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<kettenis> Enabling the u-boot bootmenu makes it possible to easily boot from usb when a bootable nvme is present
<kettenis> see the bootmenu2 branch
<kettenis> is that something we would want?
<jannau> doesn't that makes it very easy to boot from a non-matched ESP on the nvme?
<jannau> the fractional scale line artifacts should be fixed with kwin-5.27.6 (due in 10 days)
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<kettenis> well, isn't that the whole point? whatever is on that usb disk is by defenition a non-matched ESP
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<marcan> jannau: awesome :D
<jannau> kettenis: yes, but booting a mismatched ESP from usb has use cases we do not want to prevent (fix problems with the installed system). booting a mismatched ESP from nvme should be prevented since macOS boot picker should be used instead
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<kettenis> well, I kinda disagree with that
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<jannau> we have too often dts incompatibilities for that to work reliable resulting in unnecessary support question. once we support multiple fw versions there will be issues with dcp and agx as well
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<CoD_Segfault> I'm hoping that I can get some assistance, and I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but I'm having a hard time finding the answer.
<CoD_Segfault> I have a M2 Mac Mini that I was able to use the dev installer to get Asahi installed.
<CoD_Segfault> I see alarm coming up on the network after booting, so I know that the kernel and the OS are properly installed.
<CoD_Segfault> I figured that I could use tethered mode in m1n1 to get a serial console and just do the initial config to get SSH up and running.
<CoD_Segfault> Installed the udev rules, went into recovery and followed the instructions.
<CoD_Segfault> I am able to get m1n1 to boot into tethered mode, and I'm kind of stuck at this point.
<CoD_Segfault> I see there's an option to boot a kernel using, but from what I'm seeing, I would need to compile the kernel myself?
<CoD_Segfault> Or am I just missing something simpler?
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<chadmed> you need to provide a kernel binary (plus optionally an initramfs) from the host machine yes
<CoD_Segfault> ok, is there one available to just download or do I have to build it myself?