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<yrlf> I think for the time being I'll stick with export-dmabuf, since I have not yet encountered any problems with it yet, and the added benefit of leaving the frames on the GPU is nice
<yrlf> but if I ever do, I will remember to try screencopy :)
<yrlf> I think I got the hang of the transforms now, thanks everybody!
<yrlf> any1: ad shader code: that is literally what I had before switching to a transformation matrix to be able to handle y-invert, output transforms, and user-provided transforms at once
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<wlb> weston Merge request !728 opened by () Draft: libweston: Move dbus helper from internal to public
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<pq> swick, no, not really. #247 should keep its scope to the things I listed. If you want to add more, open new issues and (ask to) tag them with "Protocol-next" label.
<pq> romangg, ^
<romangg> pq: ok, should I remove the comment and move it into a separate issue?
<pq> swick, romangg, we now have lots of experience that Gitlab discussions can and will explode to a forest of hundreds of comments even if the topic is scoped, and letting the scope widen is not going to help readability.
<jadahl> pq: the pixel color document is a work of art btw, a pleasent and insightful read
<pq> any1, I would very much recommend against conflating buffer transforms with Y_INVERT. They are two different things set by different actors (application vs. GPU driver, so to say) so they do need to be set separately.
<pq> any1, also, buffer transform does not dictate the geometric transformation alone. The actual geometric transformation is the transformation *from* buffer transform *to* output transform.
<pq> any1, there is no screencopy for clients, did you mean glReadPixels with an off-screen surface?
<pq> or with an FBO
<pq> romangg, that would be nice - leave a link to the new issue in the comment you edit just in case.
<pq> jadahl, thank you! Happy to hear I didn't lose into the "color science speak" yet. :-)
<wlb> wayland Issue #255 opened by () Allow multiple wl_keyboards, wl_pointer, etc. under single wl_seat
<jadahl> pq: not sure how close to the brink of discolored insanity you are, but seems not there yet :)
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<yrlf> pq: the context for my question was a client that mirrors an output onto its surface (currently using export-dmabuf), so screencopy being only for copying from compositor to client is not a problem
<yrlf> so if I understand this correctly, the transformation goes like this:
<pq> in that case I would expect screencopy to be implemented through dmabufs
<yrlf> - from physical dmabuf content space to 'logical' dmabuf space, if Y_INVERT is set flip the y coordinate, otherwise identity
<emersion> note, export-dmabuf and screencopy are two wlroots protocols
<yrlf> - from logical dmabuf space to output space, use the transformation from the 'transform' property of the output
<pq> oh! I did not expect export-dmabuf to be a specific extension.
<yrlf> emersion: ahh yes, that should be mentioned yes
<yrlf> in my case that's probably not a problem, since my project explicitly works around sway's non-support for output mirrroring, which most other compositors implement natively as far as I know
<pq> yrlf, I'm not sure output transform should be taken into account there. Such a simple statement seems to be missing more context.
<pq> one can also use KMS properties to rotate/flip the image when display hardware supports it
<yrlf> in my case I want to present the content of an output to the user on another outpur, but in the same orientation that the other output has logically. that's why I add the outpur transform
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<pq> that means the orientation of the framebuffer may not match the output transform
<emersion> yeah, and… this might confuse clients
<pq> what I think would be most clear is if the interface to grab the output image would either deliver the image always up-right, or it explicitly communicates the orientation.
<emersion> if your wl_output.transform is set to 90, it might be tempting for the client to render pre-roatted
<emersion> pre-rotated*
<yrlf> I think there might be some confusion here: I am writing a client, and all these questions are from the perspective of a client
<emersion> but if the compositor blends the client buffers, and uses KMS to rotated the result, it's better for the client to render non-rotated
<pq> right, direct-scanout of client buffers that already have some buffer transform is another issue
<emersion> to rotate*
<emersion> pq, in this case the client buffer isn't scanned out
<pq> emersion, sure, but if it is, it an issue :-)
<emersion> it's just that the client is actually picking a less optimal path by using the wl_output.transform
<pq> I did not think we were talking about how original clients should draw their buffers. That would be unrelated for the output image grabbing.
<emersion> yeah, but for the direct scan-out case, easy enough to not set the rotate prop if the client has pre-rotated the buffer
<pq> sounds like you are talking re-displaying the output image instead?
