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<qzed> ah, I should start using b4 for reviews probably... not that I really have to collect tags and all that stuff (luckily for me the surface stuff is still collected by hans de goede via pdx86)
<qzed> and lei seems pretty neat
<qzed> knew about b4 but not that
<steev> sadly, it came out too late for debian stable
<steev> but it's in sid or testing, at least
<steev> i don't remember which, because i usually just ask that we include stuff from debian sid/whatever, if i use it myself, and it hasn't made its way to testing just yet
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<steev> ah, stable has it if you enable backports
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<steev> qzed: in all your time messing around with rmtfs, did you ever get "failed to get rprocfd" ?
<steev> nevermind, i see the issue, just not sure how to get around it
AlexMarty[m] has joined #aarch64-laptops
<clover[m]> Welcome Alex
<AlexMarty[m]> Hey all been trying to get arch arm installed on thinkpad x13s. I used a ISO that I found that booted and compiled the kernel from source. But when I try to setup any boot loader it is failing and says that efivars aren’t supported on my platform. I have tried a bunch of stuff like mounting the sys partition and making sure I was booted in UEFI mode. Still says it’s not supported.
<clover[m]> You used my iso right?
<AlexMarty[m]> Correct
<clover[m]> Check /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
<AlexMarty[m]> There is nothing there in in chroot and not in chroot
<AlexMarty[m]> I also tried to mount that directory. “Mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars” and I get an error saying operation not supported.
<clover[m]> You shouldn't have to mount anything. Just boot and CD to that directory. I guess I'm confused what you are trying to do with efivars? Are you trying to use grub or something
harvests[m] has joined #aarch64-laptops
<clover[m]> Welcome harvests
<AlexMarty[m]> I want to boot from an EFI stub. And I need efivars to do that. Efibootmgr says that efivars aren’t supported and grub uses efibootmgr and only has an efi option for arm64 so I would still need efivars for grub as well
<clover[m]> I think steev: is using grub with x13s. He might be able to help
<AlexMarty[m]> I’m compiling his kernel
<clover[m]> He just added efivars support to his kernel tree
<AlexMarty[m]> Today?
<clover[m]> Yesterday I think
<AlexMarty[m]> Ah was that updated in the iso?
<clover[m]> Yes
<clover[m]> That's my test from yesterday
<AlexMarty[m]> Yeah I don’t have any of that in my directory it’s empty
<clover[m]> You probably didn't have the right configuration values set when you built the kernel
<AlexMarty[m]> I used the default config from the iso “/proc/config.gz”
<clover[m]> Check this commit for the relevant kernel configuration
<AlexMarty[m]> Ok I will look at that
<harvests[m]> Hi everyone, I'm playing around testing linux on my thinkpad x13s. Today I just downloaded ironrobin's arch iso and messed around in the chroot environment today (going to do more tomorrow at the library with faster internet speeds lol)
<harvests[m]> Wifi worked well for me
<clover[m]> I would say the installer is not fully ready yet because i still need to self host a pacman repo for x13s. Be sure you have your steev kernel and device tree in the right spots
<harvests[m]> my plan was to download git in the chroot environment and then see what I can do after that but yeah not used to setting those sorts of things up manually
<clover[m]> Yeah more support coming but nothing stopping you from having fun with it ;)
<harvests[m]> any tips on the install in terms of deviating from the install guide?
