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<Tusker> hmmm... the tplink x20 deco root fs is interesting, it has a jffs2 filesystem, which contains the vmlinuz and imageuboot inside it, and uboot is multi stage, first it boots from emmc or whatever, and then chain loads uboot from the nand, and then looks inside the jffs2 to boot... are there any other devices like that, that I could see how to build the image ?
<Tusker> actually chains 3 uboots together... seems a waste
<Tusker> and looking inside the jffs2 is hokey... it has a file called tag_kernel, which the uboot loops through the jffs2 filesystem, and then it loads that struct, which contains the fs_len and binCrc32
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<Tusker> nah, doesn't really like it
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<Tusker> looks like for the deco x20 v3 - they disabled that capability in uboot - #if 0 ...
<Tusker> yeah, so I am going to have to use jffs2 to store the tag_kernel, vmlinuz and imageuboot :(
<Tusker> OK, that's a job for tomorrow :)
<Tusker> ciao
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#322](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/205/builds/322) of `master_mpc85xx/p1020` failed.
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<kabel> robimarko: hey, how was your vacation? :)
<robimarko> kabel: It was quite nice, much needed :)
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<mrkiko> robimarko: and too short?
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<xback> anyone here already played around with qmap and multiple PDN on a modem? :-)
<hurricos> mrnuke: it's funny, since we started playing with realtek-poe I've gotten very familiar with STM32 chips, and now I want to dump some of the PSE firmware. It must be simple code, right? They can't possibly have enabled L1 or L2 protection on the flash, right?
<hurricos> i say this with no irony as I sit and work on flashing (correction: consider *not* flashing) a TL-SG2008P which has *no* intermediate MCU and in fact uses a TI IC
<hurricos> s/with no irony/ignoring the irony/
<mrnuke> hurricos: if it's BCM, I wouldn't be surprised if they had some protection going on. If it's the RTL dialect, I would be shocked to see any protectione -- they can barely get teh commands to work
<mrnuke> Speaking of TL-SG2008P, that should be easy. the PoE is unbrickable. It's just an I2C chip with no (?) firmware
<mrnuke> hurricos: any chance you could merge the refactoring and MAX_PORTS PR's ?
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<russell--> stintel: i had a firebox m300 die in a lightning strike (first several ethernet ports stopped working). got another one on ebay, moved the sdcard over, did the u-boot changes from the wiki page, but i'm getting four lines of this as it tries to boot the fit image: "WARNING Could not get liodn of node /pcie@ffe240000: FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND" with different addresses. any clues? (my build is from
<russell--> december 2023)
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<russell--> aha, boot loader says: MB-M200 =>
<russell--> and the front of the case is labelled M200
<dwfreed> as I recall the m200 is supposed to be the same hardware, but something is different enough that it doesn't quite work
<russell--> the specs are considerably different, it seems
* Mangix is rebasing his PRs
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<Mangix> hopefully some of these can get merged.
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<russell--> from the throughput numbers, i'd guess the cpu is different
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<Mangix> alright, ebay wants $40 for a wndr4700. I only need it for https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/14037 . Not worth.
<Mangix> half off for MX60. Interesting
<Mangix> says free local pickup. 7 hour drive. I don't think so.
<slh> 'normal' shipping costs are pretty much always worth it, if the necessary drive exceeds ~30 minutes (unless the stuff is very bulky, heavy, fragile, ...)
<slh> (or so expensive that you do want to see it beforehand)
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