<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#606](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/65/builds/606) of `archs38/generic` completed successfully.
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<mrkiko> cmonroe_: all seems stable here, didn't notice any "impossible" messages but maybe I didn't look long enough. However, connectivity seems stable and working fine. For good measure I am running the mt76 HEAD as In OpenWrt, latest commit Sun Jul 3 17:52 by nbd
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<f00b4r0> jow: I just noticed your (rather important) fixes to luci-proto-wireguard haven't been backported to the stable branches: do you plan to do so?
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<_embargo_> Good morning, folks. I think I'm hitting a bug in odhcpd, can anyone give me some hints how to debug it?
<_embargo_> I have realized that when the routing table gets populated with the full BGP feed, the odhcpd process starts cosuming 100% of the CPU. When I disable the BGP daemon and flush routing table, it gets back to normal.
<_embargo_> Any tips how to troubleshoot this?
<_embargo_> I'm running TurrisOS 6 based on OpenWrt 21.02; haven't tested it on vanilla Wrt yet.
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<aeforeve> is it possible to make it work DLINK 853 R3 ?
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<stintel> hmmm, I found a bug in something that tripped on a full IPv6 BGP feed a long time ago
<stintel> but I don't remember if that was odhcpd, I actually think it was, reading something in /proc
<stintel> hmmm it still reads /proc/net/ipv6_route apparently
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<stintel> I guess I just stopped using odhcpd
<stintel> because I'm still doing full bgp feed
<stintel> ah but my peer is sending me a v6 default route via BGP and I filtered out everything else so /proc/net/ipv6_route is manageable
<stintel> embargo: ^
<stintel> I'm afraid odhcpd master still reads /proc/net/ipv6_route so the only thing I can say is: don't use odhcpd or have your bgp daemon install a summary route in the Linux routing table instead
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<stintel> 151510 of 151518 routes for 151517 networks in table master6
<stintel> parse_routes while read those line by line, every X time (didn't dig deep enough to find X), result is that it is constantly using a full core to read that file and probably doesn't finish before the timer expires
<stintel> there's probably a better way to find an IPv6 default route but that's what odhcpd does currently
<dwfreed> you can get a route via netlink, iirc (pretty sure that's how iproute2 does it), but when you're running full table, how do you get the right route?
<f00b4r0> now I'm curious what context requires a full table *and* a dhcpv6 server :)
<stintel> irclogs/2016/08/Freenode/#lede-dev.log.xz:14|16:52:06< stintel> open("/proc/net/ipv6_route", O_RDONLY) = 11
<stintel> irclogs/2016/08/Freenode/#lede-dev.log.xz:14|16:52:22< stintel> there's the problem
<stintel> 14|19:39:35< stintel> wc -l on /proc/net/ipv6_route with 33634 entries takes 80 seconds on ERL
<stintel> :P
<f00b4r0> yuck
<stintel> hmmm
<stintel> 14|19:41:05< stintel> I've set ra_default 2 now in my config, together with that patch my problem is gone
<stintel> but that URL is dead
<stintel> I was looking at gh/sbyx/odhcpd code
<stintel> embargo: set ra_default 2 for all networks with IPv6 DHCP enabled
<embargo> f00b4r0: Well, I got fed up with the IPv6 support of my provider, so I got my ASN and IP block...
<f00b4r0> nice
<stintel> embargo: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=project/odhcpd.git;a=commitdiff;h=93ab25b2160ac8a2da6d5dc6ead003e9b8abf9c7
<stintel> coincidentally I asked myself today why I have ra_default 2 in my config 😂
<embargo> stintel: Thanks man!
<stintel> welcome :)
<stintel> sorry for all the blabbering to get to that :P
<f00b4r0> stintel: it's not the destination, it's the journey ;)
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<stintel> interesting that I remembered that from 6 years ago
<stintel> also, irclogs ftw
<f00b4r0> suggests you're not quite senile yet ;D
* mrkiko agrees on the fact it's the journey :D
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<stintel> embargo: did you happen to document the process of getting ASN and IP block? :)
<stintel> I have full BGP feed and /60 from the local hacker lab but your solution sounds more appealing
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<embargo> stintel: I plan to have a public talk about this on a LinuxDays event in Prague. So I have a not so finished presentation ready with the manual how to work with RIPE database to create a necessary objects, and some tips how to find someone who will be "sponsor" of the ASN
<embargo> stintel: It is for the Czech audience but I can translate it to English and publish it somewhere.
<stintel> embargo: that would be amazing
<f00b4r0> +1
<embargo> Okay, you've convinced me. I ping you there when it will be finished.
<stintel> embargo: much appreciated, thanks!
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<Habbie> embargo, sponsor, so no LIR fees?
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<embargo> Habbie: Yes, no LIR fees. It is the situation you are not becoming a LIR, but some other LIR (sposoring) does the paperwork for you. It cost me about €50, one time fee.
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<embargo> Habbie: When you ask for PI addresses, it will cost you €100 per year. But when you get into the amateur ASN community, you will always find someone who will assign you a block of its addresses. Now I have /44 block of PA addresses.
<Habbie> embargo, ack, nice :)
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<embargo> Habbie: https://bgp.tools/as/207632 (PI addresses only) and https://bgp.tools/as/210980 (PA addresses; Im running on this ASN a tunnel broker for my friends)
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<Habbie> embargo, neat :)
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mediatek.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<cmonroe_> mrkiko: glad to hear! i have not seen any issues either.