<harvests[m]> I guess it would deviate when installing the kernel like you said: can't just pactrap linux /mnt lol
<clover[m]> Nope you are on your own. It's the wild west right now
<clover[m]> I would say don't Uninstall windows
<clover[m]> Because the computer doesn't charge without certain files you can get from windows
<clover[m]> So you partition your drive in windows, make some space. Then you can mount it and pacstrap etc
<harvests[m]> yeah I partitioned a 250gig spot for the install
<harvests[m]> I might just end up throwing in a different ssd though to be extra safe
<clover[m]> And you need an efi partition too I think
<clover[m]> And that's where you have systemd-boot
<clover[m]> And you tell it your root partition kernel dtb
<clover[m]> Dtb= is kernel parameter actually
<clover[m]> dtb=
<clover[m]> Look at the partition on my iso
<harvests[m]> I'll refer back here tomorrow when I'm hacking on it lol
<clover[m]> You can use grub instead of systemd-boot if you are more familiar with it
<harvests[m]> I'd be pretty happy to be able to get through an install and even moreso if I can get xmonad working lol
<clover[m]> What's that
<harvests[m]> yeah I've pretty have only used grub but I have time to read on systemd-boot
<harvests[m]> it's a tiling window manager in haskell
<harvests[m]> tyty
<clover[m]> Nice. Someone here is using sway. Also gnome
<harvests[m]> since I'll have access to fast internet tomorrow I'll start with gnome
<harvests[m]> should be fun, I hope :p
<clover[m]> No gpu yet but that might be coming
<harvests[m]> maybe I'll stick to just a shell then lol
<clover[m]> I think it's actually pretty good because the cpu is so powerful
<clover[m]> Asahi m1 macs also have no gpu. But everything is still fast
<harvests[m]> and download haskell and things like this - and that's fair. xmonad is pretty lightweight
<clover[m]> Bluetooth still missing, suspend still missing, display out I think still missing
<harvests[m]> I have an m1 air but haven't tried asahi
<clover[m]> Touchscreen I have no idea
<harvests[m]> yeah all of those I can live without for now!
<harvests[m]> I was happy with wifi haha
<clover[m]> Lots of opportunity to contribute ;)
<harvests[m]> yeah I've wanted to get into kernel dev in the past but maybe this will be a nice entry into things lol
<harvests[m]> 1 month until the fall semester begins :p
<AlexMarty[m]> Yeah kernel dev and the inner workings of linux are definitely something I am wanting to dive into more.
<clover[m]> I wouldn't mind learning that too. Maybe steev and others will teach us
<AlexMarty[m]> You know more than me I don’t know how to make an ISO
<clover[m]> It was my first one 🤠
<steev> what's all this, suddenly people are chatty as i'm about to go to bed
<clover[m]> Sorry I'll be quiet 🤫
<steev> ironrobin is around too, i just can't remember their nick, it's one of the [m] ones
<steev> szclsya[m]
* clover[m] is ironrobin
<steev> touchscreen *might* work, might not, i don't know, i don't have one.
<steev> oh
<steev> derp
<steev> i know sz is also an arch enthusiast then :P
<steev> there is touch screen support in the dtb
<steev> but it also has a FIXME: verify in there, so, someone needs to verify it :P
<clover[m]> 😆
<steev> i've been focusing on the c630 today, sorry
<steev> hm
<clover[m]> Lots of x13s acolytes appearing
<steev> yeah
<steev> oh
<steev> right, the x13s stuff isn't in this repo
<steev> i should really just work on one machine instead of 4
<HdkR> It's so I can beg for x13s support :P
<steev> yeah, i'm poking at the gpu stuff
<steev> or was, earlier
<steev> then i got distracted by remoteprocs not working
<steev> though, i'm running out of steam and i don't wanna make another pot of coffee
<AlexMarty[m]> I’ll be up for quite a few more hours messing with all this so I’ll be checking this and giving progress if I get an install working.
<steev> ignore the surface specific stuff
<steev> a lot of that might be helpful (different module names, and we have nvme access and such) - surprised you don't have efivars support with clover[m]'s kernel build though
<steev> i have a fork of that, at but i haven't had a chance to go through things
<steev> and i haven't pushed the wiki bits
<AlexMarty[m]> Do you all know if I use the “/proc/config.gz” file that wouod be sufficient for compiling the steev kernel or should I use the PKGBUILD from iron robin.
<AlexMarty[m]> steev: I am retrying it I think I messed up on my end will update
<steev> i use the laptop_defconfig in my repo
<steev> but iirc, arch wants some stuff that isn't enabled in it
<steev> i was given some defconfigs to diff but i haven't had a chance
<steev> the laptop_defconfig is based-ish on a debian config
<steev> but i also haven't added anything recently (3 days ago)
<AlexMarty[m]> I will try default and see what happens 🙃 maybe I’ll get lucky
<AlexMarty[m]> If not I’ll pull some condoms down or configure it myself.
