ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630)
<steev> "maybe"
<steev> well, rc9 would probably be released on sunday if linus thinks it needs
<steev> i probably should have sent a mail about the broken audio a lot sooner (still haven't) because i'm not even sure where to send the mail because i don't know what is breaking it (on c630)
<steev> steev@limitless:~$ ruby battery_status
<steev> 🔋🌖 74.36%
<steev> 19:07:33 up 7:01, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.04, 0.00
<steev> steev@limitless:~$ uptime
<steev> hopefully we can get that kinda battery life outta the x13s sometime
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<steev> qzed: do you have video output on next yet?
<qzed> built in panel?
<steev> yeah
<steev> wasn't there something about display not working on next with sc8180x
<qzed> haven't checked for a couple of days, last time I still had to revert the deferred-probing stuff
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<qzed> next-20220722 is the last I tried
<steev> i'll look through your commits later
<qzed> don't really have the time right now to look into this more than reverting stuff :/
<steev> no worries
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<steev> root@x13s:/sys/kernel/debug# cat devices_deferred
<steev> 3d00000.gpu platform: supplier 3da0000.iommu not ready
<steev> woo, progress
<HdkR> \o/
<steev> dunno how to make the iommu become available, but, it's something, i guess
<steev> i'm assuming i need the correct addresses and if there is 1 thing i absolutely positively suck at, it's math. and then you throw in the math of this stuff... and yeah
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<jhovold> steev: no, custom config to keep build time down
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<steev> jhovold: ah, makes sense... i'm just trying to figure out why remoteprocs aren't working for me on next, and trying to make sure it's not my config and i'm just not seeing why it would be
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<steev> jhovold: i'm assuming with your config, you get remote procs?
<steev> and if so, would you mind sharing so i can try to figure out what i'm/we're missing
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<clover[m]> systemd devs been real quiet since yesterday lmao
<clover[m]> i should have some time to test daniel thompson's patch today
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<clover[m]> ok well aur package is failing to build so now idk what to do
<steev> show the build log?
<HdkR> Is there a working image for the Galaxy Book S? Asking for a friend
<HdkR> One of the original 8CX SoC devices
<steev> there is not
<steev> is there more to the log than that? that seems like just the error message after the compile
<clover[m]> full output
<clover[m]> it said aarch64 was not supported so thats why i added the -A
<clover[m]> not shocking though, AUR maintainers tend to forget about arm64
<steev> hm
<steev> looks like a tooling issue, if i had to guess, because it is expecting a newer compiler? generated with LTO version 11.0 instead of the expected 12.0
<clover[m]> i mean im using arch which should use latest everything right?
<clover[m]> rolling release and all that
<steev> that, i couldn't tell you
<steev> maybe someone with more arch familiarity can say
<clover[m]> okie doke
<steev> fuuuuuuuuuuck
<steev> i just ran outta battery while working on something :(
<steev> i... had not saved
<clover[m]> X_X
<harvests[m]> not even swap.....;( ?
<steev> it was on a web page
<steev> i shoulda done it in vim
<steev> but meh
<steev> some day we'll get battery and it'll be fine
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