ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<Company> it's gonna make a lot of people very unhappy if that doesn't work with the GTK offloading stuff
<Company> because there's tons of apps that dynamically switch between subsurfaces and GTK compositing rather frequently
<Company> rounded corners do that to people
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<JoshuaAshton> good to know that it's not just us that needs this then
<JoshuaAshton> I think it's fine if it doesn't make the initial pass for the protocol (something something feature/scope creep) tho
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<Company> I've designed that whole stuff under the assumption that GTK's compositing code is identical to the compositors
<Company> it's shaders all the way down, so we can just make sure we use the same ones
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<zamundaaa[m]> You can't assume subsurfaces do the same thing as compositing even without color management
<zamundaaa[m]> The scaling algorithm with viewporter is implementation defined for example, and so is the blending function
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<wlb> weston Issue #877 opened by diegonieto (diegonieto) Screen capture in a single output
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<wlb> wayland Issue #440 opened by Julian Orth (mahkoh) Re-using interfaces across protocols
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<swick[m]> zamundaaa: the end goal should always be to make it possible for offloading to be entirely transparent
<swick[m]> but yeah, we don't even properly communicate premult, YCbCr conversion, subsampling position, etc etc
<swick[m]> long way to go
<swick[m]> the whole color management thing is going to make this much harder even
<swick[m]> but eh, let's start somewhere
<swick[m]> JoshuaAshton: the assumption in the protocol right now is that everything is SDR, except if PQ is chosen as TF because that ties itself to a specific viewing environment
<swick[m]> but that also means that if you choose PQ, you can't just randomly chose other reference white levels because then it won't be PQ anymore
<swick[m]> except if we explicitly communicate the min/max and reference white levels
<swick[m]> which is exactly what !44 is trying to do
<pq> swick[m], they were talking about sub-surfaces vs. client-side composition results being expected identical.
<pq> and arbitraryly switching between those two. Not KMS off-loading.
<pq> swick[m], right, IOW right now "PQ" means BT.2100/PQ system, while in the future once we communicate the levels "PQ" reduces to mean PQ TF. Right?
<pq> I wonder if the same applies with HLG...
<pq> Company, no, you definitely cannot ever switch between sub-surfaces and client-side composition while expecting the end result on screen to not change. KMS API has the transparent switching property, but Wayland design is based on not having that property.
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<swick[m]> uh, I should probably avoid saying "offloading". From the client perspective, offloading means pushing some compositing work to the compositor using subsurfaces, from the compositor perspective it means pushing work to KMS
<swick[m]> yes, subsurface offloading doesn't have the property... now. I'm of the opinion that it should be the goal eventually
<swick[m]> buy we're just figuring out how do composite stuff properly right now so it's just too early to make any guarantees
<swick[m]> in the protocol you literally set the PQ transfer characteristics which, unlike all other systems, implies a certain luminance in the reference viewing environment
<swick[m]> or to put it another way, there is no way to say "the PQ TF" without also implying "the PQ system"
<swick[m]> to be fair, other systems also define absolute luminances in a reference viewing environment, but they don't couple it that closely and are often not defined with the same rigor
<swick[m]> so just saying "SDR" for everything else is prooobably good enough
<swick[m]> in general, I don't think it would be wrong to say "the TF implies an absolute luminance level for a specific code value in the reference viewing environment"
<JEEB> and for the graphics white level, that's mostly for mapping SDR graphics white components onto HDR image.
<JEEB> yea, mentioning the ref. viewing environment lets you say that
<swick[m]> yeah, my point is that this is mostly true for all TFs but becomes really loosely defined in a lot of cases
<swick[m]> which is why one would usually just lump them into the "SDR" category and be done with it
<swick[m]> the details here don't matter that much
<pq> I think it is a bad idea to define the exact mathematics of how every compositor will have to handle all types of content, pixel-composition-wise. Starting with e.g. scaling algorithms. This would also restrict KMS off-loading.
<swick[m]> I think it would be a good idea in the long term to let the clients know which algorithms are used in the compositor to make it possible to match it
<pq> I think a much more feasible goal is to create a single compositing library used by literally all compositors that make the promise.
<pq> then we must re-design Wayland to be prescriptive
<pq> and turn Wayland into a drawing API
<swick[m]> not really. you just let the clients know about the algorithm used and have a "unknown" escape hatch. everything stays prescriptive.
<pq> I don't see that as a good idea. We lose all the flexibility.
<pq> you mean descriptive?
<swick[m]> you don't loose any flexibility because you can just say "unknown"
<pq> but "unknown" means clients won't work
<swick[m]> you can still do whatever you want, it just gives clients the possibility of matching some compositors
<swick[m]> yes
<pq> then lots of people complain why each compositor is choosing whatever and not the other thing that they do
<swick[m]> so? the situation is already true right now
<pq> implying there is that possibility will probably make lots of people demand it
<pq> no, it's not, because we do not even pretend it could be possible.
<swick[m]> dunno, this just changes that you have to target one compositor and can start targeting groups of compositors
<pq> we've always said that clients cannot guarantee to mimick compositor results. Do not switch between sub-surfaces and single-surface, if you expect the same result. That has been it from the day sub-surfaces were invented.
<swick[m]> I mean, sure, you said that at some point
<swick[m]> doesn't mean it always has to stay true
<swick[m]> anyway, too far into the future to loose much thought over it
<pq> I fear people don't understand the "far future", they demand it now
<pq> what we should do is to make sure that there is no reason to *switch at runtime* between sub-surfaces and client-side composition on the same window while it's mapped.
