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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#175](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/78/builds/175) of `master_ramips/rt305x` failed.
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_omap.html has been updated. (11.1% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<stintel> nice, managed to get the combo and SFP-only ports on the ECS4100-12PH working
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<robimarko> :)
<stintel> if I remember the commit messages I looked at correctly, that's a first for 8393 based devices
<sa7mfo> Hello, could someone please have a look at https://github.com/openwrt/packages/pull/23390 and https://github.com/openwrt/packages/pull/23389. I've hard to get any attention in the PR and I'm not sure what to do..
<Ansuel> sa7mfo it's not clear for what you need those host tools for
<sa7mfo> Those are part of the build process for libcamera. Currently I have to use my own fork of openwrt-packages to build libcamera, and I would really like to use the upstream repo instead
<stintel> oh nice, I had a go at libcamera at some point, but never got anywhere
<Ansuel> sa7mfo please add this info in the commit message so we know why :D aside from that the changes are simple enough i can merge them right away
<sa7mfo> stintel: I've a feed for libcamera that works pretty well. I just have to make some tweaks before it's ready for submission. https://github.com/marcusfolkesson/libcamera-openwrt-feed
<sa7mfo> Ansuel: I will, thank you
<stintel> oh very cool
<stintel> I should have another go at motionplus then
<stintel> but first ... get ECS4100-12PH in an acceptable state :D
<Ansuel> yes it's ok
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<wigyori> i was wondering if there is any target which is already on 6.6 (to work out all the missing new symbols) - looks like qualcommax is already, that's great
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<Ansuel> For everyone interested https://github.com/openwrt/luci/pull/7069
<stintel> please FIDO2 :P
<Ansuel> with this baseline the next good thing would be keychain support notice browser started supporting that lately
<Ansuel> and yes that will support FIDO2 i guess
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<colo> 'Now simple password login always has been insecure' [citation needed] :p
<colo> but yeah, optional TOTP can be a very good thing to have :)
<stintel> anyone around with an RTL8393-based switch with combo and/or SFP ports that currently don't work?
<mrnuke> stintel: I have working ports. Not sure how ueseful that is.
<stintel> mrnuke: which switch?
<mrnuke> TP-link 2008P, 2210P, EnGenius 2910P (both v1 and v3)
<mrnuke> scratch that. 2008P doesn't have SPFs
<stintel> those are 8380, not 8393?
<mrnuke> Ooh, sorry. I misread your original query
<mrnuke> I just saw RTL and got excited!
<stintel> hehe :)
<KanjiMonster> TOTP on a router without a RTC? what could possibly go wrong? https://community.synology.com/enu/forum/2/post/145666
<dwfreed> you could just display the router's concept of time on the page
<Ansuel> if you don't trust your time then hotp is also viable
<dwfreed> hotp results in a flash write for every login
<Ansuel> true but i don't feel having the nand wasted due to a single bit increased at every login
<dwfreed> a single bit change affects a lot more than 1 bit in a nand
<Ansuel> :O bit brain time... double OTP? one time based and one HOTP for the bad times?
<Ansuel> big brain time*
<dwfreed> or just do fido instead
<Ansuel> i guess that would require much more advanced changes and we need to start from somewhere
<minimal> KanjiMonster: don't forget to enable NTS while you're at it ;-)
<Ansuel> eventually we can consider suggesting installing an atom clock card or install a GPS antenna for time :DDD
* minimal looks at Raspberry Pi GPS Hat and DCF77 radio time receiver
* stintel throws some PTP in the mix
* minimal loads KVM pseudo PTP module
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<Ansuel> free in the bundle some free radio isotopes
<Ansuel> stintel is that opensource?
<stintel> afaik yes
<minimal> the Facebook time card's design is, from memory, donated to OCP
<minimal> "you now have 10 seconds........sorry, 11 seconds, to comply!" ;-)
<minimal> <Robocop reference>
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<hauke> yes we should require PTP or ieee1588 now. ;-)
<minimal> Ansuel: why not use PAM modules for LUCI security? then you could combine rules on Day of Week, source IP, phase of moon, etc ;-)
<Ansuel> new openwrt requirement for the next release?
<Ansuel> now that i think about it... openwrt one will have an RTC ?
