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<pq> MrCooper, ManMower, IMO, "immediate" includes: does not need a commit, and if the spec says it triggers events, those events are sent before the request is retired. IOW, wl_display_sync will guarantee those events being sent. But it's not "real-time clock immediate" ish.
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<Eighth_Doctor> pq: is it supposed to be possible to launch weston's kiosk mode without an autolaunch section?
<pq> Eighth_Doctor, I'm not the best one to comment on kiosk-shell, but I would think it runs; but something needs to start an app, then.
<Eighth_Doctor> yeah, it seems to ignore my setting and load desktop-shell
<pq> could it be loading a wrong weston.ini? The logs say which one it loads.
<Eighth_Doctor> let me check
<Eighth_Doctor> but this is basically the code generating the config reduced to simple form:
<Eighth_Doctor> pq: here's the log from weston:
<pq> it should at least load the shell you tell it to, there is no magic to fall back to another shell if one refuses to run
<Eighth_Doctor> and here's the config:
<Eighth_Doctor> yeah, it's definitely ignoring it for some reason
<Eighth_Doctor> because running weston manually with that config triggers the desktop shell
<pq> Using config file '/tmp/tmptskpskp0-wl-weston-sysinstall-ini'
<pq> does that contain the right stuff at the time it's loaded?
<Eighth_Doctor> yup
<Eighth_Doctor> and I just manually loaded with it and got the desktop shell instead
<pq> huh
<Eighth_Doctor> I'm going to try writing a config manually and forcing it to use that and see what happens
<pq> I can't see why it wouldn't work.
<Eighth_Doctor> oh yeah, it does it even with manual config
<Eighth_Doctor> do I need this to be
<Eighth_Doctor> I wonder
<pq> no, shell=kiosk works for me
<pq> and you're on 13.0.0 which is quite fresh
<Eighth_Doctor> well neither kiosk nor kiosk-shell works
<pq> I'm trying roughly the same command like as you, and I get kiosk-shell loaded.
<Eighth_Doctor> triggers the right behavior at least in a nested weston
<Eighth_Doctor> so I'm confused now
<pq> *command line, and config
<pq> me too
<Eighth_Doctor> and now I'm worried weston is doing the wrong thing in anaconda initial-setup too
<Eighth_Doctor> we have no patches on Weston either:
<Eighth_Doctor> so it's just straight upstream
<Eighth_Doctor> this behavior is supposed to exist since Weston 12, right?
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<Eighth_Doctor> I'm also staring at the commit for it and I don't understand why it doesn't work
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<pq> Eighth_Doctor, yeah, Weston 12 recognizes the short shell names like 13 does.
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<pq> weston 11 would need the full name:
<pq> but even then, if you provide a wrong name, it would complain
<pq> the setting it not even noticed at all
<Eighth_Doctor> yes
<Eighth_Doctor> that's what's bizarre
<Eighth_Doctor> it's as if it gets skipped entirely
<Eighth_Doctor> if this fixes it, I may need to also make an adjustment to anaconda-initial-setup too
<pq> command line --shell option would do that, but you don't have that
<Eighth_Doctor> right
<Eighth_Doctor> deliberately so
<Eighth_Doctor> as an aside, how do I get out of weston-desktop?
<Eighth_Doctor> I don't know how to quit it
<pq> ctrl+alt+backspace
<pq> you can also send SIGINT to weston
<pq> I mean, that's how you quit Weston in general... well, I think kiosk-shell does not have ctrl+alt+backspace
<Eighth_Doctor> I really do wish we had a weston-control program
<Eighth_Doctor> manipulating the compositor is annoyingly difficult
<pq> yeah, I'm going to wish the same once we get serious in trying out HDR color mappings
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<pq> maybe you need to trace weston's startup in gdb to see why it picks desktop-shell, --wait-for-debugger should help with that
<Eighth_Doctor> I'm going to have to do it outside of this annoying installer environment
<pq> do remote access?
<pq> *no?
<Eighth_Doctor> no way to install packages
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<Eighth_Doctor> it's a readonly liveos image
<pq> oh, missing gdb and probably debug infos
<Eighth_Doctor> yup
<Eighth_Doctor> wtf
<Eighth_Doctor> it's ignoring it for this too
<Eighth_Doctor> okay something is very obviously wrong
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<Eighth_Doctor> okay this gets more bizarre
<Eighth_Doctor> it works for nested weston but not host weston
<Eighth_Doctor> hold up
<Eighth_Doctor> wait
<Eighth_Doctor> I got a brain blast
<Eighth_Doctor> pq: what if my selecting backend via commandline means that the core section is ignored in weston.ini?
