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<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: hi!
<nick[m]1234> mrkiko: hi
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: how is the conversin proceeding? :D
<nick[m]1234> Had other things to do. I will soon go on. The most challeging part is to force people to test the conversions.
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: ... clear.
<nick[m]1234> did you already push your device as PR?
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: no, because in the end the conversion was made by robimarko, and as I understood, he will take care of that
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<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: if youcan help me out keeping track of this with him, I would be grateful
<nick[m]1234> just keep an eye on the sartura git PRs ;)
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: but the B2200 works - using it right now to send these messages, running DSA driver
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: sure
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: for now, I see no PRs for my evice
<nick[m]1234> mrkiko: Maybe just do a PR. I think it helps robimarko
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<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: well, I should feel determined enough to do it from the CLI :D ... but then, in a more serious sense, I would end up doing a PR with only a patch authored by him :D
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: in case I'll contact him somehow ...
<robimarko> No need for a B2200 PR
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<mrkiko> robimarko: :D
<mrkiko> robimarko: thanks a lot!
<mrkiko> robimarko: I also sent a mail for board files inclusion on the ath10k ML as suggested by chunkeey, hoping it goes well, don't know if someone subscribed to ML has smore insight in the process
<robimarko> Well, its just waiting time after its been sent
<robimarko> Last time it took Kalle over a year
<Grommish> robimarko: Hey, sorry I missed you earlier. Yes, they were LLVM feature flags
<robimarko> Grommish: Hi, ok, I thought so
<robimarko> Only one that I am not sure is -D32
<Grommish> I'm getting them based on the default tuple defines for armv7 and the FEATURES flags in OpenWrt
<Grommish> I think that has to do with the bitwidth. i know there is a -d16 as well
<robimarko> Its usually for the FPU bitwidht
<robimarko> Cause VFPv3 came in 16 and 32 bit variants
<robimarko> Hence vfpv3-d16 and vfpv3-d32 in GCC
<robimarko> But VFPv4 does not have such an option
<Grommish> The entire arm organization tree is a misnomer for me heeh, Ill have to dig thru the tables and see.. Thanks!
<robimarko> According to GCC ARM
<robimarko> I think that D32 is implied if VFPv4 is selected as its the only option
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<robimarko> So, +D32 should be used probably
<Grommish> I don't set a default feature instruction set hmm
<Grommish> and, I found out LLVM doesn't recognize vfpv, its vfp, which means even more conversion
<Grommish> eg vfp3 vfp4 vfp2 not vfpv3 etc
<robimarko> So nice of them
<Grommish> I went in with zero knowlledge and have gotten slightly better, but looking at things like vfpc4-neon.. Trying t figure out if it mean +vfp4 +neon or actually +vfp4 -neon, etc
<Grommish> and the default examples I'm working with weren't much help in the OpenWrt environment, since they almost never line up anyway
<Grommish> LLVM identifies the arm5 mpcore as a armv5tej for example, and expects it to be reported that way.. and mpcore is split between mpcore with FPU and mpcorenofpu without
<robimarko> I suppose + means its there
<robimarko> - disable it
<Grommish> Well, that's the naming convention, but OpenWrt uses FEATURES=vfpv4-neon
<Grommish> in the target Makefile/target.mk
<robimarko> Yeah, since thats a GCC option
<Grommish> So, does that mean NEON is disabled? or that is has NEON
<Grommish> Things like that I'm still trying to figure out
<robimarko> That means its has NEON
<robimarko> You have to look a the GCC docs
<robimarko> Its all nicely laid there
<Grommish> Meh.. I was afraid of that.. It's another system to dig thru
<Grommish> I did arbitrarily decide that if the FEATURES list NEON, it's enabled, otherwise its not
<robimarko> That should be correct
<robimarko> As in GCC you turn features on, not off
<robimarko> But GCC ARM docs are really clear
<robimarko> Wish LLVM/Clang had any of this documented
<Grommish> and since i"m not defaulting any features, I can/need to outline them at build time per target, although I can supply the cpu to help
<robimarko> Well, that thing doesnt really help
<robimarko> As in ARMv7 most things were optional extras
<robimarko> Best to look at the current GCC setting and look for the LLVM counterpart
<Grommish> Yes, but thats because ARMv7 covered a willy-nilly let anyone decide what they want to use arch it seems depending on whoever was orering the chip
<robimarko> Well, those are optional features
<robimarko> So, you had to pay a license for it
<Grommish> *nod*
<robimarko> BTW, Wasnt Rust getting a GCC frontend?