<swick[m]> you should talk with Company about how realistic that is
<pq> how could that change anything?
<pq> I so wish all this talk was in Gitlab or email, and not in IRC, too.
<JEEB> meanwhile it seems like various SMPTE ST specs have become free on their site: the 2094 series for dynamic HDR metadata, ST2084 and ST2086 for the base static ones.
<swick[m]> neat
<pq> swick[m], HLG does imply a specific luminance in the reference viewing environment with the reference display too. It just specifies the luminance generalization outside of that too, while PQ does not. But I think we should try the HLG generalization on PQ content as well.
<JEEB> -10 being the D one and -40 being Samsung's HDR10+
<JEEB> re HLG: apparently the image folk are defining their own version of it as well
<pq> swick[m], yes, there is "only PQ TF" without the PQ system, then you explicitly define all the things that the PQ system would otherwise define.
<swick[m]> eh, sure... the primaries, YCbCr stuff etc etc
<swick[m]> but the TF implies a luminance on the reference display in the reference viewing environment
<pq> I was specifically thinking of min/max/reference luminances.
<pq> and the viewing environment
<swick[m]> if you just take the curve and not the luminance at a certain signal level then it's just not the PQ TF anymore
<swick[m]> they closely coupled this, unlike all other specs
<swick[m]> but tbh, I don't think it matters
<pq> one can still use PQ TF for encoding content for non-standard viewing environment and non-standard display luminance capabilities. The curve still gives you cd/m², and you still interpret that wrt. to the given viewing environment and display capabilities - they just happen to be not the reference ones.
<swick[m]> yes, you can, but then it's not PQ anymore
<swick[m]> which is completely fine
<swick[m]> I don't think we disagree with anything, it's just a matter of naming
<pq> yes, what to call the TF used in the PQ system
<pq> color-management protocol extension currently conflates TFs and systems
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<swick[m]> in the sense that it implies an absolute luminance at some signal level in the reference viewing environment, yes
<swick[m]> we could make them two separate things
<swick[m]> let the TF only imply the actual curve, and have another property for the luminances and viewing environment
<swick[m]> instead of having a sort of "override"
<swick[m]> which !44 is trying to do
<pq> right
<pq> what to call the curve used by the PQ system, without confusing most people?
<daniels> pqurve
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<pq> JEEB, thanks for those links. I wish I never need to study them, but I saved them. :-)
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<emersion> seems like some downstreams monkey-patch the upstream protocols :(
<emersion> and that results in fireworks when compiling regular compositors against this ofc
<pq> I wish I was surprised.
<emersion> clearly i haven't done enough embedded stuff
<pq> I haven't either, but I've heard the rumours of weston butchery.
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<pq> a double-facepalm for copying the docs of a different request and not bothering to even delete them.
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<emersion> :D
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<kennylevinsen> heh, a lazy botch - but it might not have been intentional, could just be that they didn't know that it was easy to do right with a vendor protocol
<daniels> vendor downstreams are very much averse to creating new things, and very happy to hack up existing things
<pq> because it's "less maintenance"?
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<kennylevinsen> from sitting on the other side of the table, usually it's just a matter of shipping feature XYZ with the least effort/by people not intimate with the projects they modify
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<kennylevinsen> you can hack something that exists without spending the time to understand it... but in this case it's not really harder to just fork the protocol or make an addition. :/
<kennylevinsen> s/make an addition/make a supplementary protocol/
<kennylevinsen> so I imagine they wouldn't have minded doing it right knowing that
<daniels> yep
<daniels> and both NXP and Rockchip are actually contributing stuff upstream, which is nice
<daniels> there's some really useful stuff in the Rockchip tree in particular which I'd like to get upstream
<daniels> as well as some terrifying-but-cool hacks like 'if the opaque region contains a (-1,-1,1,1) rect, then actually interpret the opaque region as a transparent region' which I don't want upstream in _that_ form, but having the functionality would be good
<kennylevinsen> o.O
<JEEB> pq: yea not sure how much those specifically show up in wayland since I think MS just meh'd and moved on to opaque buffers with the dynamic HDR things (incomplete API etc)
<JEEB> the ST2084 and ST2086 stuff IIRC contains the calculation method of luminance etc so in that sense those could be more useful day-to-day
<JEEB> 2084 being and 2086 being , although the latter is marked as superceded?
<JEEB> ah there is a 2018 edition which I was not able to find from the IEEExplore?
<pq> oh, those are free now as well, cool
<pq> that SMPTE logo is funny btw... one could read it as "film in, SMPTE does magic, pixel garbage out" :-p
<JEEB> indeed
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<emersion> "enhance!"
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<wlb> weston/main: Leandro Ribeiro * tests: move functions that create ICC profiles to lcms_util.c tests/ color-icc-output-test.c lcms_util.c lcms_util.h
<wlb> weston/main: Leandro Ribeiro * tests: add helpers to create unique filenames tests/ weston-test-client-helper.c weston-test-client-helper.h weston-test-runner.c weston-test-runner.h
<wlb> weston/main: Leandro Ribeiro * tests: make use of helpers to create unique filenames tests/ color-icc-output-test.c drm-writeback-screenshot-test.c internal-screenshot-test.c weston-test-client-helper.c weston-test-client-helper.h
<wlb> weston Merge request !1453 merged \o/ (Test suite changes related to ICC profiles
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