ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #177 opened by i509VCB (i509VCB) xdg_shell: xdg_positioner.set_constraint_adjustment does not specify bitflag enum type of `constraint_adjustment` argument
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<krathul[m]> Hi
<bittin> hey
<krathul[m]> This is abou libinput I believe.
<krathul[m]> I'm trying to simulate mouse events using evdev, but when I give I ask it to move by certain units, say EV_REL, REL_X, 100. It doesn't actually move 100 pixels horizontally right on the screen.
<krathul[m]> I beleive it might be because of some transformation to screen coordinates. But how do I do it precisely?
<krathul[m]> Is this specific to a compositor?
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<pq> krathul[m], relative motion is always subject to acceleration etc. and the units are not pixels at evdev level I think. The behaviour depends on libinput and how each compositor configures libinput. If you want to drive a GUI with fake input instead of actually simulate a mouse, maybe using absolute coordinates helps.
<pq> There is also libei that might be more appropriate if the compositor integrates with libeis.
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<krathul[m]> pq: so if I create a fake touchpad device to do that, are absolute coordinates directly interpreted as screen coordinates?
<pq> touchpad is still a relative pointing device, even if it is absolute in hardware. You'd need more like a touchscreen, but as a pointer device.
<pq> IIRC libinput relies of udev rules to classify evdev devices as pointer, touchscreen, etc.
<pq> pointer with absolute motion is a bit strange, until you consider virtual machine viewer applications, where relative motion events would have the same problems as you have.
<pq> unfortunately I don't really know any details
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<naemi> Hi, is there a way to force a cursor animation from OS-level tools? e.g. I want to force a spinning/loading cursor while a script is running
<pq> Not in Wayland, no. There must be an application with an open window, and the pointer on the window for the app to be able to control the cursor.
<pq> maybe notifications would be better?
<emersion> if you really want to change the cursor, the right way to do it would probably be via a new osc
<pq> that also would work only while the pointer is over the terminal
<emersion> indeed
<emersion> oh hey, this even exists already
<emersion> OSC 22 ; <name> BEL
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<pq> swick[m], zamundaaa[m], a bit of an issue with turning the "create" requests into destrcutors: how do we send protocol errors from it now?
<zamundaaa[m]> Does sending them before destruction not work?
<zamundaaa[m]> Compositor side destruction I mean
<pq> the object is already gone client-side, so...
<pq> at most the client has a zombie
<pq> so I *think* it would look like a protocol error originating from an unknown object
<zamundaaa[m]> Gimme a few minutes, I'll just test it
<pq> hmm, maybe it does work...
<pq> but that may also be just an artifact of the libwayland-client implementation?
<pq> yeah, libwayland-client registers the error, but has no idea what interface it's from
<pq> that makes testing for the correct protocol errors awkward
<pq> OTOH... is this anything new - clients could always, they do too, explicitly destroy the object after sending a request that triggers a protocol error.
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<pq> zamundaaa[m], swick[m], ok, I think sending the error in destructor is fine. On client side it is indistinguishable from the client sending two requests in a burst, where first triggers a protocol error and the latter destroys the object. So it's all business as usual. Just the client has no clue what object generated the error, but the human-readable error message is still there.
<pq> and error code is there, though without knowing the interface it cannot be deciphered
<zamundaaa[m]> Sounds fine to me
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<wlb> wayland Issue #441 opened by Nick Yamane (nickdiego) Specify keyboard focus/behavior during drag sessions
<MrCooper> if a client passes an invalid / already-destroyed ID as a parameter to a request, does the compositor's request handler still get called?
<pq> MrCooper, I think libwayland catches and stops that with a protocol error.
<pq> server-side, too
<MrCooper> I was hoping so, thanks
<vaxry> libwayland goes HOL UP
<pq> the same does not happen with events, those just get turned to NULL I believe
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