<emersion> well, it's another case of things going south when KMS rotation is used and wl_output.transform confuses clients
<emersion> no, just regular clients
<emersion> there was some discussion about it at iirc
<pq> yeah, but that's just not optimal, it doesn't produce an outright wrong result, does it?
<emersion> right
<pq> I'm talking about wrong results.
<emersion> i think a screen capture protocol needs to advertise the transform of the buffers explicitly
<pq> yes
<pq> Getting an image from an output as an export or a 1:1 copy and assuming that it is in the orientation of the output transform can produce wrong results in two cases: KMS is used to rotate, or direct scanout pre-rotated client buffer.
<pq> yrlf, ^
<yrlf> pq: thanks. so if I understood your discussion correctly, the current version of wlr-export-dmabuf does not expose a transform property that can reliably give me the correct behaviour?
<pq> I can't say, I've never looked at that extension. Maybe it constricts the compositor to never use KMS rotation or direct-scanout to make things work?
<pq> re-exporting a client dmabuf would have other problems too
<emersion> yes, export-dmabuf forces a slow path atm
<emersion> forces direct scanout and KMS rotation to be disabled
<pq> lucky guess :-)
<emersion> tbh maybe it's a good thing to force good old composition
<emersion> KMS rotation is just the tip of the iceberg
<emersion> you'll also want to add src/dst size and coords, alpha, etc
<emersion> multiple buffers…
<pq> color management is going to add a lot more fun there, too :-) "It's never just RGB."
<emersion> yeah...
<pq> one could pull an industry standard color space there, but that won't be optimal
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<pq> and I'm not even talking about color but just the computational cost
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<any1> pq, yrlf: I misread and. For some reason I though wlr-export-dmabuf was being discussed
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<yrlf> any1: I do use wlr-export-dmabuf, so you guessed right :)
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<any1> Well, that's good then. On the subject of keeping buffers on the GPU, screencopy can also do that. If you send it linux-dmabuf, it will blit to it on the gpu. It's still a copy, but not as bad as glReadPixels.
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<pq> kennylevinsen, FYI, Meson 0.58.1 gives a couple of warnings on seatd.
<emersion> the one about build_root() is a bit annoying
<emersion> the feature to avoid the deprecation is only available in pretty recent Meson versions
<pq> aha. There is also the other one about testing for linker flags.
<emersion> yeah, that one looks like it should get fixed
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<pq> emersion, kennylevinsen, how do you pass the wanted seat's name into libseat?
<emersion> i think libseat decides it on its own -- and only logind has a concept of "seat name"?
<pq> Looks like weston's launcher-libseat.c seat_open() ignores the seat_id parameter.
<pq> I used to use that to make my test seat work.
<pq> no, seat name is ID_SEAT udev property
<pq> that's how everything filters the devices for a seat
<emersion> libseat looks up XDG_SESSION_ID
<emersion> and uses GetSeat on that session to find the seat name
<pq> that is in the libseats logind backend, I'm not using that one.
<emersion> oh
<pq> I cannot use logind, because logind just can't deal with this use case.
<pq> hence I used to use launcher-direct as a normal user
<pq> and since libseat has the builtin backend, I was hoping that would work
<emersion> it doesn't look like seatd/libseat cares about the ID_SEAT udev prop, or udev altogether
<pq> weston cares though, and asks libseat to open only those devices. Something in the open path for a DRM device just doesn't work.
<pq> I'm not even sure it's using the builtin backend.
<pq> can I get more logging out of libseat?
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<pq> what's libseat's "default" log handler? Is it not printing to std?
<emersion> by default only prints errors iirc?
<emersion> there's an env variable to change it
<emersion> or you can programatically set the log level
<pq> I tried with LIBSEAT_BACKEND=builtin SEATD_LOGLEVEL=3 but do not see anything printed.
<emersion> SEATD_LOGLEVEL seems to only be used by seatd, not libseat
<emersion> maybe try calling libseat_set_log_level(LIBSEAT_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)?
<pq> there are no other env vars that look relevant though
<pq> libseat_set_log_level() works
<pq> [seatd/seat.c:221] Could open device: client is not active
<pq> that seems to be my problem
<emersion> maybe weston is not waiting for the session to be activated?
<pq> there is no session
<pq> this is a secondary seat with no sessions
<emersion> err, seat
<emersion> hm but maybe that's a red herring, iirc usually only happens if you boot a bit too fast?
<emersion> maybe better to wait for kennylevinsen for advice :)
<pq> mm, it's not waiting in a loop, it's waiting just once:
<pq> but how can it even have the concept of "active" on a secondary seat (no VTs) with the builtin backend (no other users)?