<steev> if you wanna go really bleeding edge... i just pushed the -next branch i've been using (it's jhovold's work, mostly)
<steev> it's closer to what will end up in mainline, versus, "this is something working"
<steev> HdkR: if you wanna poke at the dtsi and dts to add the gpu stuff, i did pull in qzed's a690 work
<steev> it was... pretty simple
<HdkR> steev: Oh, did it work? :D
<HdkR> I got distracted by helping a user so I didn't try
<steev> no, i mean, the driver has it, but the dtsi and dts still need changes
<steev> but i went out for a smoke, and then the neighbor came out with their puppy, and puppy > computers
<HdkR> Ah, DTS I'm completely terrible at
<HdkR> I barely wrap my head around it :P
<steev> tbh
<steev> i just look at what the others do
<steev> so i was looking at the sc8180x's dtsi for the gpu changes there, and those should... roughly work, with addresses corrected
<steev> opps might be off
<steev> aaaaaaactually, i can't quite go to bed yet
<steev> i forgot i need to charge my ring first
<steev> which is good bcause it's at 2% battery
<steev> so basically, i was gonna take
<steev> and drop that into the thinkpad's dts, pointing at qcom/sc8280xp/qcdxkmsuc8280.mbn (can't recall the exact name)
<steev> and then that needs
<steev> then compile, and fix up things as it complains they're missing/wrong
<steev> the second one going into sc8280xp.dtsi
<clover[m]> Software is the key to the future
<HdkR> steev: I'm looking forward to the changes :)
<AlexMarty[m]> I’m looking forward to getting this booted. I’m getting close to it. I have it boot looping at loading the EFISTUB so that’s a start. What did you all do to fix that? I know there were other install media that would do that as well
<AlexMarty[m]> This is what keeps happening
<qzed> steev: re rmtfs: yeah, I've seen that yesterday with the defconfig...
<qzed> things work with my normal config IIRC, but I have no idea what options to enable
<qzed> haven't really looked into it yet
<qzed> Alex Marty: do you have efi=novamap set?
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<steev> qzed: hm, interesting, i figured the remote procs weren't coming up because no wwan here, and no audio yet either
<steev> but it could be a missing config option
<qzed> I'll give it a try in a bit... I thought I had remoteprocs with one config I used, but I'm not so sure any more... let me know if you figure more stuff out, if it's a config thing that should definitely be in my fragment config
<qzed> (i.e. it should go in there but apparently isn't right now)
<steev> right
<AlexMarty[m]> <qzed> "Alex Marty: do you have efi=..." <- Considering I don’t know what that is and I don’t know how to set that I would say no lol
<qzed> kernel command line parameter, you want that and clk_ignore_unused
<qzed> maybe others
<qzed> setting that depends on your bootloader
<AlexMarty[m]> Ok I’ll look into that thank you
<steev> we also use pd_ignore_unused
<steev> so you'd want to make sure whatever you're using that sets cmdline args has "efi=novamap pd_ignore_unused clk_ignore_unused" in it - and if you're using !grub, you want to pass "dtb=/path/to/the.dtb"
<steev> look at clover[m]'s cmdline setup on his iso
<steev> as well as wherever he puts the dtb
<leezu> re deep suspend regression in 5.18 on lazor: It's fixed in the later stable 5.18.x. I think it's "cpufreq: qcom-hw: Don't do lmh things without a throttle interrupt" from 5.18.10 that fixed the issue and also provides hopes for fixing a hanging issue I observed occasionally
<steev> leezu: that's possible - thanks for mentioning it, i'll check on my c630 if battery life seems to last longer (again)
<steev> clover[m]: you said you have WWAN ?
