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<neggles> hm. why is it ubiblock0_0 on altroot but ubiblock0_1 on normal root
<neggles> weird
<neggles> probably means it should've been ubiblock0_0 on both
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<KGB-1> has been updated. (98.7% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<mrkiko> Hello all!!
<robimarko> Hi
<mrkiko> :)
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<schmars[m]> is OFDMA currently supported on 802.11ax devices?
<PaulFertser> schmars[m]: if you have mt7915 you can check debugfs:
<schmars[m]> thanks! this from july also is relevant i guess
<schmars[m]> so it's in the works and i can go and see, nice
<PaulFertser> Yes, for different device.
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<SpectreDev_01> neggles: can ya help
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<SpectreDev_01> Ok solved it, just needed to ubiformat mtd24 then sysupgrade
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<KGB-0> has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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