<hurricos> So it looks like the 6GHz band is disabled
<hurricos> but other than that?
<hurricos> I'm absolutely shocked. I pulled the kmods and grabbed the raw firmware bin files from github , and ...
<hurricos> everything worked
<hurricos> rm /etc/config/wireless; wifi config; <- gave all the full DBDC configs ... which then *worked*
<slh> make sure to update wireless-regdb as well, I'm not sure if it reflects the current state regarding 6 GHz (at least not for ETSI)
<hurricos> thank you, I was wondering -- I am on snapshot
<hurricos> unfortunately, I'm up to date :^)
<hurricos> iw reg get shows US, but ...
<slh> ax210 only learned 6 GHz/ ETSI in jate january (via a firmware update), wpa_cli -i wlp2s0 status | grep ^freq= \n freq=6135
<hurricos> I did a quick git log --grep regdb and found HR supports 6GHz
<hurricos> fwiw I'm on a Fedora laptop on ax210 where `iw reg get` clearly shows country: US with access to all of the 6GHz bands
<hurricos> just with no-ir
<hurricos> rather than disabled
<hurricos> so I choose to believe the regdb is wrong and circumvent it for testing purposes for the next 5 minutes by switching to the wrong country :grimacing:
<hurricos> and boom,the lower half of 6GHZ is unlocked O_O
<slh> intel cards 'learn' the regulatory domain from their environment, which can bring its own kind of joy
<hurricos> oh dear
<hurricos> in any case. hostapd isn't quite there in terms of config, barfing 'Pre-RSNA security methods are not allowed in 6 GHz'
<slh> WPA3/SAE 'should' be used on 6 GHz, yes
<hurricos> Oh!
<hurricos> I see!
<hurricos> switched ... and it's up!
<hurricos> I shall report back ...
<slh> yay :)
<hurricos> It's absolutely buggy!
<hurricos> And it's CPU-throttled because of interrupt handling.
<hurricos> but it's kernel 5.10 on powerpc
<hurricos> I wasn't exactly expecting it to work
<hurricos> and it hasn't crashed the host system
<hurricos> specifically, getting a number of '[ 1688.285397] mt7915e 9000:01:00.0: Message 000026ed (seq 5) timeout
<hurricos> ... -s, after a long iperf
<slh> big endian...
<hurricos> It works quite well
<hurricos> so far
<hurricos> the thing just crashes.
<hurricos> eventually.
<hurricos> Par for the course, I mean, the firmware files aren't even *available* in OpenWrt
<slh> well, that's the smallest imaginable problem ;)
<hurricos> but yeah, after a long iperf, the hardware just goes unrespos OUCH ejust goes
<hurricos> OH GOD
<hurricos> =_=
<hurricos> that's why it went unresponsive
<hurricos> I need to heatsink it wayyyyyyy better lmao
<hurricos> unplugged the AP ^ ^
<slh> yes, 802.11ax is power hungry - and I don't even want to imagine a DBDC
<hurricos> was only using one channel :^)
<hurricos> it still comes up!
<hurricos> heatsink solves it
<slh> :)
<hurricos> cpu bound ;'(
<slh> which isn't really surprising
<hurricos> hmm, but it only ever hits 50% CPU. The P1020 I'm using is fully dual-core
<hurricos> I wonder if there's anything I can do to help balance those interrupts?
<hurricos> rr
<hurricos> interrupts
<hurricos> not the right word.
<hurricos> The load in general, it's mostly not interrupts
<hurricos> top suggests NAPI, which I think is fairly flexible
<hurricos> uh
<hurricos> uhhh
<hurricos> holy fuck
<hurricos> just randomly tested purly over wifi, running the iperf3 server on the board
<hurricos> cracked 1.2
<hurricos> 1200*
<hurricos> looks like moving packets all the way through the cpu to the gianfar thing is a performance hit
<hurricos> I'm guessing *because* it's dual-core actually
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<hurricos> I've noticed more than once that the P1011 is faster, even faster than the difference in frequency
<slh> that's promising for filogic 870
<hurricos> the performance hits might be because the P1020's bar is slow
<hurricos> and the kernel is trying to balance between CPUs
<hurricos> hold on, let me seriously try it again
<hurricos> [ 5] 0.00-43.35 sec 5.19 GBytes 1.03 Gbits/sec 2 sender
<hurricos> it's on transmit where things suffer, not receive
<hurricos> [SUM] 1.00-2.00 sec 151 MBytes 1.27 Gbits/sec 0
<slh> nice, I'm limited by my wired backbone
<hurricos> [SUM] 0.00-1.00 sec 168 MBytes 1.41 Gbits/sec 0
<slh> [ 5] 3.00-4.00 sec 110 MBytes 921 Mbits/sec
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<hurricos> It's unfortunate the bottleneck is CPU ... maybe if I disable SMP ...
