ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<ezzieyguywuf> whot: ah sounds good thanks for the clarification
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<pq> Color-management is about land today. I'll get lunch now, and hope my suggestion for the commit message is ok.
<pq> *about to
<JEEB> nice
<pq> swick[m], emersion, zamundaaa[m], Drakulix, ^
<emersion> \o/
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<emersion> yeah completely fine by me
<MrCooper> would make my day!
<pq> I want to keep swick as the patch author, will see how gitlab agrees. hmm... maybe I should do everything locally rather than try my luck with the gitlab UI.
<pq> I'll update the history branch before squashing
<swick[m]> mh, can you give me like half an hour to prepare for this occasion? :)
<emersion> yeah, probably safer to do everything locally
<pq> swick[m], my lunch takes like an hour, so sure :-D
<pq> bbl
<swick[m]> nice! I'll have to prepare something :D
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<Drakulix> now that is truly special occasion! how are we celebrating? :D
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<dwt> Nice work :-)
<wlb> wayland-protocols/history/color-management: Pekka Paalanen * color: TF bt1886 implies BT.2035 lum staging/color-management/color-management-v1.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols/history/color-management: Pekka Paalanen * color: define global_remove behavior staging/color-management/color-management-v1.xml
<pq> That's the history branch complete now.
<wlb> weston Issue #994 opened by John Frankish (juanitotc) Weston gives multiple broken pipe errors in terminal emulators
<zzag> pq: depending how much other people were involved, Co-authored-by: can be also added to preserve some authorship information
<zzag> but it's a minor thing I guess
<pq> zzag, I was thinking of collecting all the S-o-b's, that's fine, right?
<pq> there have been tons of people involved who just didn't write a patch though, and I don't think I can collect them all fairly
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<zzag> pq: I assume that the color management protocol is mainly a brainchild of Sebastian, you, and Xaver?
<pq> it is different, I can check the author list, too. There 13 unique person S-o-b's.
<pq> zzag, depends on how one counts. It all started years before Sebastian opened the MR we are now landing.
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<pq> swick[m], squash done and pushed.
<swick[m]> I've got my baklava and saffron chai ready
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<pq> Clicked "rebase"... now's the time to fail CI.
<pq> zzag, do you think the attributions are fair enough?
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<swick[m]> Co-Authored would be more appropriate IMO
<pq> I checked the commit author list, and it matches the s-o-b list, so I can replace those, but what about those who are in neither list?
<pq> We have Erwin Burema in the copyrights at least.
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<pq> swick[m], updated.
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<swick[m]> yup, looks great
<pq> Thanks!
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<swick[m]> commit message: It's using # for the heading, but the history heading isn't
<pq> I noticed, forgot, and too late :-p
<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Sebastian Wick * staging: add color-management protocol staging/color-management/README staging/color-management/color-management-v1.xml
<llyyr> \o/
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !14 merged \o/ (staging: add color management protocol
<llyyr> congrats everyone
<zamundaaa[m]> 🎉
<pq> swick[m], you have quite some merged branches left over in your repo. :-)
<llyyr> new release to go with it?
<swick[m]> yay
<pq> let's see what last minute boogs we find first now that's landed ;-)
<pq> 820 comments on the MR itself, and that's surely just a fraction of all the related gitlab discussions.
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<pq> swick[m], did you have a blog post ready and waiting?
<swick[m]> no
<swick[m]> thought about doing it but kind of forgot
<pq> I kinda knew I should have, but didn't.
<pq> for Collabora
<mupuf> pq: what's a one day delay for a 5 year old MR anyway :D
<mupuf> jokes aside, this is fantastic news guys! Congrats!
<pq> Thank you swick[m] for starting the MR that finally made it.
<swick[m]> we were in this together :)
<pq> I recall that was a time period when I couldn't afford to do it myself.
<swick[m]> but yeah, the 5 years doesn't capture the entire journey
<daniels> time for a new window system now
<bl4ckb0ne> can we work on client position now /s
<Ermine> Yay, congrats!
<pq> Is there a better search interface to wayland-devel mailing list archive than the Google link of mailman?
<vyivel> i wish
<pq> eh... specifying a timespan of 2000-2026 has practically no google hits
<pq> remove the timespan and there are tons of hits
<MrCooper> congrats everyone! I remember thinking "HDR / colour management is just around the corner" before I left AMD some 6 years ago :)
<pq> gradient fields
<daniels> pq: things sure got complicated from the glory days of
<daniels> > Compared to that, I see your protocol adds the option for clients to provide a custom ICC profile to the server, and expects the server to process it properly.
