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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#71](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/241/builds/71) of `master_loongarch64/generic` completed successfully.
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<mrkiko> russell--: hoping your E8450 is not hit byOKD
<russell--> mrkiko: i don't know what byOKD is
<mrkiko> russell--: sorry, I should have been moreexplicative
<mrkiko> Habbie: I am not following the thread atm ... do you know if it still happening orthe causewas tracked?
<Habbie> i only know what i just found in the scrollback
<mrkiko> Habbie: oh you're very fast :)
<Habbie> :)
<russell--> if you can recover from a serial console, i wonder why no one has figured out what's wrong from the serial console?
<russell--> i have three of them deployed, have not seen the behavior
<mrkiko> russell--: mhm, no easy, since - when things go wrong, BL2 fails to load
<mrkiko> russell--: seems a flash issue... however, from serial you can recover the device via mtk_uartboot...
<mrkiko> russell--: I never faced the issue so far as well
<mrkiko> russell--: one of the related commit - 84a527417d71bcad02b1d456bfd736e336cf19a3
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<rmilecki> do we need to backport some mac80211 fixes before 23.05 point release?
<rmilecki> there is https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/15836 ("[23.05] Backport ramips/mediatek wifi fixes from master to 23.05 branch")
<rmilecki> nbd: can you take a look? hauke?
<f00b4r0> ideally ucode should be bumped in 23.05, jow?
<f00b4r0> it's been recently bumped in master https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commit;h=33420f039d3d3357e1a5943e8756b9d22359cc11
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<hauke> rmilecki: I plan to add this https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/15843
<hauke> rmilecki: if you have some time it would be nice if you could try it
<hauke> rmilecki: sorry this one: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/15827
<schmars[m]> blocktrron knows about mt76 in 23.05 i think. gluon reverted back to some commit last year to get 802.11s back working
<schmars[m]> but dont know if thats relevant for a maintenance release
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<robimarko> Mangix: krb5 builds fine again, only took 3 or so attempts :)
<Mangix> very nice
<robimarko> BTW, nice work on the Python cleanup
<robimarko> Yes
<Mangix> looks like it needs some work still
<Mangix> I'd love to fix libubox's host libraries, but it seems impossible to contribute any patches to it.
<Mangix> specifically, ls -l staging_dir/host/lib/*.so . Only libfakeroot and libltdl belong there.
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