<hurricos> I dunno.
<slh> that's not going to help
<slh> well, easy enough to test, still not going to make a change
<hurricos> slh: oddly, a p1011 clocked at 1GHz can carry (over ssh) 27MB/s, whereas a p1020e @ 800 can only carry 17
<slh> weird, but I'm not that familiar with ppc (never had any)
<hurricos> I'm guessing freescale's hardware just isn't very good at smp
<hurricos> it's nice to be able to map interupts across multiple CPUs, but there's a hard limit on the bus between the two CPUs
<hurricos> Hmm, no. I say that, but iperf3 to localhost is rather fast
<hurricos> it's probably just bound by the amount of work that goes into mt76 tx
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<hurricos> no big deal anyways. My use-case is HE160 in a very clear band over fairly long distances
<hurricos> anyone else here heard of celeno?
<slh> I wonder who they bought/ rebranded, can't really imagine them having developed a 802.11ax chipset from scratch (considering that realtek doesn't have anything so far)
<hurricos> slh: looks like they had their earliest designs based on ralink/mediatek
<hurricos> .... rebadged versions of those*
<hurricos> a breath of new life for ath9k! Someone submitted the QCN550X black-magic to patchwork :^)
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<slh> nice, also adding the 4th stream?
<hurricos> nope :(
<hurricos> Wait! No! I was looking at an earlier commit in the patchset
<hurricos> later on in the eeprom format rework they do break AR9300_MAX_CHAINS :^) https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/linux-wireless/patch/20220512195319.14635-9-wlooi@ucalgary.ca/
<hurricos> My understanding was, yes, the driver just needed to be able to handle the config formatting for the 4th chain, since no other ath9k hardware has it
<hurricos> It's really incredible. Qualcomm didn't document it at all, they just made it and put it out there ...
<hurricos> someone randomly discovers it and mentions it, and a few months later 4x4 ath9k is headed to mainline.
<slh> well, cheap re-using of existing designs with few changes
<hurricos> Right!
<hurricos> ath9k really is good, cheap, simple hardware
<slh> or why we have (had) mips based routers to begin with
<hurricos> back from the days where if you implemented CSMA, RTS/CTS/aggregation/encryptoin in hardware, you had the holy grail
<hurricos> alas, time marches on
<Namidairo> yeah, I did wonder where these celeno chipsets came from
<hurricos> one thing I didn't count on was just how hot these things get ...
<hurricos> Unfortunately, the MSM466 outdoor APs don't heatsink the hardware much
<hurricos> it probably helps them that ath9k has, uh, no firmware/CPU ... so it can probably tolerate higher temps
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<hurricos> grr, unfortunately it hangs immediately if asked to enter IBSS
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<hurricos> It took me more than a few minutes to realize that doesn't matter, as our legacy networks don't support 6E
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<shibboleth> blocktrron, f00b4r0, hapaclite doesn't seem to build from master. known issue or should i find the logs?
<f00b4r0> shibboleth: not known issue to me
<f00b4r0> it built when I submitted it, since I tested it too
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<shibboleth> iirc it's the "world" stage, booting the buildbox atm
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<f00b4r0> it's built in snapshots on downloads.openwrt.org
<shibboleth> could be some non-default config/component then
<shibboleth> uhm, is there a .log for the prev/last build or will i have to run yet another?
<shibboleth> no bother, won't take long
<f00b4r0> i don't think successful build logs are kept
<shibboleth> path/to/openwrt/build_dir/target-mips_24kc_musl/procd-default/procd-2022-05-03-652e6df0/service/instance.c:426:(.text+0x5b0e): relocation R_MIPS16_26 against `unlink' cannot be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
<shibboleth> ad nauseum, for pretty much every pkg, seems like
<f00b4r0> i'm afraid that's completely unrelated to the device
<shibboleth> well, i can build other ath79 and ipq806x from the same buildroot
<f00b4r0> start from distclean then
<shibboleth> ok, let's see
<shibboleth> also, and unrelated. the sysupgrade image version magic seems broken for wpa8630 v2
<shibboleth> if you upgrade an older, ath79 install to ath79-tiny you get the warning about blocksize, etc as expected. so you do a clean flash, repopulate config. but then you get the same warning when sysupgrading ath79-tiny to ath79-tiny / v2/v2
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<shibboleth> f00b4r0, yeah, seems to have worked.
