ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<quite> can a wayland client/app/window get screen areas not covered by its window to be dimmed (have some effect applied), in general? or would it take some support from the compositor? or is it even harder than that
<vyivel> quite: generally, a wayland client can't control anything outside its window; you'd need some custom treatment from the compositor
<quite> i see. it would be a nice looking feature to have generally. theoretically, it could be a wayland proto that compositors may implement then.
<davidre> you could make the shadows of your windows enormous /s
<JEEB> quite: in such cases it's generally worth it taking a few steps back and seeing what the actual use case that your application has in order to request "focus" be given to it (since if you're requesting other applications be dimmed it sounds like you are requesting focus)
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<JEEB> but that should be defined what you are trying to as an application achieve
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<wlb> weston/main: Robert Mader * pixel-formats: Add is_yuv helper libweston/ pixel-formats.c pixel-formats.h
<wlb> weston/main: Robert Mader * backend-drm: Set default plane color space and range hints libweston/backend-drm/ drm-internal.h drm-kms-enums.h kms.c state-helpers.c state-propose.c
<wlb> weston/main: Robert Mader * gl-render: Set default color hints for EGL images libweston/renderer-gl/gl-renderer.c
<wlb> weston/main: Robert Mader * Set default YUV color coefficients and range to BT.709/limited libweston/backend-drm/drm-kms-enums.h libweston/renderer-gl/fragment.glsl libweston/renderer-gl/gl-renderer.c tests/weston-test-client-helper.c tests/yuv-buffer-test.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1669 merged \o/ (backend-drm: Set default plane color space and range hints
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !263 merged \o/ (Add wl_display_dispatch_queue_timeout for dispatching with a timeout
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<sniffingpaint[m]> Hello everybody, just wanted to ask if somebody encountered this error? using xfreerdp3 / wlfreerdp / sdl-freerdp3 (same errors).... (full message at <>)
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<karenw> If I am a different component of the same application that created an xdg_toplevel, but I only have the wl_surface, is there a way to get the xdg_toplevel?
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<davidre> No
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<Consolatis> karenw: depends on how the application stores its data for the wl_surface, especially in regards to wl_proxy_set_user_data() / wl_proxy_get_user_data()
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<vyivel> if you control wl_display, with you could probably keep track down the wl_surface used to create an xdg_surface and then xdg_toplevel heh
<vyivel> s/keep//
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<carreter> Hey everyone dealing with some segfaults bringing down my entire Wayland session (sway) after a recent update on Arch Linux. It's happening on both my desktop and my laptop, so I don't think it's a hardware issues. I've also noticed some concommitant textbox flickering - anyone else having this happen?
<carreter> > [ 466.862169] sway[980]: segfault at 5dcdb6a74262 ip 00007cb458c29110 sp 00007ffcf5466a70 error 4 in[a110,7cb458c24000+8000] likely on CPU 8 (core 4, socket 0)
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<emersion> please report this to sway
<carreter> Sounds good, I'll report over there - thanks for the pointer
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1683 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) compositor: Drop flow id from weston_view_update_transform [Core compositor], [Debug]
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<Ermine> Seems like fractional scale is not implemented in weston? weston!1 is open
<e84a525bc04> what's that
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