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<staceee> question about viewporter: if the src and dst rectangle ratio missmatch, is the output stretched?
<staceee> or is there some blank space at one corner? if so, is the buffer centered somehow?
<vyivel> staceee: stretched
<davidre> stacee strecthed in my readin
<davidre> > If the destination size is set, it causes the surface size to become dst_width, dst_height. The source (rectangle) is scaled to exactly this size.
<staceee> arf
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<staceee> but I should be able to do that with xdg_positionner right?
<staceee> how they would interract with each-other?
<davidre> xdg_positioner is completely orthogonal
<staceee> ah it position xdg_surface, not wl_surface in xdg_surface, right?
<MrCooper> specifically a child relative to its parent
<vyivel> viewport is responsible for mapping a part of a buffer to a surface, xdg_positioner is responsible for providing rules to position a surface in the global space
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<vyivel> position/resize, to be precise
<staceee> ok alternatively, can I enforce a window dimension ratio somehow?
<staceee> to be sure it match my buffer ratios
<vyivel> what are you trying to do
<staceee> working on a vnc client. I'm trying to offload the scaling to the compositor, using viewporter. But I don't want to stretch the buffer
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<staceee> so either I can position it inside the top level, or I stretch the buffer in a surface with a matching geometry
<vyivel> put the buffer into a subsurface, put viewport-scaled buffer into it while preserving aspect ratio, then center the subsurface within the toplevel
<vyivel> uh
<vyivel> the first part of that sentence doesn't make sense but you get what i mean hopefully
<staceee> mhh
* vyivel isn't fully awake yet
<staceee> subsurface? is that xdg-shell specific?
<vyivel> nope, see wl_subcompositor in the core protocol
<staceee> okay thanks!
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<pq> staceee, FYI, a Wayland client always sets the size of its wl_surfaces. A compositor either uses that, or disconnects the client with a protocol error when the protocol spec mandates so. Size mismatch between compositor and client points of view on a wl_surface simply cannot exist.
<staceee> meant ratio missmatch
<pq> there cannot be a ratio mismatch
<pq> staceee, xdg_surface is an additional interface on a wl_surface. It's not "another" surface as if it had geometry or anything, so there is no concept of positioning a wl_surface in xdg_surface.
<staceee> viewporter would stretch on ratio missmatch
<pq> staceee, only if you tell viewporter to do so.
<staceee> right
<ifreund> the client can also commit a size that does not match what the compositor sent in the configure event
<ifreund> for example, mpv does this to maintain the aspect ratio of its window if it is not tiled
<ifreund> (which does make things quite tricky for the compositor to handle correctly in some cases)
<pq> The sub-surface suggestion is a good one. You can keep your window decorations etc. UI separate from the remote screen contents and off-load the scaling to the compositor. It does raise a question, though:
<pq> What is the benefit of off-loading a VNC screen image scaling to the compositor?
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<MrCooper> e.g. it allows the compositor to scan out the client buffer directly in some cases?
<pq> It's from VNC, does it live in a dmabuf?
<pq> Is there GPU-accelerated VNC image decoding?
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<MrCooper> admittedly I don't know if there's any VNC client with GPU acceleration, it seems plausible in principle at least though
<MrCooper> even if not though, it means the compositor can scale the buffer contents with the GPU
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<staceee> wlvncc got some GPU related feature
<staceee> what I'm primarly trying to do is to support fractionnal scaling
<staceee> on the client side
<staceee> and secondary benefit would be better performance I guess
<staceee> We would skip one scaling, and positionning
<staceee> ifreund, pq, MrCooper ^
<staceee> additional context in the end of the discuss here:
<ifreund> I think using viewporter here is a good idea
<staceee> but that means we need to use sub-surface if I understood correct. So I need to rework the positionning
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<pq> sounds good
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<swick[m]> pq, zamundaaa: Anything left to do for the color management protocol?
<pq> yeah, I was about to work on 113 right now
<swick[m]> ack, let's give us a bit of time to solve 113 then
<pq> bt1886 default luminances is still open. Probably inconsequential in practice, but would be awkward to make them conditional on interface version.
<emersion> i would be fine (degrudgingly :P ) with !113 if it didn't make everything inert
<pq> emersion, what would you do instead?
<emersion> same as linux-dmabuf not throwing everything on the floor if the client keeps using an old buffer with a format no longer advertised
<pq> ...wait, that's supposed to work?
<pq> or just silently not work?
