ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<crabctrl> hi, I'm a bit confused as to how DPI works under wayland, so would like to ask a few questions, and maybe someone can answer; 1) my terminal emulator "foot" has a "dpi-aware" option, which causes it to detect the correct DPI, even when every other application does not and I have not set any scaling for that monitor. it even behaves correctly when moving between monitors. how does that feature work? I
<crabctrl> vaguely recall reading somewhere that there's a way to get physical geometry of the monitor itself in wayland, is that true and/or how foot is doing that?
<crabctrl> 2) how does per-monitor scaling set by my WM actually work, ie, what does it look like from the perspective of the application. I've read that it scales up to the nearest integer fraction and then downscales, but that can't be the full story because scaling up would mean even *small* text, lower DPI, and it wouldn't explain why fonts are crisper. is the application aware of the scaling, ie it's being
<crabctrl> asked "render 2x bigger" and trusting the application to do it, not just making the frames bigger?
<crabctrl> 3) I've heard vague talk of fractional scaling support in applications; does that mean the applications can see and use the fractional scaling value directly, rather than seeing it rounded up to the nearest integer and having the compositor downscale it afterwards? can applications take advantage of fractional scaling (or DPI-aware like what foot does scaling, ignoring the scaling factor set by the WM)
<crabctrl> while other applications only support integer scaling, without a performance or visual quality cost for those applications which do support fractional scaling directly? or is that not how it works?
<crabctrl> I'm happy for technical explanations or references to specs, I'm just not familiar with wayland specifically
<crabctrl> tysm for any information anyone can provide!
<any1> This looks like you might want to send it to the mailing list instead.
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