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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<iocampomx> I got the following error when trying to mount an MTD block: You cannot use older JFFS2 filesystems with newer kernels. Any idea on how to solve it?
<dwfreed> I mean, if you don't need the data on the block, reformat it
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<iocampomx> I would like to keep the data.
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<slh> probably extract either with an old kernel or in userspace (binwalk?) and reformat
<slh> mtd-utils comes with jffs2dump && jffs2reader
<iocampomx> Well, I created a copy of the blocks and I was able to extract the content with binwalk, but, I want to keep the blocks as they are (some of those) on the existing router.
<iocampomx> So that those could be compatible with the stock firmware
<dwfreed> I mean, you don't have that choice, it sounds like
<iocampomx> It sounds like I don't have a choice, however I want to double check. The stock firmware is using Kernel v2.4, I'm using the latest OpenWRT. I'm not super familiar with MTD, but it's very strange that a feature like this is not backwards compatible in newer kernel versions.
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<dwfreed> iocampomx: it has nothing to do with mtd and everything to do with significant changes in jffs2 between a kernel from more than a *decade* ago and now
<dwfreed> the last 2.4 release (which is probably newer than the stock firmware is using) was December 18, 2010
<iocampomx> Got it. I'm reading this doc: https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/flash.layout. So, to leverage MTD device, I just need to 1) specify partitions on DTS file, 2) formate, 3) use them as needed?
<dwfreed> yes
<iocampomx> What about the bootloader partition, is that something I should not touch?
<dwfreed> definitely leave it alone, unless you want an expensive paperweight
<iocampomx> Got it. By any chance, do you have experience with the MT7628 WIFI driver?
<dwfreed> nope
<iocampomx> Or any idea on how I can include this driver https://github.com/openwrt/mt76 in the build?
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<PaulFertser> iocampomx: you just select support for mt76 in normal "make menuconfig" in kernel drivers.
<PaulFertser> iocampomx: you'll also need firmware for the chip.
<iocampomx> I did that, but, I wasn't even able to see the device with lspci, as a first step.
<iocampomx> I'm currently following this recommendation: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/adding-support-for-zbtlink-we5126/86719/4?u=iocampomx
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<PaulFertser> iocampomx: drivers for devices do not affect lspci listing at all, if you do not have something on the PCIe bus then the problem is below the device's driver level.
<iocampomx> Correct, I need to first fix the hardware identification, before jumping to the driver
<PaulFertser> iocampomx: have you enabled the right bus in the DT? Do you see it getting probed but not results that should be there
<iocampomx> mt7620-pci 10140000.pcie: PCIE0 no card, disable it(RST&CLK). mt7620-pci: probe of 10140000.pcie failed with error -1
<PaulFertser> So probably the card is kept in reset somehow, probably some GPIO is involved or something like that.
<PaulFertser> Or it needs additional voltage source enabled, who knows.
<PaulFertser> That's assuming it's supposed to appear on PCIE0 and not 1. Probably the vendor boot log can give some hints about that.
<PaulFertser> And device trees for similar devices.
<iocampomx> I see the same message on the stock driver: PCIE0 no card, disable it(RST&CLK)
<iocampomx> What about this: RT3xxx EHCI/OHCI init.? Should I pay attention to it?
<PaulFertser> iocampomx: so if vendor firmware has no card on that bus why do you expect it to work?
<PaulFertser> iocampomx: does your board have USB port and do you need it?
<iocampomx> Good point, no, I don't need it. I saw that note on the logs of the stock firmware, however, I don't see any USB device or port.
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<fioriceta> PaulFertser: curious about the kconfig stuff now
<fioriceta> when rebasing, how is this handled properly for each target?
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<micw> hello. I have installed DAWN and happily see my devices across all AP on the new network map. Unfortunately, I see only the MAC, no other info like IP or Hostname
<micw> I'd add it myself to the luci page. But I did not find a function to resolve a mac into ip/hostname. (How) is this possible with luci UA api?
<PaulFertser> fioriceta: the minimal kernel configs in the targets you mean?
<fioriceta> yeah
<PaulFertser> fioriceta: I think scripts/kconfig.pl helps with that.
<fioriceta> hmm, yeah, I wasn't sure on that
<PaulFertser> Thanks to that you get only minimal changes in target/linux/<target>/config-<ver> after "make kernel_menuconfig" afaict.
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<lynxis> nbd: do you want to review uqmi patches or should I direct push them?
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<hitech95> fioriceta,
<fioriceta> yeah?
<hitech95> at the end the router briked after a few reboots :(
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<stintel> Mangix: Fri Sep 29 09:27:11 2023 daemon.notice netifd: thread (5883): Error loading shared library libdns_sd.so: No such file or directory (needed by /usr/sbin/otbr-agent)
<stintel> did you bother runtime testing at all?
<Znevna> 0o
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<hauke> Ansuel: does the github ci container contain the downloaded files form the dl folder? If I put the "make package/check" into an own flow we need the dl folder populated
<dwfreed> most likely not, that'd take a lot of space
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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