ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !279 opened by Poly (PolyMeilex) xdg-shell: Introduce set_modal and unset_modal
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<pq> dubiousness, a HMD is a view into a virtual 3D space. Positioning in that can be anything, really. Posters on many walls, not necessarily straight. Also non-linear transformations, like projection on a dome. In that case, the surface local coordinate axes could be curved in 3D.
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<dubiousness> pq: sure, so I would imagine it would be up to the compositor in that case to say: This is a wall, here are the coordinates; this is a dome, here are the details; this is a discarded pizza box, etc.
<dubiousness> so that anything “launched” and I use that word carefully, would be relative to the surface it’s presented with, to avoid egregious things like arbitrary overlapping
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !279 closed (xdg-shell: Introduce set_modal and unset_modal)
<dubiousness> hmm, no, I think I’m incorrect
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<pq> dubiousness, those were just a couple obvious examples, I'm sure there are infinitely more choices.
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<Company> fractional scaling question
<Company> on a 150% surface with an odd width - say 11px - I am supposed to create a round (11 * 1.5) = 17px buffer, right?
<Company> and am I supposed to render into it as if the buffer represented 11px or as if the buffer represented 17/1.5 = 11.333333px?
<Company> or am I supposed to specify that myself using the viewporter source rect?
<Company> ie setting destionation = 11; source = 16.5px?
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<dubiousness> bl4ckb0ne: ack, I will have a look
<bl4ckb0ne> ping me if you have any questions
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<d_ed[m]> <Company> "on a 150% surface with an odd..." <- yes
<Company> to all the questions?
<d_ed[m]> to the rounded buffer
<d_ed[m]> and then setting the source rect to the whole buffer, destination to 11
<Company> I had so far assumed that keeping source unset would do the right thing
<Company> but I suppose it doesn't for the odd case
<Company> does the math for this work out when maximized fullscreen?
<Company> 1920x1080, 175% scale factor
<Company> 1920/1.75=1097.14...
<Company> Do I get a size of 1097 in that case?
<d_ed[m]> sure, unset is the same thing
<Company> but whatever I do, I'm gonna be screwed
<Company> this is gonna be so much fun
<d_ed[m]> It certainly has it's share of issues
<wlb> wayland Merge request !366 merged \o/ (event-loop: use wl_priv_signal for the destroy signal
<wlb> wayland/main: Kirill Primak * event-loop: use wl_priv_signal for the destroy signal src/event-loop.c
<d_ed[m]> Company: that's what we do in Qt and SDL at least
<Company> 3836x2398 is the buffer I end up with on GTK when fullscreening on 175%
<Company> there's more than 1 thing going wrong when I'm off by 2
<Company> 125%, 150% and 250% come out right
<Company> at least
<Company> that's why you don't use something with a factor 7 I guess
<Company> 3834x2397
<Company> at 225%
<Company> oh well
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<d_ed[m]> I tested Qt + kwin on a 4k monitor @ 175% with debug on the client... (full message at <>)
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<Company> yeah, something is going wrong here
<Company> 175% should work
<Company> though you can theoretically get in situations where you can't round to the correct number anymore once the scale is > 2
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<zamundaaa[m]> You don't need scale > 2 for that
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<zamundaaa[m]> It happens plenty with lots of scale + size combinations in between scale 1 and 2
<Company> I would have expected you can always send a size that rounds properly, but I guess if the client always rounds up, you're indeed right
<Company> just because there's fewer numbers between [0, x/scale] and [0,x]
<Company> so there can't be an injective function to map between them
<Company> though I'm mostly interested in the default scales - 125% 150% 175% - and the default monitor sizes
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<kennylevinsen> Company: what's the configure dimensions you get from the compositor? For your 3840x2400 display it should be 2194x1371... but you'll only get to 3840x2339 due to rounding.
<Company> 2192, 1370 apparently
<Company> bad mutter
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<orowith2os[m]> whot: any particular reason for the stalling of for so long?
<orowith2os[m]> the general idea seems good; make it simpler
<orowith2os[m]> actually, I should take a look at the modern source, make sure it still matches up, so I'm not running off an old diff....
<orowith2os[m]> okay, yeah, still about the same
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