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abby: turned out we just needed to binNMU qt6-base :) (in Debian terms, rebuild the package with no source changes)
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T14s no wwan model yet?
you can configure it, that's how my desired config ends up costing 2150 after black friday coupon
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Out of curiosity, who is running Linux on a Snapdragon X-Elite ?
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* JensGlathe[m]
on a HP Omnibook X14, and on "angrybox" Snapdragon Dev Kit
@janrinze many, it's doing fairly well from what I gather from the chatter here.
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from what I heard the Ubuntu concept image is also very good, and I also heard of some people running Fedora
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Thanks for the replies. Considering the price tag on those laptops I think I will wait a bit before taking the plunge. From what i've heard there will be more main-line kernel changes upcoming and also at some point we will see hardware accelerated graphics too.
jhovold: thanks! i'll keep an eye out on that page.
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So I sent in this patch, which was then given a <reviewed by> tag, but then I found a little mistake I made, I asume I should drop the <reviewed by> tag for the next version right?
It was given by Dmitry Baryshkov, I don't know if he is in here too
SpieringsAE: he is: lumag
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okay, I will wait for an answer from him before I send in V5
SpieringsAE: I think it depends on how "little" the mistake is, i.e. if it's just some typo, can keep the r-b; if it's something actually significant then better drop the tags on the modified patch
its a bad pinctrl definition in a node
obviously just dropping tags and noting that as a changelog item is the safest approach
I had pinctrl-0 and pinctrl-1
but should only have been pinctrl-0
just with two pinctrl references inside
oh yeah that's a mistake but I'd keep the r-b in that case and just send a next rev tbh
* travmurav[m]
wonders why(/if) dtbs_checks didn't(couldn't) catch this