<daniels> > Is that a reasonable requirement for all compositors that support per-output ICC profiles?
<pq> 2012, eh. Huh. Not even the first full year at Collabora even, and I knew nothing of Wayland before joining.
<daniels> > The protocol looks simple and clean, like it should be. I can't really comment on the deeper semantics on color management, though.
<swick[m]> heh, who can anyways :P
<daniels> you've been on the internet right
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<pq> Niels Ole Salscheider should really have been credited.
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<daniels> yeah, maybe a retroactive update for Niels would be good, given all his work which sadly went nowhere
<swick[m]> didn't yet have time to take a closer look
<pq> daniels, maybe mentioning him in the protocol README file?
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<pq> let's see what I can type up
<karolherbst> just want to say big congrats to everybody involved with the protocol, glad to see it landing, hopefully when I buy my next display with proper HDR support I can make good use of it
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !382 opened by Pekka Paalanen (pq) staging/color-management: credit Niels
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<Drakulix> 🎉
<soreau> so in the future, monitors are broken and they need software fixes? :P
<soreau> at least something made it past the finish line, hopefully it works out 👍
<daniels> *in the present and in fact always
<pq> all printers and scanners and cameras have already needed them for as long as they have existed
<vsyrjala> i don't think any non-broken monitors have existed since we gave up on crts
<pq> only computer monitors specifically had an era when practically all of them were close enough to sRGB that the differences didn't matter, unless you worked in the print industry.
<DemiMarie> pq: Is that because of the physics of CRTs?
<kennylevinsen> vsyrjala: also not before
<pq> DemiMarie, I guess partly that, and partly the industry wanting to standardise around sRGB, because managing color was expensive.
<DemiMarie> Expensive?
<pq> CPU time, memory
<DemiMarie> Are those still issues?
<pq> they can be if you use high enough resolution and low enough hardware - but at least capable hardware exists
<pq> unlike, say, in 1998
<pq> AFAIU, sRGB was born from the desire to show images through the Internet.
<kennylevinsen> huh, didn't know that NTSC is closer to P3 in volume than it is to sRGB - although I doubt many monitors existed that could get near that
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<JEEB> I did laugh out loud as I noticed recently display companies instead of sRGB started talking about NTSC gamut capabilities
<JEEB> NTSC... in <current_year>
<pq> xvYCC next? or how does that compare?
<pq> old is the new new
<JEEB> oh right, xvYCC was the thing where they noticed that in video they were not utilizing all the value range in digital video
<JEEB> so they allowed chroma to go 1-254 :D
<JEEB> also this probably is from where the definition of full range chroma comes from in BT.2100
<JEEB> although technically that maps to 1-255 in 8bit
<JEEB> and yea, according to wikipedia it literally keeps the same primaries definition as BT.709
<JEEB> so the only difference is that you flag the content as limited range, but actually expect chroma to be full range
<JEEB> so BT.709 [0,1] map to limited range of 16-240
<JEEB> and then 1-15 and 241-254 were utilized to widen the gamut
<pq> the chroma breaks out of its old boundaries
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> how on earth would you even signal such a coded signal according to H.273
<JEEB> since apparently this stuff was put on disc media :D
<JEEB> OK, so they gave it a transfer function value indeed
<pq> yeah, it's obviously a TF thing, sure
<pq> the TF table is more like a systems table
<JEEB> not sure, I would have possibly put it into the full/limited range stuff. since the only difference is that you utilize a different range for chroma.
<JEEB> but probably the range is a boolean in so many contexts
<JEEB> and yes, the TF does affect f.ex. in which order steps should be done
<swick[m]> pq: small-ish changes (, Media white anchoring for compositing is defined now; PQ isn't treated as "absolute" anymore. re-rendering for the actual viewing environment is explicitly allowed.
<swick[m]> their PQ min luminance still has a non-0 value
<pq> swick[m], thanks. I hope next week I might have enough brain to digest that.
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<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Pekka Paalanen * staging/color-management: credit Niels staging/color-management/README
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !382 merged \o/ (staging/color-management: credit Niels
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<wlb> weston Issue #3 closed \o/ (weston_surface_damage does it wrong
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