<steev> szclsya[m]: same question
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: you as well
<clover[m]> Nope I don't have a modem in mine
<steev> okay
<AlexMarty[m]> Yeah same no WWAN for me either
<AlexMarty[m]> Thanks I’m not exactly sure how to use that though. Where would I put that. Sorry I’m new
<clover[m]> It would go in the ESP (efi system partition)
<qzed> steev: re remoteprocs: doesn't look like it's a config thing...
<qzed> it's just a bit less obvious in the logs because my default config is a bit more bloated
<steev> qzed: oh, hm
<qzed> so for me entries in /sys/class/remoteprocs are missing and I get
<qzed> remoteproc remoteproc0: releasing 4080000.remoteproc
<steev> all i get is remoteproc remoteproc0: releasing 3000000.remoteproc and 1b300000
<qzed> for every remoteproc
<steev> yep
<steev> same
<steev> on the c630, it looks like:
<clover[m]> Alex Marty: this part of the install guide should be relevant. Follow UEFI mode instructions
<steev> oh, might be missing the QCOM_Q6V5_ADSP here, maybe
<qzed> I think something decides that the remoteprocs aren't needed and shuts them down or something... on 5.19-rc7 they're all saying "available"
<steev> yeah, my 5.19.0-rc7 here shows them starting up too
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<steev> qzed: if i slid you the qcdxkm8280.sys file, do you think you'd be able to see if the a690 firmware in it is the same as what is in 8180?
<qzed> i can give it a try
<steev> i appear to have broken my ghidra interface and i have absolutely no idea how to get it back to the defaults
<qzed> heh, been there... the "windows" menu thing might help
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<qzed> don't have the firmware yet, but found something interesting wrt GPU identifiers:
<qzed> so the 0x71 was also already in the 8180 driver
<qzed> with the 0x57
<qzed> this driver seems to support more GPUs
<qzed> but my guess would be that the firmware from the 8180 driver associated with id 0x71 should work on the 8280
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<qzed> hmm, bit early to tell but it might also only have two blobs, one for 0x71 and one for 0x57
<steev> clover[m]: if you want to give it a try, and because i'm fucking terrible at tagging, i have no idea if this works... lenovo-x13s-5.19-rc7-battery - you'll need to either enable or make module (i've only tested =y) QCOM_PMIC_GLINK and QCOM_PMIC_GLINK_POWER and that should give you something AKIN to a battery, but it's not its final form
<steev> i also added the commits in the wrong order but meh
<steev> gnome doesn't show me the battery info, but upower definitely sees something
<steev> oh, hm, no, everything is empty
<steev> that explains why it doesn't show the battery infos
<qzed> gmu firmware is different
<qzed> sqe I still need to check
<qzed> but gmu firmware is longer in the newer driver
<qzed> at least the one for 0x71
<clover[m]> <steev> "oh, hm, no, everything is empty" <- So not ready yet I assume?
<steev> yeah, not quite
<steev> ideally, we would get Qcom legal sign off and release the battery stuff that works properly, but still need that (disclaimer, i say we, but really i mean the dev working on it)
<clover[m]> Kinda limited on what I can do today. Dealing with a family issue
<clover[m]> So no rush
<steev> no worries, trying to figure out why remote procs are broken in -next
<qzed> so the sqe firmware is also longer
<qzed> for the a690 at least
<qzed> I'll extract them and send them to you
<steev> appreciate
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<clover[m]> a690 == x13s gpu?
<steev> yes, Adreno A690
<steev> or maybe it's just Adreno 690
<clover[m]> OpenGL 3.3 support, nice
<clover[m]> Or do we need a driver for that
<steev> we need the kernel support, and then mesa support as well
<AlexMarty[m]> <clover[m]> "Alex Marty:"; <- Where is that dtb file?
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: in your built kernel sources, it'll be arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/
<AlexMarty[m]> Sweet thank you
<clover[m]> It's also included in my linux-steev package
<steev> ah, i thought alex was building their own
<clover[m]> Idk what he's doing lol
<AlexMarty[m]> Yeah I built my own kernel
<clover[m]> steev: Ah OK so we have a ways to go
<HdkR> clover[m]: With Zink the a690 can get GL 4.6 :D
<qzed> steev: ^
<qzed> the a680 seems to be exactly identical
<qzed> or rather the firmware included in the driver
<qzed> the a690 is bigger in both files
<qzed> but based on the IDs and everything in the driver I'd guess it should also work with the "old" one
<steev> cool beans, thank you!