<Eighth_Doctor> I think that's it
<pq> That would be a bug.
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<Eighth_Doctor> NOPE
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<pq> maybe some scribbling over memory kind of bug? I tried that too, and didn't see anything wrong.
<Eighth_Doctor> run weston the first time, it doesn't work
<Eighth_Doctor> run it the second time, it works
<Eighth_Doctor> this is insane
<pq> yes, yes it is
<pq> I'll be going now, good luck!
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<wlb> weston Issue #868 opened by Robert Mader (rmader) Fullscreen video with GL overlay does not hit plane-only renderer on rk3399 - missing Wayland dmabuf scanout tranche [DRM/KMS backend]
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<MrCooper> robertmader[m]: FYI, looks like Firefox is submitting Wayland surface commits while eglSwapBuffers is executing on another thread, which I don't think can be expected to work:
<ManMower> O.o
<ManMower> that seems like a hard EDONTDOTHAT
<bl4ckb0ne> EOHNO
<ManMower> :)
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<daniels> yeah, cannot work
<emersion> agreed
<kennylevinsen> ugh it's the whole Firefox VsyncSource thing again
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<kchibisov> I guess a protocol where you basically subscribe to vsync but not obligated to draw can work for firefox. Other platforms have something like that as well, e.g. display link stuff on macOS.
<ManMower> is there a need for new protocol? why can't it just coordinate between its threads and make sure it sends its wl_surface.frame before calling eglSwapBuffers (which will implicitly commit)
<kchibisov> it wants to do that evene without drawing though?
<ManMower> then it can frame/commit when it's not drawing?
<kchibisov> Probably, but I remember there were complains on why it even should do thing like that, since some compositors are not happy with empty frame requests.
<ManMower> just commit a translucent single pixel buffer to a subsurface...
* ManMower runs away
<kchibisov> A helper window, I think I've seen it in x... windows.
<Company> some compositors get confused with empty frame requests, yeah
<Company> I remember the shell had a bug about it
<kchibisov> Touching wl_surface state from multiple threads is not that simple.
<Company> nobody knew when to trigger the frame request
<Company> immediately or wait until after the next frame?
<kchibisov> And even with the only one thread it's still requires effort to get right.
<kchibisov> because, mesa is a bit special....
<ManMower> what's mesa doing wrong in this case?
<kchibisov> ManMower: the scaling stuff basically.
<kchibisov> There's no guarantee that you'll actually resize the buffer, so if you're not familiar you'll likely crash.
<kchibisov> Like you shouldn't create EGLSurface until the window is configured.
<kchibisov> but nothing actually stops you from doing so, so you should be _careful_.
<ManMower> gotcha
<kchibisov> But I believe it's a confirmed mesa bug to allow resizing EGLSurface if you don't actually draw anything.
<kchibisov> or haven't drawn.
<kchibisov> And back buffer locking on creating with wl_compositor@v6 makes it really likely to crash because can't divide, since you get scale along the first configure.
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<RAOF> Re: empty frame requests: We have a WLCS test _specifically_ for that, since Mir would immediately fire the callback on the grounds that “Sure, we could accept some rendering from you _right now_”, and that does not make Firefox happy.
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<bwidawsk> iirc immediate callback is required to make Firefox happy
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<kennylevinsen> no, firefox just expects the callbacks to be sent with the same timing if there are no changes
<kennylevinsen> this behavior was discussed back then, and found to be valid: the client is asking for the *next* good time to draw a frame
<bwidawsk> I shouldn't have said "required", but yes, this is what I meant
<bwidawsk> though it's weird to me if the client previously received a callback event, it knows the next good time
<kennylevinsen> that good time was in the past, if it asks again it's the *next* good time
<kennylevinsen> but yeah, the issue is that Firefox and browsers in general have a *lot* of mechanisms tied to vsync, so it's... hairy
<kennylevinsen> javascript included - requestAnimationFrame() callbacks need to run after their vsync tick, and before render, because web specs :/
<bwidawsk> I realize the spec does not preclude the behavior firefox is intending, but it seems this was not the design of frame
<bwidawsk> design goal
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