<Slimey> vASIC's are a comin' Broadcom is going to get crazy with things
<swiftgeek> lmao, so on MR3420v1 (AR7241) mtest was failing with 32MiB (stock), but once swapped again to 64MiB it works just fine xD
<swiftgeek> though maybe it isn't testing enough of memory now and i need to pass parameters to make it test nearly entire ram
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<xdarklight> dwfreed: comment added (as it's already in 22.03). thanks ynezz for closing :-)
<dwfreed> xdarklight: perfect
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_ath79.html has been updated. (99.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<rsalvaterra> jow: Have a moment to chat about netifd, network configurations and MTU? :)
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<stintel> Slimey: we didn't manage to get musl fixed properly for the e5500 yet :(
<stintel> and with the lovely weather and canceled covid restrictions ... I'm currently on a beach in Greece :P
<stintel> not the ideal location to work on porting a device :D
<stintel> going back home tonight, leaving again on Friday, I might take the device with me, I have an order for some 6GHz radios I would like to use in the 3040, would be nice if the device boots OpenWrt by the time I get these radios
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* russell-- is in paris at the moment, was slightly surprised at the low fraction of masking in the metro, ~10%
<robimarko> Thats cause mask are not mandatory
<dwmw2_gone> Neither is covering your mouth when you cough
<dwmw2_gone> Just basic human decency
<robimarko> I wish things were like that
<robimarko> But as soon as it was not mandatory that was it
<russell--> i have noticed that people still gravitate to eating outside when possible
<robimarko> In Croatia its the same, but here its a custom that as soon as the weather is nice you do everything outside
<rsalvaterra> I do hope that despite being optional, people will maintain the habit of using masks in closed public spaces.
<robimarko> rsalvaterra: dont hold your breath
<russell--> just spent the last 10 days or so traversing southern france from ile d'oleron to grenoble, masks almost nowhere to be seen
<russell--> holding your breath is a safe way to not wear a mask
<russell--> but, hard to do on a long term basis
<rsalvaterra> russell--: Without help, yes… xD
<robimarko> Here, as soon as mask were not mandatory in shopping malls they are nowhere to be seen
<robimarko> Only in hospitals and even there everybody got tired of them
<robimarko> neighboring countries the same
<robimarko> Going to Denmark and Germany soon, so will see whats the situation there
* russell-- headed to uk and ireland next
<russell--> trolling for new strains to take home
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<robimarko> russell: summer is here, enjoy the traditional COVID break
<robimarko> We will be back to it in september/october
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<f00b4r0> I suspect I have a different take on the masks than you guys then. I'm glad it's gone.
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<Habbie> robimarko, paris metro was >90% just 3 weeks ago
<f00b4r0> ^
<robimarko> I agree, could not have come earlier
<Habbie> robimarko, ah, rules changed may 16
<Habbie> oops
<Habbie> meant russell-- :)
<robimarko> I think only Germany is still requring masks in public transport
<Habbie> they did last week ;)
<Habbie> (i got all my traveling for the year done in the last 3 weeks ;) )
<robimarko> I am kind of hoping they will give up until middle of June
<robimarko> But its the germans
<f00b4r0> :)
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<robimarko> I am still mad at england for messing up my england-croatia euro match last summer
<robimarko> Like the only time when I was able to buy tickets
<f00b4r0> what happened?
<robimarko> Well, they required for everybody to have a 10 day quaranteen in a hotel
<robimarko> Effectively blocking all foreign spectators
<f00b4r0> ugh
<robimarko> So, there was like 100 croatia fans for a match that was sold out 2 years before
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<rsalvaterra> Jesus Christ, this documentation is atrocious. https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/network-scripting#api
<rsalvaterra> "It seems to avoid…"
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<rsalvaterra> "…I think it looks like…"
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<rsalvaterra> "…currently I do not know where to find the source code…"
<rsalvaterra> "…this is only a vague idea…"
<rsalvaterra> I'm trying to understand how netifd works, and this is only making it worse.
