ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<ids1024> Yeah, not much need for a WaylandX yet, but I'm sure someone will be scrambling to create it once apps and toolkits start requiring Wayland, but they are running a driver or window manager that requires X.
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<orowith2os[m]> I need to put aside time to figure things out again, I wanted to make a WaylandX !
<orowith2os[m]> (As I've probably mentioned here, and in other places, countless times) so apps could stop depending on X *and* Wayland but Life Happened™
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<t0mmy> test
<t0mmy> hello!
<t0mmy> I need some Sway help, but the Sway IRC is totally dead
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<fluix> hey, what's up? also, the sway IRC isn't dead
<kchibisov> t0mmy: sway is on
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<t0mmy> oh damn sorry I stepped away
<t0mmy> Yeah I know it's on Libera but i never see any action
<t0mmy> I'm trying to set my displays with sway output and nothing seems to have any effect
<t0mmy> How do I explain this
<t0mmy> My left display is my laptop, and it's 1600x900 and my right display is a 27 inch 1440p monitor
<kchibisov> I'd suggest to continue in sway channel.
<t0mmy> Alright
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<vincejv> Hoping this list will grow smaller this 2024:
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<dubiousness> It's been shrinking
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<Typer> Is there a way for a Wayland client to move its window around?
<immibis> a design tenet of wayland is that clients aren't allowed to know where their windows are
<immibis> there have been some proposals to let wayland clients control window positioning without really knowing their window positioning. I'm not sure if any have been widely adopted in the last few months since I read about this.
<Typer> I think I have a vague idea as to why it is a tenet & not allowed. But just to be sure, is it for privacy/security?
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<Typer> Also I'm asking because I was curious if it would be possible to make something akin to: in Wayland.
<kennylevinsen> Typer: privacy, but also to avoid bad design patterns from X11 that strongly relied on everything being exposed to and controllable by anything
<kennylevinsen> Instead, Wayland reveals nothing and gives control of nothing by default, with explicit protocols for doing specific things where needed
<Typer> kennylevinsen: I do agree with the notion that it shouldn't be in the base protocol. However, surely the privacy concern isn't much of a issue as the compositor/server can ask prompt user for permission for such functionality?
<kennylevinsen> And no, you do not know where your window is positioned, the existence or position of any other windows, nor are you able to move windows.
<Typer> By chance, are there any extension/non-base protocols that do include this functionality?
<kennylevinsen> No
<kennylevinsen> But it would possibly work under Xwayland
<kennylevinsen> Xwayland reveals X windows in its comtrol, but is blind to other Wayland windows of the display server
<kennylevinsen> (As for doing it natively, a protocol could be proposed to allow it - the hard part is consensus, as this is generally not a direction the community has wanted to go in)
<Typer> Sorry, I'm not quite familliar with the in-outs of the wayland protocol development. So I've got no clue what the direction is.
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