<mangix> cool
<mangix> someone broke master
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<russell--> mangix: how?
<mangix> russell--: my device keeps rebooting. notice how I keep connecting/disconnecting. I think it's an mt76 issue. I've reverted the last commit for now
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<Dopff16> hi, I need to log the mac addresses of users who have connected to the router. how can I do this?
<Dopff16> nvm
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<neggles> mangix: hmm. weird
<neggles> same error?
<russell--> i'm still seeing circular dependencies, fwiw, since weeks
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<Grommish> I use HOST_BUILD_DEPENDS:=python3/host to make python3 available to the build system.. is there a way to also allow it access to python-sqlite3 so the staging_dir python has access to sqlite3?
<Grommish> libsqlite3/etc looks to be device-install rather than host available
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<mangix> neggles: yes
<mangix> there's a difference in how long it takes for it to fail but it still fails
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<russell--> mangix: do you have a serial console to see why it might be rebooting?
<neggles> mangix: hmm, have you tried with the relocated kernel and no compression?
<neggles> russell--: it's failing at unzlma
<neggles> s/unzlma/unlzma
<neggles> a problem hurricos is quite familiar with *cough* AP330 *cough*
<russell--> neggles: it didn't sound like that was his problem
<mangix> two different problems, yes
<mangix> neggles: no compression == size too big
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<neggles> mangix: yes, no compression will make it too big for the build system unless you tell the build system to ignore that - goal is not to build an image that fits in the kernel partition but find out if the issue is decompression or not
<neggles> russell--: the boot logs say it is
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<neggles> Uncompressing Kernel Image ... lzma compressed: uncompress error 1 == "decompressed image size is too big to fit in CONFIG_SYS_BOOTM_LEN" (which is set to 32MiB in the GPL sources, or 8MiB by default - I can check if someone wants to give me a dump of the u-boot partition)
<neggles> return code 1 indicates 'SZ_ERROR_DATA' in theory, rather than SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF (image too big), so it may be that it doesn't support an lzma option we're using or something along those lines - worth giving gzip a try
<neggles> but that's assuming it's propagating the error right
<neggles> ....and these gpl sources are accurate
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<mangix> neggles: I tried gzip before. Different but similar error
<neggles> I don't suppose you saved the specific error?
<neggles> mangix: Error: inflate() returned <something> ?
<neggles> fwiw, the OEM kernel image is 13244KiB decompressed, though i've also just found this https://forum.openwrt.org/t/solved-uboot-not-enough-buffer-for-decompression-lzma-error-1/15371/13
<neggles> which leads to https://dev.archive.openwrt.org/ticket/12454.html#comment:13 - and it looks like include/image-commands.mk calls '$(call Build/lzma-no-dict,-lc1 -lp2 -pb2 $(1))'
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<nick[m]1234> can someone have a quick look what I am doing wrong adding wifi? almost everything works, except the wifi https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/9685
<nick[m]1234> the device tree has to be wrong, however, I don't understand how to set that
<nick[m]1234> i see no wifi device with iw phy
<nick[m]1234> the BusDevFun is 00.00.00 and 00.01.00
<russell--> have you looked at boot messages on ar71xx?
<nick[m]1234> maybe I have to change wifi@0,11 to wifi@0,00? and wifi@0,12
<nick[m]1234> russell--: okay, that is also a very good sugeestion to get a bootlog from 19.07.9
<nick[m]1234> thanks!
<russell--> maybe also install lspci and see if that sees stuff on the pci bus
<russell--> opkg update ; opkg install pciutils
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<nick[m]1234> logread: c3d6d1356fdb5942c1daa98860a108cc
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<nick[m]1234> maybe I miss the part there I extract the firmware
<nick[m]1234> lets try agian
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<nick[m]1234> hmmm, maybe I did something wrong with partitions? caldata: failed to extract calibration data from /dev/mtd7
<nick[m]1234> If I call that manually
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<nick[m]1234> russell--: if I am doing lspci -vvv on the ath79 image, I also see the wifi devices https://gist.github.com/PolynomialDivision/6c9878d4b4ae2e2d8b948dcc1cffd3c0
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<nick[m]1234> maybe I need the kmod-owl-loader?
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<mirko> nbd: if you by any chance already replied to my libubox-fallthrough-definition-clash, didn't see it and my IRC session died :/
<nick[m]1234> now it finally detects the ath9k wifi devices, however it now fails to load the firmware :/
<russell--> nick[m]1234: you are doing good, keep after it! ;-)
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<nick[m]1234> russell--: thank you. I came now to the point where i try to biuild me a script to automatically load owl_loader and extract firmware on runtime. however, it seems to break https://gist.github.com/PolynomialDivision/5d759bc31e512f37645c60e29ca7d288
<nick[m]1234> argh :'( ath: phy1: Invalid EEPROM magic (0x0000)
<nick[m]1234> ahhhh maybe I need qca,no-eeprom in my dts
<nick[m]1234> oh my god finally it works!!! :D
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<nbd> mirko: i think the easiest solution is probably to wrap the definition in #ifndef __cplusplus in libubox
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<Lynx-> Anyone that could help get hping3 back into OpenWrt?
