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<soreau> romangg: custom mode, as you would get from e.g. `cvt`, to set a mode that isn't already added from edid. See the spec which in wlroots, roughly translates to wlr_output_set_custom_mode() AFAICT
<soreau> kinda like `cvt WxH`, `xrandr --newmode`, `xrandr --addmode` and `xrandr --mode`, rolled into one step for wayland
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<romangg> soreau: One functionality I currently have in the kwinft protocol version of output management is a way to set the "head geometry" of the output. That allows the compositor to mirror outputs at full resolution and set the aspect ratio correctly. That's not made possible with custom modes, or is it?
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<emersion> no, this is lacking in the current protocol
<emersion> iirc there's an issue about it
<emersion> i refer to it as "head viewport" in this issue
<romangg> emersion: Ah, didn't know about the issue. I'll take a look.
<romangg> Added a comment.
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<zubzub> pq: what's the average time before a MR gets reviewed? *puppy eyes*
<emersion> zubzub, feel free to ping every week or so
<zubzub> ok
<zubzub> PING
<emersion> over-loaded reviewers tend to forget about pending MRs
<zubzub> how do I ping?
<zubzub> *who do I
<emersion> well, irc is fine, or you can also add a comment
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<emersion> i try to get a bit creative and write a different message each ping :P
<emersion> "hi <name>, did you get the chance to have a look at this patch?"
<emersion> in general pinging specific people is more effective
<emersion> on a more general note, making it easier for reviewers to review will make it more likely for your patch to get reviewed (…and water is wet)
<emersion> what i mean by that is:
<emersion> following CONTRIBUTING, splitting up patches properly, writing good commit messages
<emersion> this helps a lot reviewers
<emersion> note, this is a general comment, i haven't looked at your patch yet :)
<zubzub> then I must have a really good MR it seems :p
<emersion> nice
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<pq> the more non-personal ping, the easier it is to ignore
<pq> Personally I'm also trying hard to ignore almost everything since I should concentrate on CM&HDR, but I'm quite bad at that.
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<emersion> i'm always impressed at how much time you invest in writing clear, complete and detailed replies
<emersion> especially for cases like the 4k mode one you just replied to
<emersion> it's good because the OP can learn a lot with such an answer, but it's also very time consuming
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<arinov> how to debug FF issues with camera and mic running in Wayland mode? How to understand why in X11 it works and in Wayland it does not?
<emersion> wayland doesn't deal with cameras and mics
<kennylevinsen> nor does X11
<kennylevinsen> but maybe it's trying to access them through xdg-desktop-portal and failing? idk
<emersion> yeah maybe it changes its logic on wayland for some reason
<emersion> could also be pulse vs pipewire or something
<arinov> i built my FF with wayland support and trying to live one day on it, so in X11 it has problems with any audio/video on youtube (total freeze) and under sway it has no cam and mic in any meeting app
<arinov> should i start reading whole specs about wayland or something obvious i missed...
<arinov> that is the question
<emersion> you won't find anything mic/camera related in wayland
<emersion> you should try to get some logs, maybe ask for help in a firefox channel, etc
<emersion> we have no idea what firefox is doing here
<jadahl> i suspect it uses webrtc for those parts
<emersion> fwiw, on my machine firefox camera mic works fine
<jadahl> so the relevant code would live in the webrtc repo
<arinov> i have another problem on FF under sway (wayland), FF in some apps is VERY slow, for example when I am making promql query in prometheus any letter i type prints with huge delay
<arinov> it feels like you're typing in ssh terminal with slow mobile connection
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<arinov> killing the sway, loading x11 i3 - the problem is absent, so is it FF internal stuff?
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<arinov> in some apps i lose my mouse pointer
<arinov> is it all distro and apps specific problems?
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<arinov> i tried to move from X11 to wayland a year ago, now its my second try, maybe you have a couple of videos with explanation principals between old X and wayland?
<kennylevinsen> arinov: go to about:support and see what it sees under the "Media" backend, you'll see how it's trying to talk to audio - but we can't really help here with that.
<kennylevinsen> for the "freeze", maybe it's sway related
<kennylevinsen> however, firefox wayland "just works" outside a few corner case bugs nowadays
<kennylevinsen> (in my case, the Media section is saying "pulse-rust")
<arinov> ok, i need to restart WM to sway back and collect more info, i will return later if you dont mind, seems i need to make a file with all research and ask maintainers from distro too
<arinov> thanks
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<pq> emersion, yes, it is time consuming, unfortunately, but sometimes on a rare occasion the nerd-snipe coincides with the opportunity.
<pq> emersion, it got me thinking, we should have a architecture diagram in the Wayland docs showing where does Wayland actually belong in the stack of hardware, kernel, drivers, compositor, apps.
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<emersion> yeah, would be nice
<pq> whoa, test code coverage highlights have come back for Weston Gitlab CI in MR diff views
<SardemFF7> something like that ?