<emersion> yeah maybe that's not the issue here
<emersion> maybe try adding logging in the enable_seat callback just to make sure
<pq> I suspect it could be the issue: no-one told libseat that this seat has no VTs, don't look at them.
<pq> because I can't tell libseat I'm using a non-default seat.
<pq> Kenny wrote the weston code himself so I think it should be correct from libseat perspective in general. :-)
<pq> well, the enable_seat handler is definitely not called
<pq> [seatd/seat.c:38] Created VT-bound seat seat0
<pq> That is incorrect. Wrong seat, and no VT.
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<pq> ahHA!
<pq> LIBSEAT_BACKEND=builtin SEATD_VTBOUND=0 weston --seat=seat-insecure
<pq> That works! \o/
<pq> libseat still assumes it's using the default seat, but it works anyway.
<pq> Cool, I can ditch launcher-direct.
<pq> I don't even need to force the backend, it picks builtin on its own.
<emersion> sweet
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<pq> kennylevinsen, if I could tell libseat the name of the seat I want to run on, you could assume there is no VT is the name is not the default.
<wlb> weston Issue #565 opened by () Super+R screen capture should be an option
<pq> *if the name
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* kennylevinsen reads scrollback
<kennylevinsen> Yeah, right now seatd itself lacks a feature to configure additional seats/figure out which are set up in udev. When you do SEATD_VTBOUND=0 it makes the default seat not tied to a VT. Weston already knows what devices it wants, so it's not an issue that the default seat is more permissive.
<kennylevinsen> Glad it worked out :)
<kennylevinsen> Also it's LIBSEAT_LOGLEVEL=debug, not 3
<kennylevinsen> (seatd does have machinery for multiple seats, but the "seatctl" or similar to configure them is lacking)
<pq> there is no LIBSEAT_LOGLEVEL?
<pq> well, it works, but telling libseat about the seat I want to take control of would be really nice.
<pq> what would you need seatctl for?
<pq> till tomorrow \o.
<wlb> wayland Issue #256 opened by () [wayland-scanner] cross compile fails to build the scanner if no scanner on host is found
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<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Demi Marie Obenour * Improve tiled_* enum summary stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !127 merged \o/ (Improve tiled_* enum summary
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<wlb> weston Merge request !729 opened by () clients: don't use deprecated fontconfig aliases
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<apteryx> hello! Is this place suitable to discuss mutter?
<apteryx> #Mutter on the gnome IRC seems very silent
<jadahl> apteryx: #gnome-shell on
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<apteryx> alright, thanks!
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<kennylevinsen> pq: doh, yeah, was thinking of SEATD_LOGLEVEL. libseat loglevel is up to the application.
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<kennylevinsen> seatd can't hard depend on udev for core functionality (freebsd and possibly soon openbsd/netbsd support is a pretty big part of the project), so a seatctl was an idea for one way to add/remove/modify seats.
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<kennylevinsen> Not the only idea though - another idea of mine was to make it possible to specify an executable that would take a device path and report its seat name. That would make non-racy udev integration easy. A plain configuration file for the seats would of course also be an option, albeit a boring one.
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<DemiMarieObenour[m]> jadahl: Thanks for the review!
<DemiMarieObenour[m]> jadahl emersion: The use-case for is admittedly very niche. Its purpose is twofold:
<DemiMarieObenour[m]> 2. Support rootless compositors that cannot delay window resizing, merely respond to a resize that has already happened.
<DemiMarieObenour[m]> 1. Enable a UX provided by at least XFWM4 under X11, where the resize does not even start until the pointer has moved far enough (say, at least halfway to the next valid size).
<DemiMarieObenour[m]> In particular, any rootless compositor with an X11 backend is in category 2 above.
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<kennylevinsen> I don't think 1 is a problem right now - a wayland client can react whenever and however it wants to the resize, including not doing anything before a resize is at least more than N larger, or only reacting to changes in increments
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<DemiMarieObenour[m]> That is true. 2 is definitely a problem for at least Qubes OS, though.
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<marmarek> kennylevinsen: the use case is, as DemiMarieObenour[m] mentioned, a compositor that has (externally enforced) limits on what clients can do; in this model client can only ask nicely for some specific size
<DemiMarieObenour[m]> In particular, the compositor itself is subject to these limits: it can ask nicely for a window size to be set to a certain value, but that is all.
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