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question about viewporter: if the src and dst rectangle ratio missmatch, is the output stretched?
or is there some blank space at one corner? if so, is the buffer centered somehow?
staceee: stretched
stacee strecthed in my readin
> If the destination size is set, it causes the surface size to become dst_width, dst_height. The source (rectangle) is scaled to exactly this size.
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but I should be able to do that with xdg_positionner right?
how they would interract with each-other?
xdg_positioner is completely orthogonal
ah it position xdg_surface, not wl_surface in xdg_surface, right?
specifically a child relative to its parent
viewport is responsible for mapping a part of a buffer to a surface, xdg_positioner is responsible for providing rules to position a surface in the global space
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position/resize, to be precise
ok alternatively, can I enforce a window dimension ratio somehow?
to be sure it match my buffer ratios
what are you trying to do
working on a vnc client. I'm trying to offload the scaling to the compositor, using viewporter. But I don't want to stretch the buffer
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so either I can position it inside the top level, or I stretch the buffer in a surface with a matching geometry
put the buffer into a subsurface, put viewport-scaled buffer into it while preserving aspect ratio, then center the subsurface within the toplevel
the first part of that sentence doesn't make sense but you get what i mean hopefully
* vyivel
isn't fully awake yet
subsurface? is that xdg-shell specific?
nope, see wl_subcompositor in the core protocol
okay thanks!
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staceee, FYI, a Wayland client always sets the size of its wl_surfaces. A compositor either uses that, or disconnects the client with a protocol error when the protocol spec mandates so. Size mismatch between compositor and client points of view on a wl_surface simply cannot exist.
meant ratio missmatch
there cannot be a ratio mismatch
staceee, xdg_surface is an additional interface on a wl_surface. It's not "another" surface as if it had geometry or anything, so there is no concept of positioning a wl_surface in xdg_surface.
viewporter would stretch on ratio missmatch
staceee, only if you tell viewporter to do so.
the client can also commit a size that does not match what the compositor sent in the configure event
for example, mpv does this to maintain the aspect ratio of its window if it is not tiled
(which does make things quite tricky for the compositor to handle correctly in some cases)
The sub-surface suggestion is a good one. You can keep your window decorations etc. UI separate from the remote screen contents and off-load the scaling to the compositor. It does raise a question, though:
What is the benefit of off-loading a VNC screen image scaling to the compositor?
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e.g. it allows the compositor to scan out the client buffer directly in some cases?
It's from VNC, does it live in a dmabuf?
Is there GPU-accelerated VNC image decoding?
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admittedly I don't know if there's any VNC client with GPU acceleration, it seems plausible in principle at least though
even if not though, it means the compositor can scale the buffer contents with the GPU
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wlvncc got some GPU related feature
what I'm primarly trying to do is to support fractionnal scaling
on the client side
and secondary benefit would be better performance I guess
We would skip one scaling, and positionning
i would be fine (degrudgingly :P ) with !113 if it didn't make everything inert
emersion, what would you do instead?
same as linux-dmabuf not throwing everything on the floor if the client keeps using an old buffer with a format no longer advertised
...wait, that's supposed to work?
or just silently not work?
sure, why not? A global is just an object and destroying an object don't have a knock-on effect (if not explicitly defined).
Does that mean that clients are good to continue using the image descriptions they already got, and creating new ones if they had the old global bound?
that's how I understand it at least
What's the expected outcome of that, given the compositor may have lost its capability to use those image descriptions?
Or should the compositor delay its loss of capability?
I don't think there is any meaning behind it, it's just how things are, if left unspecified
What's the incentive for clients to get back to good working state?
if color management support is supposed to be something that can be removed and added by the compositor, then it's not useful behavior
I'm just trying to say that I think this behavior just naturally happens if you don't explicitly design the behavior for adding/removing a feature
AFAIU that's exactly what mahkoh wants, when the end user tells his compositor to switch from a color-managing renderer to one that cannot.
Yes, but to me it's not even clear if that's a good goal to have
Me neither, yet I lack solid counter-rationale.
well, the implementations for it that we could come up with are:
1. if a client doesn't handle global remove, everything will become inert and the colors look wrong, (also probably racy even if the client handles the global remove)
2. if a client doesn't handle global remove, it will receive protocol errors, but even if it handle it, clients still might because it's racy
a more fundamental issue: if the compositor stops doing color management, then how does it composite surfaces with already committed image description state?
That's a good question to raise.
I'm running out of time today, let's see tomorrow.
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I'd personally prefer a "manager_manager" object with a destroy event over using global_remove
We could easily add a "please, stop using this" event in the global interface. Though, clients might not hang on to it to get the event.
ifreund: why?
pq: I think a renderer with no color management is broken. All renderers should support it.
DemiMarie, nah, it's a fine design decision to assume everything is in sRGB as long as everything makes the same assumption.
maybe a dumb question, but would something like help for this? I mean, ultimately, isn't what he wants just some way for the compositor to say "things have changed, make sure you redo your buffers with the new assumptions"?
emersion: it dodges the global_remove race for one...
we've fixed the race
oh? do we have something better than delaying the destroy on the server side by a few seconds now?
Maybe that is a 100% fix in practice but it feels ugly to me
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we could add something in wl_fixes if we wanted to, but shrug, it's good enough
we have bigger fish to fry imho
I just can't stop wishing that global_remove didn't exist and we had wl_seat_manager and wl_output_manager objects rather than advertising multiple instances of the same global
ifreund, what would be the difference?
I think it would be simpler to use and understand for both clients and compositors
having globals follow 3? different patterns of behavior isn't great
(normal advertise once never destroy globals, wl_seat/wl_output "multi" globals, and the third advertise once maybe destroy and re-create kind that color management might and apparently some others are?)
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does any compositor actually send WL_SURFACE_ERROR_DEFUNCT_ROLE_OBJECT?
git grep comes up empty in mutter, kwin & weston
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MrCooper: wlroots code appears to
good, I wonder if nautilus popups survive that :)