ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<MrCooper> discusses some of the same issues as I raised in, but even though I pointed to the latter in the former, nobody has even acknowledged its existence yet. Not sure what to make of that
<MrCooper> my issue has a proposal for a solution
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<pq> MrCooper, I've read your 175, but I feel incapable of diving that deep while color-management is on my plate. It's easier to just casually troll elsewhere, sorry. :-)
<pq> I can only repeat my ideals for now, and that's not useful.
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !367 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) Introduce enum wl_arg_type [IPC library]
<MrCooper> pq: my proposed solution attempts to preserve your ideal as much as realistically possible
<pq> cool
<MrCooper> and it lets the client know what's what
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<wildwestrom[m]> Hello everyone. I'm pleased to finally be a part of this room. I've been a Sway user for about 3 years now and I'd like to start contributing to the Wayland project as a whole.
<pq> Hi wildwestrom[m], welcome.
<wildwestrom[m]> Hi @pq. It seems you're one of the people who were last working on wayland/#194.
<wildwestrom[m]> Indeed emersion
<wildwestrom[m]> I've been on a wild goose chase trying to figure out why programs are crashing, and I appear to be close to rock bottom. Been collecting all the issues that mention wl_surface@n: error 2: Buffer size (NxN) is not divisible by scale (n). If I understand right, it seems like crashing is intended behavior(?) I'm not sure though.
<emersion> yeah, but it'
<emersion> s likely unrelated to this particular issue
<emersion> compositors don't send this error for cursor surfaces in practice today
<emersion> the bug is likely to be in the app you're using
<wildwestrom[m]> Really? Ok, well that's a bit of a relief. Jumping right into changing the ABI seems daunting.
<wildwestrom[m]> Ok, I figured it was, and boy is it prevalent.... (full message at <>)
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<davidre> I would say these are not workaround bug actual bug fixes
<wildwestrom[m]> David Redondo: For real? Well that's good to know.
<emersion> at least the first 2 are
<kchibisov> neovide had real bug fix.
<emersion> the patch in that wayland-proxy-virtwl issue is a hack
<kchibisov> They just forgot to resize the egl surface at some point iirc.
<wildwestrom[m]> Now I just have to figure out what Wezterm is doing wrong. (full message at <>)
<wildwestrom[m]> Ah, and that function itself is called when the compositor handles a commit. Therefore this must be handled before a commit.
<wildwestrom[m]> I think I have enough info to try to discuss it with the folks at Wezterm
<wildwestrom[m]> Thank's everyone!
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<wlb> wayland/main: Sebastian Wick * server: add wl_client_get_user_data/wl_client_set_user_data src/wayland-server-core.h src/wayland-server.c tests/client-test.c
<wlb> wayland Merge request !364 merged \o/ (server: add wl_client_get_user_data/wl_client_set_user_data
<kchibisov> wildwestrom[m]: wezterm is in general really broken around initial sizing and such.
<wildwestrom[m]> Hey by the way emersion, do you happen to live in South Korea too, or is there another reason for the 시몽 on your profile?
<emersion> i used to live in South Korea
<kchibisov> during internship, I guess or parents related?
<emersion> yeah, parent's job
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<wildwestrom[m]> I see, well I hope to meet you someday. I love all your projects.
<emersion> are you the owner of
<emersion> glad to hear that
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<wildwestrom[m]> <emersion> "are you the owner of" <- Yes I am. Haven't touched it in years.
<emersion> cool, if you're okay with that, i'll try to ping you next time i visit
<wildwestrom[m]> Totally! Definitely send me a message if you're here.
<emersion> :)
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1356 merged \o/ (Add support for the color-management protocol
<wlb> weston Merge request !435 closed (Drm gamma support)
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<wlb> wayland Issue #442 opened by GhostCoder22 (GhostCoder22) Re-docking sub-windows isn't possible in Wayland, and switching from X11 to Wayland causes black screen due to SDDM
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<jal> hi, on xorg I used xbanish to hide the mouse cursor when a key is pressed; is there a wayland equivalent?
<wlb> wayland Issue #442 closed \o/ (Re-docking sub-windows isn't possible in Wayland, and switching from X11 to Wayland causes black screen due to SDDM
<soreau> jal: this is something that would be implemented by your compositor
<soreau> I haven't heard that there's any standard protocol for it, so you might check in your compositor support channels
<jal> thanks
<soreau> for example on wayfire, there's a hide cursor plugin that automatically hides the cursor after certain time of no movement
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<Dhalucario> Hello, I have a question. I used to use Windows and Mac for a good while. After switching to Linux I noticed that the linux desktop seems to lack global context menu entry.
<Dhalucario> *entries
<Dhalucario> Is there some kind of standard that already does this? A friend told me I would have to create a standard for that but I have no clue where to start.
<zamundaaa[m]> Dhalucario: can you describe what exactly you're after? I don't get what you mean with "global context menu entries"
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<Dhalucario> Sometimes when you make a text selection some applications allow you to right click it to open the context menu and do something with that text selection. Lets say I select a text in Firefox and when I right click the text I wanna send it to my gpg program to decrypt the text.
<Dhalucario> There is like an entry in the context menu to do so.
<zamundaaa[m]> Ah. Yeah I don't think such a thing exists yet
<zamundaaa[m]> That sounds like a job for xdg portals though
<Dhalucario> Hm I am going to read a bit into that then.
<Dhalucario> If I understand this xdg-desktop depends on dbus. Idk if that makes sense since the program should not have to be running to do the users interaction. Windows seems to do this via registry entries:
<Dhalucario> MacOS seems to allow programs to register Quick Actions which the user can add to their context menu.
<Dhalucario> I think I will explore this some more and rejoin once I have a bit more of a concrete idea what the API should look like. For now I will go to bed though. Good night.
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