<Grommish> Dunno, I heard something about it, but it was "future"
<Grommish> along with GCC handling ebpf
<robimarko> Well, if they want to get rust into kernel its gonna need to happen
<robimarko> eBPF is in GCC12
<robimarko> AFAIK
<Grommish> I don't build out ebpf in my LLVM because there is already support for it
<Grommish> Just the other archs, but its a good thing I didn't try and tie nto the existing llvm ebpf support since it'll probably go away :D
<robimarko> Well, everybody is looking forward to getting rid of LLVM to reduce the build time
<robimarko> GCC should already have eBPF support, no idea whats the state of it though
<nbd> i don't think gcc can be used to compile ebpf for openwrt any time soon
<nbd> even when the backend is stable
<nbd> not because of gcc, but because of the bpf kernel header mess
<robimarko> Ok, I am not really familiar with it
<robimarko> More precisely, I keep away from BPF
<Grommish> I initially tried to change the existing LLVM eBPF in OpenWrt for what I needed, but turns out rust uses an enhanced LLVM anyway, so was a waste of time to persue
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<f00b4r0> Hmm. So it looks like older Yuncore A930 use a different uboot env size than the newer ones. Only way I can explain the bad CRC errors I see there. *sigh*
<f00b4r0> hmm no, that's not it. wth
<mrkiko> robimarko: I was NACKed fast, let's see how it goes with the new submission
<robimarko> + bus=pci,vendor=168c,device=0056,subsystem-vendor=0000,subsystem-device=0000,variant=GL-B2200
<robimarko> No, no
<robimarko> This is not correct
<mrkiko> robimarko: oh...
<robimarko> That was used before pre-cal was used
<robimarko> Which was obviously both wrong
<robimarko> And, no need to mention repackaging or pre-cal in the submission email
<mrkiko> huff
<mrkiko> so I should proceed with a V2 sooner than later
<mrkiko> only for the qca9888
<robimarko> Yeah
<robimarko> Before Kalle picks it up
<robimarko> Also, for whatever reason your ipq40xx: fix BDF file for pcie wifi chip on the GL.Inet GL-B2200
<robimarko> Does not show up on patchworks
<mrkiko> mhm
<mrkiko> robimarko: am I better to put V2 somewhere in the subject
<mrkiko> robimarko: or just re-send?
<robimarko> Add it to the subject
<mrkiko> robimarko: as for the OpenWRt BDF repackaging, how might I proceed? Simply wait ?
<robimarko> chunkeey liked it, and he can pick it up
<robimarko> Though, like I said, its missing from the patchwork
<mrkiko> robimarko: thanks for the help. I made kinda disaster this time, but I'll get better.
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<grift> what does that mean in practical terms? https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/17b7756b5a20f6426f06991b92d6527f27ad1a65 (ie reduce image size?)
<grift> WARNING: Image file /home/kcinimod/openwrt/build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a7+neon-vfpv4_musl_eabi/linux-i
<grift> pq40xx_generic/linksys_mr8300-fit-zImage.itb is too big: 3180256 > 3145728
<mrkiko> grift: maybe the bootloader isn't able to cope with kernel of greater sizes and so this was limited in the Makefile? Only a guess
<mrkiko> grift: do you have a UART access?
<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mediatek.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<grift> yes and no
<grift> trying to figure how to make the image smaller without breaking things
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<mrkiko> grift: there was talks about lzma-loader for ipq40xx but ... think it didn't go ahead
<mrkiko> well, something in #4660
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#534](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/52/builds/534) of `x86/legacy` failed.
