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<iocampomx> Hi there, I'm trying to compile OpenWRT with the driver mt76x8, but somehow isn't getting there. Is there any known issue? Or any advice?
<Mangix> iocampomx: you may also need firmware
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<iocampomx> Mangix: Is it listed here: https://github.com/openwrt/mt76/tree/master/firmware? If so, how can I include it?
<Mangix> it's a kmod package
<iocampomx> Still not working. I've created a DTS file, and included a new Device definition on mt76x8.mk. I'm able to build the image, and boot via TFTP, but, somehow, the driver isn't there. Any advice?
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<robimarko> Having to work with modems more and more, I am learning that outside of what is already supported its just pain and suffering
<robimarko> eSIM/eUICC is still custom AT commands that vary even between Quectel models
<robimarko> Even just sending those commands in a predictable way is hard as ModemManager is sometimes using AT for stuff not exported via libqmi
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<hitech95> robimarko, yesterday I've managed to have a partianlly working uboot. I still have some issues with eth not working.
<robimarko> Thats nice to hear
<hitech95> it was the memory block missing in the DTS
<hitech95> now I'm working on a custom board .c file and then I'll try to find why the hell the eth is not working
<hitech95> robimarko, btw if you have any suggestions about my issues: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/adding-openwrt-support-for-zyxel-ex5601-t0/155914/98
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<robimarko> Not really, I dont have any experience on Filogic
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<hitech95> NP :D
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<aparcar> ynezz: do you mind I rebase your PR here? https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/12917
<Ansuel> robimarko i assume 5g stuff?
<robimarko> Ansuel: LTE-A and 5G
<mrkiko> robimarko: yeah, cellular modems are really nice for what they can do, but then ...
<mrkiko> robimarko: if I can ask - does your device need to stay constantly connected? If so, how did you handle that? I wrote some C code to talk to MM to do so, but was wondering if you found out some different solution
<mrkiko> robimarko: and - what speeds are you observing more or less?
<robimarko> mrkiko: It should stay connected if the host device is booted, but that is the default anyway
<mrkiko> robimarko: sorry, for "staying connected" I mean - data connection, a bearer connected
<robimarko> Where I live LTE is crap, like 30-ish Mbps, 5G is much better but the eSIM I am using for testing 5G and eSIM at the same time has low data cap so I refrain from testing as one run is 100+ MB
<mrkiko> robimarko: for me connected is - the modem is in connected state in MM terms
<robimarko> I know you meant data connection, and yeah its supposed to stay connect all of the time
<robimarko> Customer already reported one instance of Vodafone ES crapping out though
<robimarko> Modem tried 8 times to reconnect but it seems that it was the ISP that kicked it of the network if we are to belive the reported error code
<robimarko> Luckily MM has the AT api exposed via glib so I am sending commands that way as I need to basically integrate external LPA
<robimarko> And all of that fun is in AT commands
<robimarko> BTW, it seems that MM 1.22.0 stable is near, they tagged RC1 today
<robimarko> Also, I found out that the build option to allow AT commands without debug mode did not work, they merged the fixed today:https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mobile-broadband/ModemManager/-/commit/39eb3749be4232d3b1ccfef13409c6bdea8a2faa
<robimarko> I am still in the early stages or adding our own daemon to do SIM slot GPIO toggling, making sure other GPIO-s are right and handling eSIM
<mrkiko> robimarko: nice! For the reconnect thing - so you where able to instruct the modem to do it in firmware? I did it all in my own program, since I could get disconnected and once reconnected network parameters may have changed
<mrkiko> robimarko: so i was curious if there was a more "transparent" way
<mrkiko> robimarko: and yes, I added a sleep delay before reconnection attempts, otherwise I could end up trying many times with no real benefit
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<hitech95> if in uboot I create a env with env_set(). I have to do that after or before the relocation? env_get seems to be used before. But i'm not sure.
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<robimarko> mrkiko: No, it was MM that tried reconnecting once it figured out that there is not link
<robimarko> There was a delay between reconnections but it seems that ISP kicked the modem off for whatever reason
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<Mangix> jow: ping
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<hitech95> does anyone know if eth on uboot-mediatek
<hitech95> works at all?
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<ukleinek> hitech95: sure!
<ukleinek> (but I don't)
<hitech95> is dangole in vacvation its been around a month since last time i've seen him here
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* russell-- has a cudy x6 v2, seems to not have an interactive u-boot over serial out of the box
* russell-- needs to do some more screwdrivering to see if the rx line is connected to the soc
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