<Lynx-> nping seems completely broken, and otherwise there is no good ping utility that supports ICMP type 13
<mirko> nbd: sounds good to me
<mirko> nbd: but wait, wouldn't that still clash? i mean, we /are/ in c++ context - aren't we?
<nbd> right, that's why i wrote #ifndef instead of #ifdef
<nbd> fallthrough should only be defined for C
<mirko> sorry, right (re ifndef)
<mirko> but if it should only be defined in C context - why does Qt do it then (which is all C++)?
<nbd> it has its own definition
<nbd> but it uses clang::fallthrough for C++, where that fallthrough part gets overwritten by the macro definition
<nbd> and that causes it to fail
<nbd> (if I read the code correctly)
<mirko> i'm just wondering what happens with the next (c++-)lib doing also its down definition, which would again clash then.. but yeah, for the moment the ifndef __cplusplus within ubox would definitely help
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<nbd> mirko: well, Qt doesn't use a generic name, maybe other libs also won't use a generic name
<nbd> i only picked 'fallthrough' for libubox to mirror the kernel's definition
<mirko> i see
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<nick[m]1234> What does IMAGE_SIZE needs to be in a Device Makefile?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#515](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/17/builds/515) of `ramips/rt305x` completed successfully.
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<nick[m]1234> russell--: ready to merge :D https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/9685
<neggles> nick[m]1234: maximum size of the kernel+rootfs
<neggles> so if there's a kernel partition, the size of that partition
<neggles> depends on the device layout
<neggles> in the case of the WNDAP360, IMAGE_SIZE := 7744k :P
<Lynx-> https://github.com/Lochnair/hping3 <-- is this something fit to be pulled into official OpenWrt packages?
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<nick[m]1234> neggles: thanks!!! :) because firmware is 0x790000 size? but why 7744k?
<nick[m]1234> ahhh 0x790000/1024
<nick[m]1234> okay thanks! :D
<neggles> yep
<neggles> in reality the actual max image size is less, since you need room for rootfs_data
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<neggles> but it's really just a failsafe type deal - if the final image is over IMAGE_SIZE, the build system will fail/error the build, rather than generate an image you physically cannot flash
<nick[m]1234> great. :)
<neggles> it does get mildly annoying when you've replaced the flash chip in a device with a bigger one, but that's not exactly common :P
<nick[m]1234> why should that break anything, if it just a failsafe? if your flash is bigger than the actual one it should work?
<neggles> I have a tp-link which is a 4? 8?MiB device from factory but I've installed a 32MiB chip in it
<neggles> I can't use the imagebuilder to make a firmware for it with packages pre-baked-in because it makes the image too big to fit in the original flash, so it errors
<neggles> have to use full build system & edit the makefile. it's not a big deal
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<neggles> oh the minor inconvenience of it all! :P
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<nick[m]1234> :D
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<nick[m]1234> I would be soooo happy, if someone could merge xP I was sitting here all day long to figure out. And now everything works perfectly. :D
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<nick[m]1234> argh, I destroyed the initram
<nick[m]1234> initramfs needs to be uncompressed. now everything is working :)
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<hurricos> hey nick!
<hurricos> Oh, wait, it's been hours.
<hurricos> nick[m]1234: You should actually skip kmod-owl-loader and use nvmem-cells implementation to load WiFi :^)
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<hurricos> Ultimately someone like Ansuel or Chunkeey is going to convert your implementation to use nvmem-cells instead, but the drawback is that you won't have tested it yourself.
<hurricos> The problem then is, of course, figuring out how the f*** to write your device tree such that when loading the card, ath9k reads all the way down to your nvmem-cells in the right part of the device tree ;)
<hurricos> kmod-owl-loader isn't that bad of a compromise but ideally it gets dropped in exchange for something being upstreamed :P
<hurricos> congrats on the port tho
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<hurricos> blogic: RE: realtek-poe: What was your development environment for PoE devices? If I suspected that the daemon isn't properly configuring the STM MCU, how could I send frames directly to the firmware?
<nick[m]1234> hurricos: thanks :) Do you have any idea how I can rewrite it? Or give me a reference to a working file? Does the order in the dts change anything?
<hurricos> I was thinking, "I should add a ubus call that lets me ask realtek-poe to send a frame directly."
<hurricos> But you might have something more clever already somewhere.
<hurricos> nick[m]1234: order matters surprisingly often in device trees.
<hurricos> nick[m]1234: dig through the ath79 dts tree's git log, and go find the ath9k patch in the OpenWrt tree which enables nvmem-cells lookups to work for MAC and calibration data
<hurricos> the nvmem-names should be "calibration" (ath10ks have "pre-calibration" as well)
<nick[m]1234> thanks. :) so there is definitely a way to arrange the dts that it will work even without kmod-own-loader?
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<nick[m]1234> thanks I will test it, however the device is currently not reachable for me.