ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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soreau, you need the simple-shm buffer logic. There is no guarantee that the compositor releases the shm buffer you posted until you have committed another update to the same surface. Even then it's not a (timely) guarantee, so you might need even a third buffer sometimes.
pq: but that's not what vyivel indicated :P
soreau, particularly Weston with Pixman-renderer won't give you an early release.
and that's what I was thinking when reading through simple-shm.c
soreau, re-using wl_buffers is highly desirable and intended. Destroying and creating shm buffers has a potentially significant cost.
you can reuse buffer on release
if it's not released you can't reuse it
I'm only updating max 1fps so far, so I guess it's not a problem
therefore you usually have a pool of buffers that starts with one buffer, adds new buffers as needed, and keeps track of which ones are free to be re-used.
fps is irrelevant
Weston with Pixman-renderer will keep your shm buffer in use, until you post another one or destroy/unmap the surface. No matter how many hours you take.
when you create the pool, does the size need to be twice as large to accommodate for two buffers?
I mean the concept of a pool, not a literal wl_shm_pool. But of course you could implement it with a large wl_shm_pool.
pq: ok, thanks for the input
so far, it just reuses the wl_buffer without regard to release events, and it seems to work ok FTM
yeah, that's luck
well if the server is running at a 'normal' rate and the client is reusing at 1fps, I think it releases by then anyway.. but yea, could be a race
which is why I asked the question in the first place
If your compositor is GPU-accelerated, it probably copies the shm buffer contents into its own copy very soon, and your next frame modifications do not get read too early.
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but I just got wayfire working headless on a lowly box, so we'll see
well, Weston with Pixman-renderer won't release, and that's what the protocol allows.
I was thinking of dumbing down the headless refresh rate, but maybe 15fps is too dumb
pq: I see
if you have a compositor with a non-GL non-Vulkan software renderer, there is a good chance it won't release until post another buffer
KWin doesn't release the shm buffers with the OpenGL renderer either
It always keeps the last buffer on the surface
but if you reuse the buffer before release.. what happens?
the compositor might be reading the buffer while you are writing to it, meaning the compositor gets garbage or inconsistent pixels
well I want this client to be an example widget and example pywayland client (for myself and others) so I will likely 'fix' it to simple-shm specs
pq: yea that's the whole point of implementing the epoll custom loop
because I don't want to potentially read/write to variables when updating weather stuff, for example
so instead I use eventfd write/reads
oh, yeah, avoiding races in general, good
even when handling sigint, I write to a 'close_fd' and handle it in the event loop
because threads are sticky in python, and I need ^C to work
and ofc, do the same thing on xdg close event
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the pointer-constraints and relative-pointer protocols seem to be 10 years old, widely used, and implemented in every desktop compositor, is there a reason they are marked as unstable instead of staging?