<steev> some day i should figure out matrix
<qzed> it's quite useful xD
<clover[m]> <HdkR> "clover: With Zink the a690 can..." <- What's zink?
<qzed> *vulkan
<AlexMarty[m]> Booted but no WiFi
<steev> oh awesome
<steev> that's actually what i was wanting it for... lol
<steev> was making a fork, for thinkpad, but maybe should just submit them as PR, but idk?
<steev> that's also why i was asking about wwan, wondering if they have more firmware than the non-wwan do
<steev> because i don't have the modem*.jsn files at all on my system
<qzed> would be nice to have everything in one place... but there are some "hacks" (aka symlinks) for the bluetooth stuff in there, not sure if that's compatible with the x13
<steev> the x13s uses entirely different firmware
<steev> give me a sec, i'm gonna push my thing so you can see... ignore the "f" commit, that's my internal "fixup" commit name
<steev> well, fixup commit message
<qzed> ah right, intel bluetooth or something if I remember correctly?
<steev> not sure
<steev> it's all plastered with qcom, as per usual
<steev> but
<steev> none of the intel firmware seem to follow that naming scheme
<robclark> qzed: if a690 sqe fw is approx 2x bigger (or maybe 1.5x bigger) that seems like it is probably a660 generation (ie. a6xx_gen4).. the gen4 stuff has basically two sqe fw's, one stripped down one for LPAC ring
<robclark> I guess a660 gen would make sense.. since that is what sc7280 is
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: you're probably either missing the firmware, or missing the firmware symlink
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: go into /lib/firmware/ath11k/WCN6855
<steev> if you only have a "hw2.0" directory, create a symlink from hw2.0 to hw2.1
<steev> if you don't have any of that... then yeah, you don't have the wifi firmware
<qzed> robclark: yeah, back when I looked at the drivers in more detail there are some memory block things that are clearly distinct between a640-like and a660-like models, the 680 looks like 640 and the 690 like 660
<steev> there is a HUGE caveat to the wifi currently, that we are not using the correct firmware, but one that loads and works but with various issues
<steev> i've been trying to see if i could rig something up, but my board-2.bin file is just... not becoming a board-2.bin file
<robclark> yeah, that fits with what I was expecting.. and a680 is defn in the same generation as a640.. it is basically like a doubled-up a640
<steev> according to the downstream stuff that bamse pointed to the other day, it definitely is 660 derived
<robclark> I expect a690 is a660 but w/ 4 sp's instead or 3
<steev> sp is... shader profiler?
<robclark> got link to downstream, btw?
<robclark> shader processor.. basically a "shader core"
<qzed> steev: so things look compatible
<qzed> send a pr if you want
<steev> - bamse said LA.AU.1.4.2.r1-01100-gen3meta.0 but i never found that in there, so i looked at LA.AU.1.4.2.r1-02500-gen3meta.0 which seems to have it
<robclark> thx
<steev> qzed: well, need to make some dts changes here - we're dumping the thinkpad's firmware into qcom/sc8280xp
<steev> and we should either do qcom/LENOVO/2XXXXXXXXXX like we do with the c630, or do qcom/sc8280xp/lenovo/thinkpad-x13s/ like you do with the spx
<steev> not sure if bamse decided which was betterer
<qzed> right, let me know once you have decided that and I'll try to figure out that id thing on the spx if I can
<qzed> or is that something lenovo specific?
<steev> it's part of the "product name" of dmidecode
<steev> but
<steev> the c630s were all the same
<steev> i have Product Name: 21BX0015US for my x13s, but others have Product Name: 21BX0016US
<steev> and i'm not sure we want to do firmware for each sku
<steev> so it would probably make more sense to do qcom/sc8280xp/lenovo/thinkpad-x13s/
<steev> though i suppose we could do 21BX001XUS
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<steev> i suppose, could push as is, and then later on git mv them?
