ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<YaLTeR[m]> Is the pointer-gestures protocol supposed to get the "axis relative direction" event similar to wl_pointer? For natural scrolling type scenarios
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<emersion> I don't think so
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<YaLTeR[m]> It would make sense for the swipe gesture, if the client is using it for a scrolling type action
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<usr> did I understand correctly that `wl_display_dispatch()` just blocks until there is an event for the current client on the display file descriptor and then sends the requests the client had queued up on the default queue, for example using `wl_display_get_registry()`, `wl_registry_bind()`, etc. to the compositor?
<usr> and shouldn't the description for the return value be "The number of dispatched requests..." instead of "The number of dispatched events on success or -1 on failure"?
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<usr> oh no I misunderstood
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<Arsen> o/ how is Compose handled on wayland?
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