<rsalvaterra> Does anyone have *any idea* of what proto_add_host_dependency even does?
<Namidairo> stuff.
<rsalvaterra> Namidairo: That doesn't explain anything. I've read that. I've read the netifd source code.
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<rsalvaterra> How not to submit a driver, v2. :P https://marc.info/?l=linux-wireless&m=165339221917278&w=4
<rsalvaterra> dwfreed: I did, but didn't make much of it.
<Namidairo> ...what are those commits
<dwfreed> rsalvaterra: https://lxr.openwrt.org/source/netifd/proto-shell.c#L117 seems pretty straightforward
<rsalvaterra> Namidairo: Each commit is a single complete file(!!).
<Namidairo> that was rhetorical but yes
<dwfreed> rsalvaterra: but basically, it allows an interface to add a route and dependency on another interface, like a VPN interface getting a direct route to its endpoint, and declaring that it depends on the interface for that route
<rsalvaterra> dwfreed: I need to spend some time reading the code. I'm not exactly a C expert and I'm also not familiar with the internals of netifd.
<dwfreed> so if your WAN link goes down, your VPN goes down too
<dwfreed> (and doesn't just remain stuck in a limbo state)
<rsalvaterra> dwfreed: Now that you mention it, I do see a specific route for the VPN endpoint through the wan device.
<rsalvaterra> It didn't have to exist, but now I do see why. Thanks! :)
<dwfreed> often times VPN interfaces will add their own default routes, or will add override "default" routes (0/1, 128/1), and thus need their endpoint IP to have a more specific route through the outgoing interface
<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_omap.html has been updated. (11.1% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<dwfreed> lol
<rsalvaterra> The DNS configuration is just too broken for words.
<rsalvaterra> Assuming a) we're using dnsmasq as the resolver and b) there's a single instance of it running.
<rsalvaterra> Oh, and c) we want to use the VPN-provided resolvers.
<dwfreed> I mean, at least C is often true
<rsalvaterra> Sure, at least for some domains, but… sometimes we don't need DNS at all. In my case, I need to access two hosts. That's all. :)
<dwfreed> heh
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<hurricos> stintel: I have gotten my 2x 7916, 1x 7915 and 1x 7615 from AsiaRF
<hurricos> (just received*)
<hurricos> mt7916 is 6E stuff. I'll be sticking them into my mpc85xx devices. If I have any issues, I'll stick them into an issue tracker and link you up
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<mrnuke> Is there an expected ETA for patches from Github PRs? Better chance on the mailing list?
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<mangix> hurricos: best of luck
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_lantiq.html has been updated. (96.2% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<Pepes> hurricos: We tried AW7915 on Turris 1.1 (mpc85xx, p2020) and it works flawlessly. No additional work was needed. Just plug and play. :)
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<hurricos> Pepes: :O
<hurricos> Well, I guess I'm going to the Lab today :^)
<hurricos> Pepes: 5.15, or even with the 5.10 backports it works?
<hurricos> fwiw I do have two AW7916, and I think the FW for those is really bleeding edge new
<hurricos> like, first released in Feb. So I wonder if they'll even be in snapshot's packages
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<matoro> hello all, I know this is not really directly related but I'm wondering if there's anyone here who might be able to help. I've picked up a cavium octeon ii 68xx eval board recently, and I'm having trouble getting the serial driver to work. I have tried the openwrt kernel for these boards but it panics before getting there due to this line in octeon_ethernet:
<matoro> https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/staging/octeon/ethernet-rx.c#L464 . so I've been starting with the openwrt config as a base to try and get it going with the latest stable kernel. if I enable either CONFIG_PCI_MSI or CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DETECT_IRQ, then it prints "1180000000800.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1180000000800 (irq = 228, base_baud = 50000000) is a
<matoro> 165500." before switching to an incorrect baud rate and corrupting further output. for reference, the ancient kernel it ships with prints "is an OCTEON". if I have either of those disabled, then it doesn't find any console at all past early boot. might anyone have a clue or be able to help?
<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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