ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
is this an okay place to ask about libinput stuff?
I'm investigating custom accel profiles in mutter
okay. Are there any good references for adding custom accel profiles to a compositor? how it's expected to get the curves?
or is it expected that the compositor sees "custom" and calls a script or something?
so a compositor would take a list of numbers
hm, like a [double, double]?
where the first is a point, and the second is a speed for that point and up, until the next point?
afaiu yes
hm, okay
well the first double is computed as i * step
so you provide a list of speeds
and step to compute points
I'm uh. a fair bit outside of my comfort zone here. so trying my best to understand
…which is kinda strange api tbh
I'm trying to think of it like, [(0.0, 1), (1.0, 1.5), (2.0, 3.0)] or something
you have a step and a list of speeds, so the resulting points are (0 * step, speeds[0]), (1 * step, speeds[1]), (2 * step, speeds[2]), …
okay huh seems like xf86-input-libinput calls that function so maybe could check what user configuration interface it provides
my brain had the idea of [n].0 is the physical device speed, [n].1 is the speed in software
yep, "The x-axis represents the device-speed in device units per millisecond. The y-axis represents the pointer-speed."
so would having that as the configuration API in GNOME be okay?
just an array of tuples containing two doubles?
the first doubles are in steps so they can't be arbitrary
you could like
allow the user to set the step and take a list of pointer-speeds
and then show them the result (which would be a list of tuples)
this is all in gsettings/dconf right now, so it just needs to be doable with gvariants
* vyivel
has no idea what those are
well you would just have two fields
step (double) and pointer-speeds (list of doubles)
hm. I'm reading the libinput docs and trying to make more sense of it
so step is at what point to look for a new value, and the pointer speed would be the element in there that contains the pointer speed
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if i understand correctly what you mean then yes
with steps [0.0, 1.0, 2.0], and pointer speeds [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], if the physical speed is at one unit/ms, it'll be a speed of 2.0 - and anything less would be 1.0
(and if I want more fine-grained control there, it would have to specify things like a step at 0.5 to be a speed of 1.5 units/ms
okay i'm looking at the libinput source
(while somewhat sleepy so excuse me possibly incorrect analysis)
it uses linear interpolation
so in your example 1.0 device would map to 2.0 pointer
and say 0.5 device would be 1.5 pointer
oh, so I only need to specify the more specific points if I want more of curve, or I can specify less for a straight line
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I understand it even more now. cool
libinput_config_accel_set_points(), with the step being physical device units. I can set a smaller step, and more points, for a more precise curve
and once it reaches the last one, it straightens out
this seems like it'll be super easy to knock out
just a bit of duplicated work across different input types
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I'm trying to play games on wayland - sway is my compositor, and I'm playing the game in proton via steam with dxvk. the game launches, but the framerate is abysmal, e.g. 5 fps or less. how can I go about figuring out what's causing this and hopefully improve it?
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ezzieyguywuf: first of all use the right channel. try another compositor if you think it's sway's fault and ask in #sway if the bug only exists on sway
this channel is for wayland protocol development, not for specific implementations
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I see
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Ok, update on the previous discussion on proxying: I still think that it's a very cool idea but I'd need to make yet another thread and that sounds... not exactly ideal, given that the wayland backend already runs in its own thread
the reason for that is that one requirement I forgot about is that it has to be all a single executable and to intercept stuff you have to obviously be in the middle. `poll`ing everything all at once does not work either due to wl_display_roundtrip being its own mini event loop
so let's try with wlroots now. It will be way easier to integrate than a protocol sniffer working around libwayland hopefully.
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