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<neggles> russell--: sounds like you want/need "hybrid" tagging on that port? trunked but with <management VLAN> as the native/untagged?
<neggles> AIUI with DSA the lowest numbered vlan marked as untagged on the port is the PVID
<neggles> unless you specifically flag a different one as PVID, which is how you do QinQ
<russell--> neggles: is there a wiki page where that information should be mentioned?
<russell--> slh: i bought a new engenius ews2910p a year ago for $129, the bezoid wants $250 now, so my with my consumer-conditioning complete, $100 seems like a deal.
<neggles> tbh the wiki is somewhat lacking in DSA config info
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<djfe> SpectreDev_0 I'll have to understand platform_do_upgrade_linksys a bit better
<djfe> overall: please adjust your editor, so it uses tabs in the dts files instead of spaces
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<djfe> I removed overlapping mtd partitions for now. the way you did them, you might run into issues (not sure)
<djfe> This i where I currently am: https://pastebin.com/B3VjPH92
<djfe> you can run a diffchecker to see, what I changed
<djfe> you can't just use this now since your upgrade script relies on the partition names, I just changed
<djfe> I'll take another look at it :)
<djfe> promise
<djfe> I checked/verified all partitions. I didn't verify the partitions that I dropped
<djfe> the once left are definitely correct
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<djfe> I'm not sure u_env is uboot env or whether it's 0:APPSBLENV like for other routers of the same target
<djfe> overall I'll have to read irc as well (what you already did)
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<djfe> I checked/verified partitions with these: https://pastebin.com/f98Dea2x and https://pastebin.com/YKC0yx6X
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<neggles> djfe: it needs the overlapping partitions; that's why the linksys upgrade thing works the way it does
<neggles> default u-boot image load command and commandline args (which ideally we want to be compatible with, forcing people to change uboot env is okay but if we don't have to that's better)
<neggles> same goes for renaming the partitions
<neggles> Spectre's not in here rn though
<neggles> lemme look at platform_do_upgrade_linksys again
<neggles> hmm... think the mistake was copying platform_do_upgrade_linksys at all to begin with
<neggles> djfe: i take it back you are correct; there's no reason to keep the silly overlapping partitions b/c going back to factory would be a tftp recovery deal anyway
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<djfe> I didn't remove them permanently, I wasn't finished 😅
<djfe> just tired
<djfe> I know, but spectre might read the oftc logs
<russell--> neggles: the missing bit on that page is a matching /etc/config/network for the luci examples
<djfe> actually you can easily keep stuff like that, but don't make them overlapping: fixed-partitions
<djfe> like this, name the parent firmware and put two child's in it: kernel and rootfs. the second one (rootfs_1 originally) will then be firmware_2 or whatever and mostly stay unused. or does your code support the A/B partitioning? (most openwrt devices don't)
<djfe> also: yes the offsets start at zero again, when you layer mtd partitions like this
<djfe> both have to stay within the size the original rootfs. This is compatible with the original layout
<djfe> the important thing probably is, that ubi stays always at the same offset in order for it to find ubi partition correctly. (else it will bootloop)
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<philipp64> KanjiMonster: thanks for the help with the `install-target` stuff. That turned out to be really handy.
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_omap.html has been updated. (11.1% images and 99.8% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<philipp64> How does the `postinst` script determine if it's running on the build host or the target? What's the canonical test?
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<philipp64> Okay, so `IPKG_INSTROOT` is only set when `opkg` gets defined in `include/rootfs.mk`... and that's invoked in `package/Makefile`...
<schmars[m]> makes sense, on the device it's expected to be empty anyway
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<philipp64> what's the status of 6.1 on x86?
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<slh> functional, but beating the three 32 bit sub-target configurations is (at least for me) a motivational challenge (one would be o.k., let's just go through it, but three ...)