested(&bus->mdio_lock, MDIO_MUTEX_NESTED);`
<neggles> but good luck Vavooon
<Vavooon> Ok, thanks for the help, trying on Alpine too
<neggles> if it doesn't work on alpine, musl bug
<neggles> (probably)
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<neggles> stintel: fair enough, mt7621 so shouldn't be too much fuss
<neggles> tftp recovery it back to unifi fw, ssh in, flash back to openwrt? :P
<stintel> neggles: had to fix the TTL header, soldering wasn't done properly apparently, running OpenWrt again already
<neggles> nice :)
<stintel> but don't find a backup of the config (device has been down for months, 2000+ km away and down due to someone breaking mt7621
<neggles> ah
<neggles> (are they held together with just glue like the nanoHDs?)
<stintel> nah, secondary location, not here for long back then either, lack of proper equipment, rush job basicallt
<stintel> not amused that I can't find a backup of the config, it was my only working wpa enterprise setup
<neggles> ouch
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<Vavooon> Weird, it works fine on Alpine linux, waits till the timeout
<neggles> what arch are you running on where it erros
<neggles> errors*
<Vavooon> ath79
<neggles> mipsel hmm
<Vavooon> mips24 yep
<neggles> wait is ath79 LE or BE?
<PaulFertser> BE
<PaulFertser> ramips is LE
<neggles> ah
<neggles> wonder if that's got anything to do with it
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<Vavooon> Possibly, I probably need to try it on older versions, I was running the same software yet on 19.07 and 21.x without any issues, I'm sure here
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mediatek.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<neggles> i am honestly rather impressed at how badly I have screwed this up https://paste.neggles.dev/jY7jJ
<hitech95> I was folowing te guide: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/helloworld/chapter4 to create my own repository to test out some changes on an ustream package. feeds update generate the index file but running feeds install -a -p myrepo is not doing what it should (No Installing package 'helloworld' from mypackages message)
<hitech95> Any idea?
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<PaulFertser> hitech95: installing a package is just creating a symlink in packages/
<PaulFertser> hitech95: probably a symlink already exists there
<PaulFertser> hitech95: package/feeds
<hitech95> yea I know but taht symlink should not exist for the helloworld example. For reference with ctrl+/ I cannot find anything.
<hitech95> PaulFertser: I'm literally following the tutorial with the exception of the basepath that is different:
<hitech95> ./scripts/feeds install -a -p crowdsec print only Installing all packages from feed crowdsec. and not the installing "helloworld"
<PaulFertser> hitech95: try reversing the argument order, putting -p first
<PaulFertser> hitech95: hm, all packages should include yours too. Probably feeds update step is missing something, not creating the index or similar.
<hitech95> ok reversing the order fixed the issue. dam it was 2 days that I was stuck there!
<neggles> ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a
<neggles> :P
<hitech95> PaulFertser: thanks a lot!
<hitech95> neggles: that was also not working, no idea why!
<neggles> pixies
<neggles> makefile pixies
<hitech95> lol!
<hitech95> The fixeies that I'm facing is with fw4 that broke somehow with some packages requiring reboot and the parsing of the .data field in the net protocol/interface. That is really annoing!
<hitech95> *pixies
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<Vavooon> @neggles In case you're still here, I managed to find the root (not completely, but I can work with it) cause: there is some USE_NATIVE_MUTEX identifier defined here https://github.com/GNOME/glib/blob/main/glib/gthread-posix.c#L77 and everything works fine if I disable it
<neggles> I, for one, blame endianness
<neggles> and/or musl/glib not getting along
<Vavooon> If it is defined, then Glib tries to use some futex syscalls
<Vavooon> Not sure where should I report this issue to: OpenWRT or GLib?
<neggles> i would go with glib and see if they point you to musl
<Vavooon> Thx, will do
<neggles> ah goddamnit i think i worked out where my kernel panic came from
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<grift> secmark experiment turned out not ideal due to odhcp rawip socket use but other than that ive label-based packet filtering to work on my router: https://git.defensec.nl/?p=selinux-policy.git;a=commitdiff;h=bead9376af9cc87e54ee77bc467b19449ea02c20
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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* f00b4r0 notices he has a runaway urngd process eating an avg 25% cpu on an old device running 19.07.7, scratches head
<f00b4r0> and restarting urngd keeps the same CPU usage. Scratching harder.
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<Slimey> what are valid options for phy-mode = "x" where x is rgmii for example
<Slimey> rgmii-id, rgmii-txid, rgmii-rxid
<Slimey> nice thank you
<hauke> all possible options in the device tree should be documented
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