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<pq> SardemFF7, I said "stack", not a "spider web" ;-)
<pq> that is, something a lot simpler that would help people think which components might be at fault for whatever problem
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<pq> IOW, help decide where to file bugs
<SardemFF7> I’m pretty sure the stack is a lie :-)
<pq> lies help develop understanding
<pq> *good lies
<pq> also lack of detail helps
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<SardemFF7> I get your point, but I’m not sure you can do simple and point the right direction often enough
<SardemFF7> wild guess
<pq> for starters: drop everything about Xorg, cobine the compositor into a single block, combine the app+toolkit into a single block, ignore OpenGL and Vulkan.
<pq> *combine
<SardemFF7> (if anyone feels like it’s easier to start from that than from scratch, here is the source )
<SardemFF7> without GL/Vk it sure is easier
<SardemFF7> (X was there for the parallel so sure we can drop it)
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<daniels> emersion: you say you try to get creative, but the last one I saw from you literally said 'ping' :P
<emersion> eh lol
<emersion> i used to be more creative
<daniels> hey, no complaints, I opened it up and saw that you were specifically chasing someone else up so happily closed it again
<emersion> :P
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<wb9688> On, is it a requirement to have your real name in the protocol XML?
<pq> I believe the main idea is to be a contact, so pseudonym is fine if people can find you by it.
<wb9688> Ah, OK
<pq> Similar to DCO signed-off-by.
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<zubzub> 13:11 < daniels> hey, no complaints, I opened it up and saw that you were specifically chasing someone else up so happily closed it again
<zubzub> how do you know who to chase?
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<zubzub> I mean it's shm related 1 commit with like 50 loc changed
<daniels> zubzub: in this case, Simon reviewed a MR and the person who submitted it hadn't responded to his questions/suggestions, so that was pretty clear :P
<daniels> as for your SHM refcount stuff, it's interesting and somewhere on everyone's radar, just that everyone else also has 17 other burning issues right now
<daniels> s/refcount/resize/
<daniels> it does make sense to me broadly speaking tho
<zubzub> it's not super pressing for me, I use a fork anyway to work around these kind of issues
<zubzub> but I will bug everyone every monday though >:)
<zubzub> the nice thing is that if someone tells me 'patches welcome' I can now counter with a 'reviews welcome' :p
<pq> that's one reason why I never say "patches welcome" to anyone
<lagash> "good patches welcome"?
<pq> nah, I just don't have the time to review most things properly
<daniels> zubzub: you do realise that everyone will now bug you every Monday to review their work right ...
<pq> ah, yes, the review exchange market :-)
<emersion> zubzub, a good way to get stuff reviewed is to trade reviews
<emersion> yup
<zubzub> alright who's stuff around 50 loc do I need to review? :p
<jadahl> maybe we should invent a "bitcoin" for review time
<pq> Would anyone happen to know of a Wayland protocol dump viewing tool, where I could filter messages based on object identity and it would understand that re-used id is not the same object?
<kennylevinsen> well, wlhax does track objects properly but only for protocols it nows right now
<pq> I have trimmed down a protocol dump into a couple thousand messages about just surfaces and sub-surfaces, and I'm interesting in the objects still alive at the end
<pq> *interested
<kennylevinsen> because the protocol handling is handrolled - but it's convenient for tracking surfaces. Which objects do you want to know about?
<pq> mainly wl_surface and wl_subsurface. Of buffers I only care whether a message argument is a null or a real buffer.
<pq> I also cannot re-run the client myself, which is why I'm staring at protocol dumps.
<kennylevinsen> and I suppose the dump is WAYLAND_DEBUG output?
<pq> I'm looking at Weston's 'proto' output so I can filter by client, but it's very similar.
<pq> I'm trying to figure out what sequence causes weston to crash, so I could reproduce it myself to fix it.
<kennylevinsen> hmm yeah, wlhax kinda sounds like what you want but that only currently works on live data :(
<kennylevinsen> It should get a record/step feature at some point... and a cleanup
<pq> hmm... I need to get to know wlhax anyway
<kennylevinsen> need is a strong word :P
<pq> kennylevinsen, how does wlhax handle the compositor crashing? Can I still inspect the last known protocol state?
<kennylevinsen> yes, works just fine
<kennylevinsen> just tried for fun to make a nested sway instance and killing it, state of the application is still shown
<pq> ooh, weston segfault, just when I was asking :-D
<pq> that is a very nifty tool :-)
<kennylevinsen> it is! although it needs some love, and cleanup of especially the xdg-shell portion which ended up super hairy by accident
<pq> if I get both wlhax output and weston 'proto' dump, are the object ids the same?
<kennylevinsen> wlhax takes them from the wire
<kennylevinsen> so unless weston is doing something funny I'd imagine so? :)
<pq> ok, so the ids are the same on both sides of wlhax?
<pq> cool
<kennylevinsen> yes, the proxy part is transparent (outside an experimental "slow" feature that inserts delays), it just inspects stuff before it sends it along
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<pq> kennylevinsen, how do you quit wlhax? :-p
<pq> colon q enter, it seems
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