ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<daniels> Arsen: it’s all client-side, usually libxkbcommon but clients can implement their own handling
<Arsen> daniels: ah, got it. still libxkbcommon on Wayland, even?
<Arsen> (btw, I ask because I noticed that it seems that Qt and GTK3 act different)
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<daniels> yeah, iirc gtk3 has its own internal handling whereas qt uses xkbcommon
<kchibisov> gtk3 has default builtin compose tables, so even if you don't have them around, it does compose something, and its default set of rules is also a bit different.
<kchibisov> but it's like that on X11 as well, so nothing really surprising.
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<bittin> playing with Niri
<ahmadraniri[m]> nice...
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !278 opened by Guido Günther (agx) xdg-decoration: Add client side decoration hints
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