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<steev> clover[m]: just pushed (and tagged just for you!) rc8, the battery thing is still there, but still broken, so i didn't add it to the defconfig, and i haven't gone through yours yet to see what the difference is. also dropped the wip efivars stuff from qzed and using what he submitted upstream
<steev> "backported" since it didn't apply cleanly to 5.19 rc8 but thats fine
<steev> it'll get in eventually, hopefully
<clover[m]> nice, back home now so kicking off a new build
<steev> oh
<steev> i also picked up bamse's patches to get rid of the i2c messages
<steev> we're only 128 patches ahead of torvalds :D
<clover[m]> I said yes to:
<clover[m]> - QCOM_PMIC_GLINK
<steev> that's fine, it'll populate /sys/class/power_supply with all the stuff that should be there... but it'll be all/mostly empty :(
<steev> actually, it also has usb and wireless in there, but i haven't looked at those files at all to see what is what
<clover[m]> Rc8 iso pushed and booting
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<AlexMarty[m]> Ayyy
<clover[m]> I need to set up a repo so you guys that already have it installed can just update with pacman -Syu
<steev> yeah you do
<steev> lol
<steev> i still need to get all the packages into kali
<steev> which is really just importing the ones in linaro's obs, and updating them to the latest gits
<harvests[m]> I didn't have access to fast internet today but I will tomorrow! Going to try out that rc8 iso and get a working install
<harvests[m]> My parents have 300 mb/s down :D
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<harvests[m]> actually I'll just try now whatever lol!
<harvests[m]> any tips on getting the right kernel installed? I'm used to just doing: pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware
<harvests[m]> I have notes on installing the firmware above in the chat
<szclsya[m]> steev: nope, my model don't have a wwan card
<szclsya[m]> just built rc8, efivars works, efibootmgr can show the boot entries
<szclsya[m]> power_supply class is still empty tho, is there a specific step to get battery info?
<steev> szclsya[m]: you need to enable/module QCOM_PMIC_GLINK and _POWER - but the values aren't correct
<steev> harvests[m]: i believe you want to do linux-steev since thats what clover calls it (lol)
<steev> linux-firmware doesn't have our firmware in it, so that isn't needed - you can simply clone and then rsync the firmware/* to /lib/firmware/
<steev> i wouldn't use the script in it to get the firmware yet; that's specific to the spx
<szclsya[m]> hmm I got QCOM_PMIC_* to y already
<szclsya[m]> are we actually exposing to power_supply class right now?
<steev> it's exposed yes, there should be stuff in there, but the contents are 0
<steev> this is not the "final" battery driver, it's a stopgap one that may or may not work
<steev> well, it doesn't, but if someone else wanted to poke at it, i'd look at a patch for it
<steev> its the "power: supply: Introduce Qualcomm PMIC GLINK power supply" commit
<szclsya[m]> seems difficult to check without soc manual?
<steev> either poking at things manually to see what happens, reversing the windows firmwares, or the manual, yeah
<steev> hoping that qualcomm gives the dev permission to release the real battery stuff soon
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<harvests[m]> <steev> "linux-firmware doesn't have..." <- tyty, I'll give this a go!
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<harvests[m]> I got the new iso booting
<steev> that firmware is direct from my machine, so i know it works *here*
<steev> and AlexMarty[m] also said it worked for them
<steev> just a reminder though, a lot of this stuff is work in progress, so things won't be final
<harvests[m]> for sure! I don't mind upgrading
<clover[m]> crap i just wiped my homeserver's boot partition
<harvests[m]> if anyone can post their zsh history for their install to help noobs like me that would be cool :p. I think I'm getting close to being able to get booting
<harvests[m]> clover[m]: rip, is this hosting
<clover[m]> yes
<clover[m]> it's still up, been up 18 days, just have to fix it in one boot lol
<steev> i have a debian install :(
<harvests[m]> I'd be happy using debian too
<harvests[m]> Are you using debian on your x13s?
<steev> yessir
<harvests[m]> link to that installer?
