schmars[m]: funny thing is, ed25519 support needs more diskspace than an RSA key
in my case it's 20 ssh keys :)
anyway, I've never dealt with ath79/tiny. I imagine that target's a disaster
doesn't make a difference for me diskspace wise, the images here are super light. it's just a very large community network, and the nanostations always need special treatment for ssh automation
oh yeah absolutely - on the other hand in a few years we'll have community members that are younger than the nanostations
I imagine that target will go away at some point, with balooning kernel sizes
* Mangix
remembers his WRT54G with 2MB flash
they're still fine as dumb APs (apart from the ancient 802.11 level), i just tried snapshot with 6.6 kernel yesterday
On my old WRT54G, I disabled DHCP and the web interface to keep RAM usage down. Used as a router funny enough
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