ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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Can wayland listen on port 6000 for X clients? I have an embedded client (a 1990's HP logic analyzer instrumnent) that uses a a connection to an X server to display its screen and take imput. Its working on the current Xorg but I'd like to switch to wayland.
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michael, you have Xwayland which should be enabled by default on most compositors, which provides X11 for legacy applications.
It’s just a build of Xorg, but lives in the same repository.
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I do not see anything listening on port 6000 as I do when Xorg is running. Is there something I need to do to enable this on Wayland?
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by default, X listens on a unix domain socket, not a network socket port
you might be able to use ssh -X or something
no, this is a legacy appliance... I don't have the ability to change the client. It expects the Xserver to be listening for connections on 6000
well like linkmauve said, it should basically work the same with Xwayland
have you tried simply running the client in an Xwayland-enabled wayland compositor?
as I said, the client is burned into ROM on the instrument and cannopt be changed.
that would be the way I would do it IF I COULD CHANGE THE CLIENT!
michael: Xwayland -listen tcp and that should start it on the default port 6000
IOW you need to start Xwayland on your machine specifically so it does listen to TCP, the client doesn't need any changes
with a wlroots compositor, you can use WLR_XWAYLAND env var to specify a path to a binary or script that starts Xwayland
OK, I'll try that. thanks. I need to find out how gdm starts wayland in order to pass the option. Another possibility is to connect port 6000 to wayland with "socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 &"
so I imagine a script that calls something like `/usr/bin/Xwayland -listen tcp "$@"`
but you can also just cd /usr/bin; mv Xwayland Xwayland.real and use /usr/bin/Xwayland as the thing that calls Xwayland.real
don't forget to chmod +x your scripts folks, and happy hacking!
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michael: quick grep of the gdm sources suggest to add DisallowTCP=false to [security] in /etc/gdm/custom.conf
* whot
grumbles about negative boolean options
that used to work on Xorg (until recently) but has no effect on Xwayland