<shibboleth> is the sysupgrade/config issue solved? with stock/generic 1907 images configs would survive a sysupgrade but then somehow magically be gone on the second reboot?
<f00b4r0> that shouldn't happen anymore. However preserving configs from 19.07 is an unsafe bet due to network changes
<shibboleth> sure
<shibboleth> also also: maybe kmod-usb2 should be selected by default?
<f00b4r0> it's not necessary to operate the device so I left it out.
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<shibboleth> well, it'd be unfortunate for this to make it into 2203 release without usb support?
<shibboleth> also, if you're running a master image it'll you won't be able to fetch it at the next kernel bump.
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<f00b4r0> not sure what he meant.
<rsalvaterra> nbd: I bumped 5.15 to 5.15.42, but there are many changes in the flow offloading code and the xt_FLOWOFFLOAD patch needs your love. I had to rebase it manually but wasn't successful. It compiled, but now it's crashing my Belkin (MT7622)… :/
<nbd> are these changes in a staging tree somewhere?
<rsalvaterra> I can push them out.
<rsalvaterra> I'm just worried someone might blindingly pull, build and kill their device. :P
<f00b4r0> nbd: dunno if you saw my earlier question: will mt76 be updated before 22.03.0 is released? If not I think we want to backport the fix for encap offload ethernet type check
<nbd> f00b4r0: i'll try to get around to it this week
<f00b4r0> cool, thanks!
<nbd> rsalvaterra: maybe just put them in a branch
<nbd> so i can fetch them and make some fixups for you to fold in
<rsalvaterra> Oops. Sorry, I updated the pull request. :8
<rsalvaterra> Quite silly of me. Let me create another branch.
<robimarko> rsalvaterra: How is the mvebu 5.15 going along?
<rsalvaterra> robimarko: Needs fixes from 5.15.42. :)
<robimarko> Well, at least the FDB violation was finally fixed then
<rsalvaterra> robimarko: I don't know if it's enough, but someone reported success on a Linksys device.
<robimarko> Its getting hard to find people to test on those A38X devices
<rsalvaterra> Yeah… I do quite a lot of testing on my Omnia, but it seems like I'm lucky and everything Just Works™. :)
<robimarko> Its the switch, those that had issues are quite rare and pretty much only those A38X devices used them
<rsalvaterra> nbd: I had to introduce an unused struct nf_flowtable *flowtable argument in xt_flowoffload_check_hook to fix the build, but obviously that isn't enough.
<nbd> i see the problem in your commit
<rsalvaterra> I'm sure you do. :)
<nbd> you changed the last argument in the call to nf_flow_table_iterate from table to NULL
<rsalvaterra> Yes.
<nbd> which means the data argument to xt_flowoffload_check_hook will be NULL as well
<nbd> and you didn't update the code in xt_flowoffload_check_hook to no longer rely on data
<rsalvaterra> Hm… misunderstood the code, then.
<nbd> one moment, need to look at the code in context, then i can tell you how to fix it
<rsalvaterra> Ok, thanks! I'm going to have lunch soon, but feel free to message me in private, if you prefer.
<nbd> instead of table = data, you do table = container_of(flowtable, struct xt_flowoffload_table, ft);
<nbd> that should fix it
<rsalvaterra> Ugh…! Right, container_of. Me and my lousy C… :(
<nbd> if you had left 'table' in as the last argument to nf_flow_table_iterate, it would have worked as well
<nbd> but it's cleaner to rely on the new extra argument now
<rsalvaterra> Yeah, but I was trying to match the current style. I think the idea will be to remove *data altogether in the future.
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<shibboleth> f00b4r0, tested and working fine, configs survive second reboot after sysupgrade. huzzah
<shibboleth> that being said, i find it odd that kmod-usb2=y isn't the default. it was required for the onboard usb to work on 1907 ar71xx generic
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<f00b4r0> shibboleth: it's required for usb to work, it's not required for the device to work
<karlp> is there any reason _not_ to have it? (I can't think of any?)
