ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !274 opened by Ryan Warfield (RyanWarfield) Draft: add an option in xdg_decoration for overlaying decorations
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<vincejv> hello all, what are u using for controlling wayland kde remotely? krfb? tigervnc?
<vincejv> having an issue with krfb recently wherein it doesn't start or crash for some reason i couldn't restart it with a remote ssh connection
<soreau> vincejv: you should ask in kde support channels if you're using kde
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<hjlhjk> hello there. i got a curious bug. probably with wayland. after sleep (swayWM) or screen blanking (KDE, gnome) my mouse only interacts with one exact window. no matter what workspace/screen is active. in sway (using total coordinates) moving the corsor offscreen is moving it off the window but still the underlying windows dont register mouseinput. on kde/gnome it just flips to the ralative position inside the window.
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<hjlhjk> also when i tile the screen in sway the input is used relative. so the bottom right corner f the screen registers the cursor in the bottom right of the window no matter is the window is actually a tiny one in the top left.
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<hjlhjk> this happens with all the livedisks (buntu, kde neon, gentoo, suse, rhel based stuff) with wayland gui. not in my voidlinux installation tough but thats a dam snowflake if you ever seen one...
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<vincejv> anyone got issues with Wayland + Discord when copy pasting images such as screenshots? It pastes the screenshot as a file instead of an image, not experiencing the same thing on X11
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<JoshuaAshton> That's just a Discord bug
<JoshuaAshton> Their system to do embeds went down earlier
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