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<xdarklight> hauke: ping
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<hauke> xdarklight: pong
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<mrnuke> robimarko: Fun days with the netgear u-boot. Kernel gets "ubi.mtd=rootfs root=mtd:ubi_rootfs rootfstype=squashfs rootwait" as boot arguments. Say I append "root=mtd:rootfs", or change the volume name to ubi_rootfs. OpenWRT can't find root
<mrnuke> Essentially boild to [ 1.812590] VFS: Cannot open root device "mtd:ubi_rootfs" or unknown-block(31,12): error -2, although it does probe mtd12 : [ 1.264527] ubi0: attaching mtd12
<hauke> Mangix: I would like to tagg 22.03.0-rc5, is the package feed fine?
<xdarklight> hauke: are you aware of any issues with the GSWIP driver when transmitting/receiving data from one switch port to another? I am trying to get the kernel networking selftests to run which requires stopping any OpenWrt networking and connecting (using a physical cable) for example LAN1 to LAN2 and LAN3 to LAN4. I cannot get traffic to flow in that scenario, no matter what I do. even a simple setup like: ip addr add dev lan1; ip
<xdarklight> addr add dev lan2 doesn't seem to be able to transfer any data
<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<mrkiko> xdarklight: if lan2 is part of a bridge, I would try using the br-interface
<mrkiko> xdarklight: sorry, didn't read the previous message
<xdarklight> mrkiko: selftests manage everything on their own to test hardware features. for some tests they do set up a bridge but that's not my end goal here (my goal is to get the selftests to work to see if the GSWIP driver is broken or not)
<hauke> I am not aware of such an issue
<hauke> xdarklight: is the TX or the RX nmot working?
<hauke> could you check the "ethtool -S" counters on the interfaces please
<hauke> this returns the HW counters on the MAC
<hauke> is traffic send when you conenct the cale to some otehr device in this test case?
<xdarklight> hauke: of course I neither have ethtool or tcpdump built into my image - rebuilding..
<xdarklight> hauke: yes, traffic from/to another device works with the same cable (unplugging it from lan2 and connecting it to a notebook, then configuring the notebook's IP address to be the same as LAN2 was)
<hauke> mybe there is some loop detection active
<hauke> but it should not bve active when we configure them as individual ports
<hauke> where is the mac of the otehr port learned by the switch?
<xdarklight> note that I manually set individual MAC addresses for LAN1..4
<xdarklight> hauke: so LAN1 can at least see that ARP requests: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/1edc128f
<hauke> xdarklight: I think your 3 broadcast packets arrived on the lan1 mac
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<hauke> it looks like Linux does not answer
<hauke> in your log the lan1 only send 8 multicast packets and no unicast answer
<hauke> you should see the answer also in tcpdump
<hauke> this looks like a problem in the linux networking stack
<hauke> probably you configured it wrong
<xdarklight> which is not unlikely. it's strange that the selftests aren't working either though
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<xdarklight> let me run tcpdump while that test is running
<hauke> maybe netifd does some special configuration with the devices
<xdarklight> according to "ps | grep netif" netifd is not running
<xdarklight> also I shut down the firewall
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<robimarko> mrnuke: You also need to tell it which ubiblock to use
<hauke> does the test work on a different system?
<robimarko> mrnuke: So root=/dev/ubiblock0_1 or the correct volume ID
<xdarklight> hauke: you mean my test? not sure, I only tried it on a HH5A so far and that specific selftest requires 4 LAN ports to be controllable by the system (and my PC and notebook each only have one LAN port)
<xdarklight> hauke: and I also don't have any computer with two LAN ports to try my minimal case
<xdarklight> hauke: hmm, something is odd: if I let netifd configure LAN1 and LAN2 in the same way then ping works. so netifd does something different
<xdarklight> (my simple two port test that is)
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<hauke> Mangix: ok thanks
<hauke> ksmbd like always ;-)
<mangix> right. kernel modules
<mangix> oh wait
* mangix looks
<hauke> it looks like this is all in some packages which are continuously rebuild
<hauke> I think xtables-addons does not work with the updated kernel
<hauke> mybe the disable rust patch is not working any more
<hauke> it does there something with rust
<mangix> I think there's some python thing that needs backporting. posted issue
<mangix> oh nvm. master fails too
<mangix> probably some networking thing
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<hauke> Mangix: just tell me when you are finished
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<slh> hauke: presumably https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/openwrt/patch/20220706160852.440795-1-dustin@null-ptr.net/ (openssl 1.1.1q) is wanted (master/ 22.03~), I'm currently building it myself (x86_64, ipq806x, ipq807x already succeeded, ipq40xx, lantiq, ath79 and realtek still building)
<mangix> hauke: done.
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<hauke> slh: yes, but I will wait till after 22.03.0-rc5
<hauke> Mangix: thanks
<hurricos> is there a mt76-based m.2-factor wireless card that isn't garbage?
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<hurricos> MT7921K is because it's substantially different silicon
<mrnuke> robimarko: Not sure how to find the correct block. Couldn't find any info in opwnert wiki either. (https://gist.github.com/mrnuke/752d94e4a1f0d1bfc35a92121ea24b27)
<mrnuke> hurricos: hi. mid-air collision
<hurricos> Hey :^)
<hurricos> I'm trying to head home from work at a reasonable time and my WiFi goes out because mt7921k breaks down when asked to reauthenticate.
<hurricos> I'm shopping for an ath9k m.2 card now. Can you believe it?!
<hurricos> I'm going to drive home now, but I'll be active again to read once I'm there
<mrnuke> shopping for wifi over the broken wifi? Sounds like fun
<hurricos> only breaks on rekey, which is by default (thankfully) 8 hours after I associate
<hurricos> Ooh, I don't know. I feel like gambling today. Maybe I'll get a QCA6174.
* mrnuke runs in pain
<hurricos> ... just kidding. I'm not committing self-harm
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<mangix> hurricos: not a bad choice
<mangix> I think I still have a DW1802
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