<f00b4r0> feel free to submit a patch
<f00b4r0> i was under the impression that should only be included the packages _necessary_ for a device to work. Maybe I'm wrong, either way it is what it is.
<Azq2> Why gdb don't display symbols on x86? I use musl libc and openwrt from master. And my program has debug symbols: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1, with debug_info, not stripped
<Azq2> I see only shit like this: 0x00007ffff7fdc36c in ?? ()
<shibboleth> f00b4r0, neither is wifi kmod/firmware :P
<f00b4r0> yes it is for network operation
<f00b4r0> anyway, this is opensource.
<shibboleth> f00b4r0, same with leds. listen, your pr, you decide, but find any other device that comes with onboard usb where openwrt doesn't have kmod-usbfoo?
<f00b4r0> my patch has been merged. If you are unhappy, submit another one and please stop harassing me.
<shibboleth> harass? well, that wasn't my intention and sure doesn't seem to jive with the dictionary definition. anyway, as i said: your pr, you decide, good job anyway
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<f00b4r0> the ar71xx image didn't have kmod-usb2, fwiw.
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<shibboleth> indeed
<shibboleth> because: generic
<shibboleth> one image: maybe twenty devices
<f00b4r0> and nobody complained about the situation.
<Azq2> Lol, with glibc gdb works fine. Okay.................................
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<shibboleth> f00b4r0, also didn't necessarily include required device-specific wifi stuff. and no one complained because: generic. anyway, i've said my two cents
<f00b4r0> it certainly did.
<shibboleth> for that device in particular, it did
<f00b4r0> for all supported devices.
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<rsalvaterra> Suggestions for breaking that long like are welcome… :)
<nbd> separate the variable declaration from the assignment
<nbd> so struct xt_flowoffload_table *table; and table = container_of(flowtable, struct xt_flowoffload_table, ft);
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<rsalvaterra> Yeah, will do, just a sec…
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.1% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<mrnuke> hurricos: Can you give this a try? (realtek-poe fix): https://github.com/mrnuke/openwrt/commit/1792640093aee2a6595747b7e724bdb30ede44ca
<hurricos> Is there a way to send a syslog stream from `logread` over an encrypted layer?
<hurricos> mrnuke: On it.
<hurricos> Oh, that was already applied
<hurricos> I say with radiant confidence, suddenly very worried.
<hurricos> Yep.
<hurricos> We should share one branch and not have multiple ones with different histories.
<hurricos> :^)
<mrnuke> I see my colorful commit message was well received :). I did not imagine it would ever make it out of that branch :D
<hurricos> Uh
<hurricos> Oh! that one. Yeah, I chuckled.
<mrnuke> hurricos: Let's think in terms of a separate git repo for realtek-poe, under the context that it will be a feeds package (like poemgr)
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<hurricos> a bounty on this `podman build` error: https://paste.c-net.org/RoseannePlatter
<mrnuke> Also, I'd like to make the "sendframe" command only available for builds with a special compile-time flag set. Sending frames willie-nillie in production is dangerous -- there's even a command to erase the PSE firmware
<hurricos> mrnuke: +1. On the other hand, you can always pick the frames before they get sent, similarly to what is done with mtd locking ..
<hurricos> you can always destroy embedded hardware, it's not hard :^)
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<mrnuke> well yes. But will the package be realtek-poe, or realtek-poe-destroyer?
<mrnuke> Anyhow, I see "sendframe" only being useful for quick prototyping -- it's faster than coding. Useful for debugging the actual protocol, at which point you're building realtek-poe from sources, and have likely discovered the flag
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<mrnuke> umh, I have an embarraring confession to make. https://github.com/Hurricos/openwrt/commit/071ee5846ac460f481a07a56a91a9f4c8da0c093 is missing a closing parenthesis on the if clause
<rsalvaterra> mrnuke: I have a technique for that. I start counting parenthesis from left to right. Opening, +1. Closing, -1. If I end up with something other than zero, there's a problem. :P
<rsalvaterra> Parenthesis refcount, basically. :)
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<mrnuke> rsalvaterra: Hehe! I do that too when I get desperate and all other methods have failed. I never thought of it as refcounting. I like that!
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