ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1374 merged \o/ (compositor: Add support for a command input.
<wlb> weston/main: Nicholas Niro * option-parser: Add support for the '--' options shared/option-parser.c
<wlb> weston/main: Nicholas Niro * compositor: Add support for a command input. frontend/main.c
<wlb> weston/main: Nicholas Niro * man: Document the new 'command input' feature frontend/main.c man/
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1447 opened by Wujian Sun (wujiansun) desktop-shell: Use saved panel position
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1448 opened by Pekka Paalanen (pq) Make test suite pass with color-management-lcms=false [Testing]
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<wlb> weston/main: Pekka Paalanen * tests: remove color-manager test tests/ color-manager-test.c
<wlb> weston/main: Pekka Paalanen * tests: conditionally skip part of alpha-blending libweston/color-lcms/ tests/alpha-blending-test.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1448 merged \o/ (Make test suite pass with color-management-lcms=false
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