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<robimarko> This is a weird one
<robimarko> As that header gets installed
<Ansuel> i suspect it's a regression with the kernel
<Ansuel> it's not the first time we notice something like that and most of the time it's just some fun situation with how header are included
<robimarko> Well, I doubt that x86 build regression like this would go unnoticed until now
<Ansuel> we should check what kernel bump triggered it
<Ansuel> i bet they backported something
<robimarko> Its happening since x86 moved to 6.6
<robimarko> But it seems to be only on macOS for me
<Ansuel> ah ok i tought it was caused by a kernel bump of 6.6 not moving from 6.1 to 6.6
<Ansuel> then we are messing something in the kernel include probably
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<robimarko> Hm, indeed
<robimarko> I see includes for the tools include and staging host include, but the kernel headers wont be there
<robimarko> No idea what the issue is
<mrkiko> robimarko: hi!! How are you.
<mrkiko> robimarko: no patches or anything, genune interest in how you are :)
<robimarko> mrkiko: stressed, ultra busy at work and in life
<mrkiko> robimarko: uh... hoping the stress can finish ASAP really
<robimarko> You and me both
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<Ansuel> if someone wants to take a look https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/12959
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<Rondom> FYI: I have just submitted PRs cherry-picking recent CPE-ID fixes. It would be nice to include them in 23.05.4, so that we can monitor for CVEs in the maintenance-release more easily.
<Habbie> i chuckled when i saw a user named 'Rondom' PR something 'treewide'
<Habbie> it's funny at least in Dutch
<Rondom> Habbie: doesn't it mean something like "around", like e.g. to walk "rondom" a table?
<Habbie> yes, or even 'all around'
<Rondom> Habbie: ah, now I get it rondom <=> treewide :-D
<Habbie> :D
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<rmilecki> Rondom: looks good
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