<swick[m]> sure, why not? A global is just an object and destroying an object don't have a knock-on effect (if not explicitly defined).
<pq> Does that mean that clients are good to continue using the image descriptions they already got, and creating new ones if they had the old global bound?
<swick[m]> that's how I understand it at least
<pq> What's the expected outcome of that, given the compositor may have lost its capability to use those image descriptions?
<pq> Or should the compositor delay its loss of capability?
<swick[m]> I don't think there is any meaning behind it, it's just how things are, if left unspecified
<pq> What's the incentive for clients to get back to good working state?
<swick[m]> if color management support is supposed to be something that can be removed and added by the compositor, then it's not useful behavior
<swick[m]> I'm just trying to say that I think this behavior just naturally happens if you don't explicitly design the behavior for adding/removing a feature
<pq> AFAIU that's exactly what mahkoh wants, when the end user tells his compositor to switch from a color-managing renderer to one that cannot.
<swick[m]> Yes, but to me it's not even clear if that's a good goal to have
<pq> Me neither, yet I lack solid counter-rationale.
<swick[m]> well, the implementations for it that we could come up with are:
<swick[m]> 1. if a client doesn't handle global remove, everything will become inert and the colors look wrong, (also probably racy even if the client handles the global remove)
<swick[m]> 2. if a client doesn't handle global remove, it will receive protocol errors, but even if it handle it, clients still might because it's racy
<pq> right
<swick[m]> a more fundamental issue: if the compositor stops doing color management, then how does it composite surfaces with already committed image description state?
<pq> badly
<pq> That's a good question to raise.
<pq> I'm running out of time today, let's see tomorrow.
<swick[m]> o/
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<ifreund> I'd personally prefer a "manager_manager" object with a destroy event over using global_remove
<wlb> weston Merge request !1685 opened by Michael Olbrich (mol) backend-drm: make sure outputs are enabled during plane assignment [DRM/KMS backend]
<pq> We could easily add a "please, stop using this" event in the global interface. Though, clients might not hang on to it to get the event.
<emersion> ifreund: why?
<DemiMarie> pq: I think a renderer with no color management is broken. All renderers should support it.
<pq> DemiMarie, nah, it's a fine design decision to assume everything is in sRGB as long as everything makes the same assumption.
<LaserEyess> maybe a dumb question, but would something like help for this? I mean, ultimately, isn't what he wants just some way for the compositor to say "things have changed, make sure you redo your buffers with the new assumptions"?
<ifreund> emersion: it dodges the global_remove race for one...
<emersion> we've fixed the race
<ifreund> oh? do we have something better than delaying the destroy on the server side by a few seconds now?
<ifreund> Maybe that is a 100% fix in practice but it feels ugly to me
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<emersion> we could add something in wl_fixes if we wanted to, but shrug, it's good enough
<emersion> we have bigger fish to fry imho
<ifreund> fair
<ifreund> I just can't stop wishing that global_remove didn't exist and we had wl_seat_manager and wl_output_manager objects rather than advertising multiple instances of the same global
<pq> ifreund, what would be the difference?
<ifreund> I think it would be simpler to use and understand for both clients and compositors
<ifreund> having globals follow 3? different patterns of behavior isn't great
<ifreund> (normal advertise once never destroy globals, wl_seat/wl_output "multi" globals, and the third advertise once maybe destroy and re-create kind that color management might and apparently some others are?)
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<MrCooper> does any compositor actually send WL_SURFACE_ERROR_DEFUNCT_ROLE_OBJECT?
<MrCooper> git grep comes up empty in mutter, kwin & weston
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<ifreund> MrCooper: wlroots code appears to
<MrCooper> good, I wonder if nautilus popups survive that :)
<vyivel> they should
<MrCooper> I mean totem, I wonder if could be due to that not destroying an xdg_popup before the corresponding wl_surface
<vyivel> xdg_popup 🚬
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<vyivel> randfall has some xdg_popup clients, you can try that though i don't remember if any of them crashed mutter
<MrCooper> doesn't look like it has the case I'm thinking of (wl_surface destroyed before corresponding xdg_popup)
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<soreau> sounds like one for wleird
<soreau> is there any client that allows resize but has max size set?
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<YaLTeR[m]> i think i saw one qt client do that
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<Ermine> On which channels XWayland releases are announced?
<Ermine> s/channels/mail lists/
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<soreau> I think it's xorg-announce ml
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