<stintel> I actually use a Raspberry Pi with a GPS HAT for my internal NTP server
<minimal> Ansuel: there's a battery holder in the photo of the OpenWRT One I found, so I assume that's for a RTC
<stintel> and at some point I had PTP working locally also
<stintel> (yes, the RPi w/ GPS HAT runs OpenWrt, of course)
<minimal> stintel: yeah, I also use a RPI Hat and have an external DCF77 (European radio time signal) receiver as well
<Ansuel> minimal well soo totp is usable there :D
<stintel> cool
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<jow> Ansuel: sure
<Ansuel> jow about ucode or openwrt one rtc? If it's about ucode I manage to find a solution for it
<jow> ok
<Ansuel> btw i tried to use the struct module and i couldn't really make it work also i notice something strange with the map functions
<jow> and what was it that didn't work?
<Ansuel> about the map function map(["A","B","C"], ord); returns an array of only the "A" converted
<Ansuel> about struct pack sometimes didn't work with some values but I can't give you a quick example now as I used alternative way with sprintf and all kind of magic with ord and chr... one thing i notice is that ucode might massively benefits with some logic to treat the data as raw bytes
<jow> that's because the callback is invoked with three parameters for each item; the item itself, the index and the source array
<jow> ord("A", 0, [ "A", "B", "C" ]) -> works by accident
<jow> ord("B", 1, [ "A", "B", "C" ]) -> null
<jow> ord("C", 2, [ "A", "B", "C" ]) -> null
<jow> solution map(["A", "B", "C"], c => ord(c))
<Ansuel> ohhhhh ok now it makes sense
<Ansuel> in my script i just used this meme function function sToc(s) {
<Ansuel> return ord(s);
<Ansuel> }
<Ansuel> and map([],sToc)
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<jow> you can also use s = "ABC"; struct.unpack(`${length(s)}B`, s)
<jow> $ ucode -lstruct -p 's = "ABC"; struct.unpack(`${length(s)}B`, s)'
<jow> [ 65, 66, 67 ]
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<Ansuel> i'm scared and you will probably have stroke when you will notice the script I made ahahahah
<jow> I've seen that PR, it looks mostly fine
<Ansuel> still not sure if it's worth to use the struct module tho, seems additional space for not that much benefits
<jow> There was a missing trailing newline in one file and the only thing I disliked was that you always invoke the otp check routine. My gut feeling is that this logic should move into rpcd itself
<jow> into the core session logic
<Ansuel> i assume ubus session is in c tho?
<jow> also I assume that at this stage, the otp input field is always displayed, even if the account does not have it set up?
<Ansuel> correct that part is still WIP
<Ansuel> maybe i should make it as draft
<jow> ubus session handling is in C, yes
<jow> in the dispatcher logic you should, after the session login call concluded, check if the associated account has otp enabled, only thne invoke the otp verification
<jow> if otp verification fails, you should destroy the just logged in session and not let it linger around
<Ansuel> i have to check if the current ucode script can be adapted to work with the ubus session handling in C. Anything against the uci section?
<jow> No, it looks fine.
<jow> I wonder if one should generalize the concept, extend `config login` sections with a `list authentication_hook` uci list which specifies a series of commands/plugins to invoke in order to test the passed credentials
<jow> e.g. a `list authentication otp` would then invoke /usr/libexec/rpcd/auth/otp or similar
<jow> and that would receive the credentials as JSON on stdin and produce the result on stdout
<jow> invalid output, output without success: false or exit code != 0 would reject the login, the error emitted by the plugin would get relayed back as part of the ubus call sesison login reply
<jow> *without success: true
<jow> Something along these lines. Then it would cover ubus-rpc over HTTP in general and not just LuCI
<jow> this is reinventing pam, to some extent
<jow> but pam is huge
<dwfreed> pam core is not that complex
<dwfreed> and you could package all the plugins separately
<Ansuel> my idea was to propose an intermediate view after the first login... that would match your idea of having these kind of additional hook... dispacher.uc would parse the uci list and call all the hook
<Ansuel> would even be cleaner with themese by having to implement the more specific template pages
<jow> yeah, the state handlign would need some overhaul
<jow> first very basic credentials, then figure out secondary auth requirements, if there's any don't yet login but redirect to one or multiple views querying additional details
<Ansuel> if any fails destroy the session and revert to login screen
<jow> for that to work you need to rework the logic testing for logged in sessions too
<jow> there needs to be an additional state flag indicating whether the session is fully authenticated
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<jow> right now it is assumed that if a sessions exists with the given secret id, it is fully authenticated
<Ansuel> oh this is needed for the secondary auth pages right?
<jow> yes, since multiple roundtrips are required
<jow> or monitor changes to the username filed and query for requirements in real-time, then modify login view accordingly
<jow> but that would allow probing for existing logins and their security requirements
<jow> something that is discouraged
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<Ansuel> well there is a lot to do
<Ansuel> with this modular approach I also have to check how to rework the uci section...
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