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* f00b4r0 prepares to take over PR#3348
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<robimarko> grift: Its more a matter of making the device be able to boot larger images than reducing the size of images
<grift> i see
<robimarko> mrkiko: zImage is great if the bootloader supports it
<robimarko> As then kernel unpacks itself
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<mrkiko> robimarko: BTW - do you remember where we discussed the sizel imits of some ipq40xx devices? Or is there any way i can deduce the size limit of the bootloader of the gl-b2200 ? I remember having reported it somewhere - but I may be wrong. Can't find it right now
<robimarko> There was a PR or something for GL-inet devices
<robimarko> Should be 8MB with the updated bootloader
<robimarko> And its kernel limit usually
<mrkiko> robimarko: thanks, you're great ! I remembered tha commit and was searching for it without finding it
<mrkiko> robimarko: I remember talking with gl-inet about this, and they telling me I do not need to update my bootloader
<robimarko> All of the vendors say that
<mrkiko> :D :D
<robimarko> They dont want to be responsible if it bricks
<mrkiko> and updating u-boot isn't the safest activity after all
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<csrf> robimarko, quick question... you mention 'radio calibration data' in the following thread: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/support-for-tl-wr840n-es-ver-5-0-eu/6281/38
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<csrf> in one of the replies, u mention that a user mistakenly blew away the radio calibration data because he messed up when flashing the fw
<csrf> is this data something that's stored in the bootloader partition? if not, where is it? I want to attempt building a new bootloader & custom openwrt fw image for this router, and would appreciate some help/advice
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<robimarko> Ahh, its been a long while since I touched the 840
<robimarko> But as far as I can remember, it had an issue in which some of them arrived with bootloaders for the 8MB v4
<csrf> yeah, i saw that reading thru your initial comments
<robimarko> And if you then tried flashing anything using TFTP it would overwrite everything on the NOR as it wrapped around
<csrf> I'm actually going to physically swap the flash chip for a 16MB, but I want to get things in order before I try a custom build
<csrf> right now, I want to revert back to stock from your LEDE image. Do I simply tftp the full stock fw, or do I have to edit it (some ppl mentioned hex-editing the oem fw image, but not sure if it's necessary)?
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<hanetzer> yee. I like FIT images tho. really easy to boot :)
<robimarko> csrf: I dont really remember
<csrf> robimarko, ok no worries. any ideas on how the calibration stuff is stored, or how I can avoid wiping it out if I create a custom bootloader & openwrt image?
<robimarko> I think there is a partition for it
<robimarko> But like I said, its been years
<csrf> ok, i'll take another look at it. thanks anyways
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
* f00b4r0 still can't quite figure which menuconfig settings trigger a near complete rebuild of world when only changing a DTS :P
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<f00b4r0> well after quite a bit of fiddling, I now have a clean PR for the RB hAP ac lite (#9825)
<f00b4r0> testing on my installed router made that a lot more "fun" ;P
<zorun> f00b4r0: it was never ported to ath79 until now?! I thought it was
<f00b4r0> zorun: it wasn't. There was a lingering PR opened in aug 2021, but the author went MIA
<f00b4r0> so I got tired of waiting and decided to fix this myself. Also because I don't want to retire that device now that 19.07 is EOL'd :)
<zorun> I see, aug 2020 even (from the link in your pull request)
<f00b4r0> yeah I meant 2020 sorry
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<f00b4r0> last author comment is from aug 2021. Anyway, now it's done :)
<zorun> do you need testing? I think I got one "somewhere" in my mess :p
<f00b4r0> you're welcome to test sure, but I've only posted after testing on my own device (which is why I was offline, it's my current router): it works :)
<f00b4r0> I checked MACs, LED polarity, switch port numbering, pretty much everything
<f00b4r0> booting master from initramfs can be tricky depending on your bootloader: you don't want too big an image
<f00b4r0> mine seems to choke above 5.3MB
<zorun> good then
<zorun> oh, that seems annoying... from what I can see, release initramfs for ath79/mikrotik are around 6 MB...
<f00b4r0> yeah. AIUI it varies from device to device. We had the same issue with one of the more recent RB merge IIRC
<f00b4r0> #4176 in fact.
<f00b4r0> for the hAP ac, unsurprisingly
<f00b4r0> zorun: I'm thinking a way out could be to backport RB devices to 21.02 as much as possible (fortunately it shouldn't be overly difficult as we use a couple DTSIs for all of them), as the 21.02 initramfs is still within limits, from what I can tell. Then we could suggest using this to netboot before flashing the final image
<f00b4r0> seems easier than hacking the build system to generate an initramfs that's different from the sysupgrade image
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<zorun> sounds good
<zorun> would it work to boot the ar71xx initramfs (e.g. 19.07) and flash the ath79 image from there?
<zorun> as another solution
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<Grommish> f00b4r0: Wouldn't changing the DTS effectively 'change' the kernel? That triggers a rebuild because of kernel magik I bet
<Grommish> Just a guess thouh
<f00b4r0> zorun: I suppose it would, assuming sysupgrade -F. But it would also only work for devices that 19.07 supports, not for new ones.
<f00b4r0> Grommish: didn't happen on every build. I guess I must have done something wrong somewhere
<Grommish> Ah, gotcha
<f00b4r0> I wish john would react on #3271. I've got something that works in current master but I'd rather not bypass him
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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