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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#529]( of `mediatek/mt7623` completed successfully.
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<rsalvaterra> Mangix: That was fast, thanks for the Tor merge! It's such a huge update I believe it should be backported to all OpenWrt versions we support.
<rsalvaterra> It's quite likely a large number of nodes are running on OpenWrt.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#536]( of `mediatek/mt7629` completed successfully.
<nick[m]1234> mrkiko: i started already porting 11 oft my 17 devices. ;) also pinged the devics maintainer.
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<grift> failsafe mode saved my butt
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<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: great! thanks for your effort- it's pretty intensive I think
<mrkiko> grift: yes, it does sometimes :D
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: how is it going?
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<Pepes> rsalvaterra: I agree, tor should be backported to all OpenWrt versions. :)
<Pepes> But the PR was merged too fast, I would say even w/o maintainer approval/notice
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<enyc> Interested in OpenWRT-plans for usability-abstractions =)
<enyc> e.g. 1-click guest-network e.g. 2.4 and 5ghz follow same config [with separae channel number dropdowns] unless select to separate etc.
<enyc> is this sort of thing that might be added to 22.03, extra pkgs, etc. or somewhere go into $planning boards for 23.xx ??
<rsalvaterra> Pepes: especially this new version, with congestion control! ;)
<rsalvaterra> Pepes: Are you getting this into TurrisOS? :)
<bkallus> Are there any obvious ways I could have misconfigured things in menuconfig that would prevent the nand mtd devices from showing up in /dev?
<Pepes> rsalvaterra: Most packages in Turris OS comes from OpenWrt as it is and no further work is necessary to have it in Turris OS. Unfortunately, there are some issues with OpenWrt 21.02 and DSA/VLANs and for some time, we need to stay on outdated version, which is sad. :( But I'm going to backport lts kernel 5.15 for OpenWrt 21.02 in Turris OS 6.x.
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<dwfreed> enyc: it is far too late for 22.03
<enyc> dwfreed: i'm sure, but would like toknow who is considering these things, and where suggestions get made, and so-on
<dwfreed> you'd have to ask the luci maintainer(s)
<enyc> dwfreed: -or- where these sorts of things get tested-out as addon-packages to current-release before another (i.e. test on 22.03)
<dwfreed> I mean, anybody can make a luci addon
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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#33]( of `layerscape/armv7` completed successfully.
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<zorun> and I just saw from 3 days ago but I don't know what this is exactly
<enyc> AHA! thankyou!
<enyc> so, plans afoot for master/23.xx and some aspects COULD be backported to optional package for 22.03 but who-knows ??!?
<zorun> there's no plan that I know of
<enyc> shame but thankyou for pointing-out !!! =)
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream,
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<grift> selinuxenabled 2>/dev/null && restorecon /etc/group
<grift> would that be acceptable?
<grift> sed does that in-place atomically and that causes /etc/group to be mislabeled on selinux systems when once install a package that wants to add a uid/gid
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<dwfreed> grift: that can cause problems in set -e environments
<dwfreed> if [ -x /path/to/selinuxenabled ] && selinuxenabled; then restorecon /etc/group; fi
<grift> thanks will address it
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<Grommish> Anyone familar with ipq40xx targets that would be able to tell me if the instruction-set flags +v7,-d32,+thumb2,+neon,+vfp4 would be appropriate?
<robimarko> I can tell you that its ARMv7, has Thumb2 support as well as NEON with VFP4
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<robimarko> Not sure about -D32 as VFPv4 does not offer register width options like VFPv3 did
<robimarko> Grommish: What are possible feature combinations?
<robimarko> More preciselly, where are they defined
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<robimarko> I assume they are just LLVM feature flags
<robimarko> Which has horrible docs, GCC at least documents them
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