<harvests[m]> looking through your git for it lol
<szclsya[m]> If anyone is interested: I'm hosting a repository for archlinux arm for the x13s, which contains pre-built packages that I found useful. To use, add this to your pacman.conf:
<szclsya[m]> [x13s]
<szclsya[m]> Server =
<szclsya[m]> currently it has the kernel I'm using. so you may use this repo to install alarm to the ssd via adding the repo to pacman.conf and install linux-x13s package
<steev> nice
<szclsya[m]> oh you will also need my pubkey for signature checking. download, run pacman-key --add public.asc and pacman-key --lsign 9FD0B48BBBD974B80A3310AB6462EE0B8E382F3F
<AlexMarty[m]> <steev> "and Alex Marty also said it..." <- Definitely works
<szclsya[m]> the gpu works?
<AlexMarty[m]> I’m not sure actually. I haven’t messed with that yet.
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<clover[m]> Nice Leo I might use that to build my iso's from now on
<clover[m]> (Fixed my server BTW, it has a better version of u-boot now)
<HdkR> GPU? Amd I ready for this?
<szclsya[m]> eh I guess it's not that simple. we have the firmware now but there should still be a lot of work in kernel and mesa
<HdkR> Theoretically mesa shouldn't be a big deal, just some number twiddling. Firmware and kernel I can't deal with
<steev> firmware, i need to poke at addresses for the dtsi
<steev> then we might get something
<steev> oh, and i need to redo the patch
<HdkR> Nice
<steev> but bedtime, work meetings come early
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<xnox> steev: the way grub/linux maintainer scripts work, is that most of the time we try to make the use triggers; and then execute actions at the end of dpkg run, once.
<xnox> most of our scriplets have checks like {am i running in a trigger, then do stuff, otherwise just mark a trigger as interested}
<xnox> we do that for initramfs-tools updates; and update-grub.
<steev> xnox: ahh, okay, i'll have to look into these
<steev> also welcome back to the land of the living ;)
<steev> qzed: sorry :( i dunno how to make it not test that branch
<qzed> no worries
<steev> i guess i could just... delete the branch
<steev> like, if i revert it, would it count it/
<steev> or do i need to drop the wips, put in the new ones and force push
<qzed> i can live with some occasional mails
<steev> jhovold: do you happen to know? (getting a kernel test robot email)
<qzed> also it does show when things are breaking, so I don't really mind
<steev> true
<steev> maybe it also tested the 20220722 branch which has the submitted ones and that's good?
<qzed> no idea, but the last mail I got looked like you didn't include the "export scm stuff" commit
<steev> that may well be the case
<steev> well, no, it's there but the problem is that those were the wip ones in 20220714 - i should go back to it and rebase
<steev> oh, well that explains why it didn't test 22... i didn't push it
<jhovold> steev: what was the question?
<jhovold> steev: qzed: a found the report. No idea why it would be testing any random repo on github unless someone told it to. Used to mostly test repos.
<steev> i'm okay with the testing, i was just surprised it was happening
<steev> jhovold: oh the question was, if i force push will that break the testing
<steev> if you even know :)
<jhovold> steev: no idea, sorry. I would assume not.
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<clover[m]> Leo Shen: When building an iso with your kernel, i am getting this:
<clover[m]> are you using a different naming convention for the device tree files?
<clover[m]> ```/home/alex/actions-runner/_work/archiso-x13s/archiso-x13s/work/aarch64/airootfs/boot/dtbs/qcom/sc8280xp-thinkpad.dtb: No such file or directory```
<szclsya[m]> The dtb is located at /boot/sc8280xp-thinkpad.dtb
<szclsya[m]> Since that kernel is aimed specifically for the x13s, I didn't install other dtb
<clover[m]> understood
<clover[m]> And it works!
<clover[m]> working on installation steps now:
<clover[m]> Leo and anyone else, let me know if there is anything I missed.
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<clover[m]> Alex Marty: Can you post your installation steps? did you use the existing ESP at /dev/nvme0n1p1?
<clover[m]> trying to get this documenteded
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<AlexMarty[m]> I re partition the whole disk following the gentoo guide for that
<clover[m]> Ok so windows gone
<AlexMarty[m]> Yep completely
<AlexMarty[m]> I’ll write it up here on lunch. I’m currently at work
<clover[m]> Ok. Ideally I'd like to provide dual boot steps for the not so hardcore ;) but a write up would be much appreciated
<AlexMarty[m]> 👌🏻👌🏻
<AlexMarty[m]> I think the only difference in what I am doing to dual boot is you would have to shrink the windows partition. Then use that free space to install
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<clover[m]> going to try to get sd-boot working with an entry for windows as well
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