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pq: ah, so only use the seat name to trip VT_BOUND. Plot twist: seat0 is not required to be VT bound, and won't be with CONFIG_VT=N. :P
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jadahl: I think I managed to fix the whole shm resize shenenigans by changing the shm implementation but I'm not sure if it's the right approach cc pq daniels
basically by specifying and old_size of 0 when there are external refs, causes the old data pointer to reman valid when doing mremap
"If the value of old_size is zero, and old_address refers to a
shareable mapping (see mmap(2) MAP_SHARED), then mremap() will
create a new mapping of the same pages.
this gets rid of the whole defered resizing when their is a external ref
which introduces the bug where a client does not know a resize is pending and then tries to create an out of bounds buffer (cft the gtk4 bug)
*there is
I'll see if I can write a pull request tomorow with some more explanation