<qzed> ah, on the spx the product name is just "Surface Pro X"... regardless of SQ1 or SQ2 (and I think the firmware works on both)
<qzed> sure
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<qzed> so I should probably change that to remove the sq2 part...
<qzed> there are also a bunch of other things I need to touch-up before upstreaming the dts
<leezu> The touchpad on my lazor is sometimes creating inputs by itsel (evtest log at, which causes it to open random applications like LibreOffice or Firefox or copy-pasting stuff around. Around the time of occurrence, I see "elan_i2c 7-0015: invalid report id data (0) This is the same lazor that previously got into the faulty EC state where the tablet
<leezu> mode sensor was stuck at 1 (disabling the touchpad) until EC reboot.
<leezu> "elan_i2c 7-0015: invalid report id data (0)"
<leezu> I suspect there's a hardware issue with this device. Or is this a known bug? dmesg also logs "loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 8" every 10 minutes, which I'm not sure why
<leezu> (For the evtest log above, the laptop lid was closed and an external screen connected)
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<AlexMarty[m]> Still no WiFi but I’m booted up. Now I just need to see if I can get Ethernet to work.
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: can you show your dmesg output?
<AlexMarty[m]> Yeah let me boot back into it
<steev> ideally, just dmesg | grep ath
<steev> also, the output of ls /lib/firmware/ath11k/WCN6855 and ls /lib/firmware/ath11k/WCN6855/hw2.0/
<steev> okay, you're missing the firmware
<steev> see the mhi error message
<AlexMarty[m]> Ok how do I fix that?
<steev> do you have the directories i mentioned above?
<steev> actually, hang on
<AlexMarty[m]> I do not. I thought I included everything.
<AlexMarty[m]> I have xorg and i3 working though.
<steev> one moment
<steev> qzed: sent you another pull request
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: you can grab it all from
<steev> just rsync the firmware/ath11k folder into your /lib/firmware/
<steev> something like rsync -HPavz firmware/ath11k /lib/firmware
<steev> should do it
<qzed> steev: merged
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: or you can grab it from qzed's
<AlexMarty[m]> Ok I will do that. I don’t have a firmware folder but I will make one. Thanks for the help
<AlexMarty[m]> I3 and xterm working
<steev> if you don't have any firmware folder
<AlexMarty[m]> No firmware folder at all
<steev> okay, then just rsync the entirety of the firmware folder in there
<steev> you'll get extra stuff
<AlexMarty[m]> Sounds good
<steev> but that doesn't matter
<steev> and you definitely want that because without the cdsp (i think it is) firmware, the battery doesn't charge
<AlexMarty[m]> steev: Yeah I noticed it not charging
<steev> :)
<steev> i didn't lol
<steev> i thought i'd killed mine
<steev> "it was plugged in all this time, and i just unplugged it and it died..."
<harvests[m]> oh, good to hear charging is working with that firmware :p
<steev> yeah :)
<steev> as soon as the dev gets approval we'll have proper battery driver as well
<steev> AlexMarty[m]: did that work for you?
<steev> while the bleutooth firmwares are in there, it's not yet wired up. i need to look into that too
<AlexMarty[m]> Yeah WiFi is up I just forgot to install dhcpcd 🙃 so back to the ISO for that lol
<steev> heh
<steev> as a former gentoo dev... it's embarrassing how many times i've done that as well
<steev> ayy, rc8 is out
<AlexMarty[m]> You know your stuff better than I do. I’ve only installed gentoo and even then it was hacked together. I would love to do that and linux from scratch one day and do it well
<steev> i keep a gentoo box around just to play with arm64 big endian userland
<steev> mostly because of some of the wireless tools we have in kali are sometimes run by people with uhhh, machines that cost more than i've ever made, and we need a way to check things
<AlexMarty[m]> Making progress now I have WiFi and cam browse the internet
<steev> woop