ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> weston Marius Vlad pushed a new branch 13.0
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<wlb> weston Issue #869 opened by Cepera Mosolov (mosolovs1987) Some kind of feedback for touchscreen press event abs coords required for user
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<wlb> wayland Issue #436 opened by Pekka Paalanen (pq) Explicitly document the effect of binding globals etc. multiple times [Protocol], [Documentation]
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<wlb> weston Issue #870 opened by Pekka Paalanen (pq) heap-use-afte-free in weston_desktop_seat_popup_grab_remove_surface() [libweston-desktop]
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1449 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Draft: compositor: Don't lift planes out of scene graph entirely [Core compositor]
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<emersion> pq, do you think it's fine if instead of the usual "child object inherits parent version" rule, it inherits another object
<emersion> 's poassed as argument?
<emersion> passed*
<emersion> e.g.
<emersion>, new id wl_data_source)
<emersion> where wl_data_source version is inherited from wl_data_device
<kchibisov> The configure state in xdg_shell is double buffered, how it should work when I don't really need to draw? Like for example, my window is marked as suspended, should I just do wl_surface.commit and not draw? Or should I draw/finish drawing and stop drawing from the next loop iteration?
<kchibisov> The same with activated, for example, activated doesn't result in the top-level commit/redraw in my case, but I just redraw subsurfaces in desync way, thus commit them.
<kchibisov> But not the top-level surface.
<vyivel> yeah just ack+commit without attaching a buffer
<kchibisov> And I _must_ do that?
<vyivel> preferably?
<kchibisov> Like it's just I don't want commit on behalf of the user.
<kchibisov> So they must draw via the infra I define.
<kchibisov> Like the concept that you _commit_ some object you usually use for drawing is a bit weird.
<vyivel> the idea is that you redraw in response to the configure
<kchibisov> yeah, but suspended tells you to stop doing so.
<vyivel> yeah this one's a bit weird
<vyivel> iirc alacritty doesn't respond with a commit to it?
<kchibisov> yeah.
<kchibisov> well, it's winit problem in general.
<kchibisov> Like we tell that once the window is Occluded you should stop drawing.
<vyivel> it probably should respond without a buffer
<kchibisov> Because it's common concept on all the platforms.
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<kchibisov> Yeah, but if you do multithreaded rendering and have a buffer in-flight it'll cause issue if you commit on behalf of the user.
<vyivel> on the other hand, if the window is suspended, that's because it's invisible, so the compositor doesn't really care if it's updated or not…
<kchibisov> yeah, but it may think that the state is not applied.
<kchibisov> Thus it'll think that the window is not suspended.
<emersion> clients are supposed to ack to configures in a timely manner'
<kchibisov> yeah, I ack the things, the problem is commit.
<kchibisov> Like I ack configure, but don't commit/draw if it's suspended state.
<emersion> i mean ack+commit, an ack alone just populates the pending state
<vyivel> can/does winit signal to the app that a redraw is required?
<kchibisov> yeah, it can.
<kchibisov> like it's not an issue, it's just probably will start masking some bugs.
<kchibisov> Like the one when your window is suspended from the start.
<emersion> can winit ask the app to redraw with an empty damage?
<kchibisov> Hm, not yet, but I see what you're suggesting.
<kchibisov> I guess for now I'll change to force redraw.
<kchibisov> And then I'll change to somehow not really force redraw.
<kchibisov> My main issue is that this concept can't be automatically added to some abstraction, because it's a wayland unique behavior.
<kchibisov> Probably drawing one more time won't hurt, since damage tracking is on behalf of the client...
<kchibisov> Hm, if I draw with vsync will I block when I get suspended state and commit a buffer with it?
<kennylevinsen> It suggests that a surface frame callback might not fire anytime soon
<kchibisov> yeah, so it wants an wl_surface.commit() without a draw.
<kchibisov> Because asking me to draw here will block the clients.
<kchibisov> I guess I'll just remove the suspended handling for now.
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<YaLTeR[m]> mhm, some clients seem to treat zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 state activated like the keyboard focus (i.e. only one window can have it)
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<YaLTeR[m]> i suspect adding keyboard focus into there could help
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<emersion> keyboard focus may not be exclusive either
<emersion> there is multi-seat, and nothing in the spec prevents compositors from giving keyboard focus to multiple clients
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<YaLTeR[m]> right
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<kchibisov> I just feel like fcitx a little bit abused it with per toplevel ime state.
<kchibisov> Like it's a very useful feature when you use more than 2 languages at the same time, but probably there should be something else or maybe input-method-v2 itself should kind of broadcast focus.
<kchibisov> Though, input-method-v2 is not seat aware as well iirc.
<emersion> oh it's for fctix? yeah that wasn't designed for this at all…
<kchibisov> I've seen fcitx using it.
<kchibisov> the last thing on the page.
<YaLTeR[m]> emersion: sfwbar really dislikes multiple activated windows, and Waybar's taskbar handles them correctly but design-wise it really should be keyboard focus instead for indicating the "active" window
<emersion> for a bar "active" seems the right thing to use
<emersion> some devices don't have keyboards btw
<YaLTeR[m]> i.e. I keep the active window on every workspace activated even when it's not the active workspace, so that switching workspaces doesn't cause unneeded window animations. This means the bar will show a lot of active windows, that's really not what you want to see on a taskbar
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<YaLTeR[m]> emersion: as a desktop compositor you can still track what the keyboard focus would be
<YaLTeR[m]> oh oops i replied
<YaLTeR[m]> oh that actually did the right thing on the irc side, nice
<emersion> i'd rather not go deeper into the design mistake of "there will always be a keyboard"
<soreau> this sounds like something that has more to do with compositor policies than protocol design choices
<emersion> yeah…
<soreau> for instance, the compositor could send active for only the window with focus if it's on the current workspace
<soreau> and if you're doing things to avoid unecessary animations.. seems like your compositor could have an option or fix for this
<YaLTeR[m]> like, that's what I will end up doing for my foreign toplevel impl, because that's what the clients seem to expect. Despite the fact the protocol says the states are the same as xdg-shell
<emersion> "active" is about visual feedback
<emersion> which is exactly what the bar wants to do
<kchibisov> I think the right solution would be to add more tracking into input-method-v2.
<kchibisov> Since a lot of IMEs kind of handles all the input.
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<wlb> Peter Hutterer * ci: Switch to using ci-templates .gitlab-ci.yml
<wlb> Merge request !75 merged \o/ (ci: Switch to using ci-templates
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