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<sid-linux> Question relating to device tree. The IRQs for `mtp_mbox` for instance is `<AIC_IRQ 864 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>` (etc)
<sid-linux> Many devices have AIC IRQ numbers that are in > 500
<sid-linux> But if I do `cat /proc/interrupts` I am not able to find them there
<sid-linux> The highest number before IPI0 is 106. Also all AIC2 interrupts do have a number have something like AIC2 66NNN . How do I find the interrupt number mentioned in the dtbi ?
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<jannau> sid-linux: it's the low 16-bits of hwirq (the number after AIC2)
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<sid-linux> jannau: Thanks !
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<sid-linux> A question related to asahi linux (arch) debugging. I set `loglevel=7` in /etc/grub.d/10_linux , run `update-grub` successfully
<sid-linux> However I still don't see a higher level of detail via dmesg
<sid-linux> `cat /proc/sys/kernel/printk` gives me
<sid-linux> 4 4 1 7
<j`ey> sid-linux: what about /proc/cmdline?
<sid-linux> It successfully shows `quiet loglevel=7` there
<sid-linux> sorry it is `[...] loglevel-7 quiet`
<mps> sid-linux: loglevel controls whic messages will be printed on console, dmesg always shows what is 'in kernel'
<mps> usually is enough to remove quiet from kernel cmdline
<mps> to get messages on console
<sid-linux> (sorry I had changed `default/grub` and not `/etc/grub.d/10_linux)
<sid-linux> I basically don't want any messages on console. I want more detail when I check out `dmesg`
<mps> then loglevel will not change much, if anything
<j`ey> sid-linux: loglevel changes what's printed, not what goes into dmesg
<sid-linux> dev_dbg(rtk->dev,
<sid-linux> "RTKit: Starting system endpoint 0x%02x\n", ep);
<sid-linux> apple_rtkit_start_ep(rtk, ep);
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<mps> "loglevel= All Kernel Messages with a loglevel smaller than the console loglevel will be printed to the console. It can also be changed with klogd or other programs."
<mps> quote from kernel-parameters.txt
<sid-linux> see `drivers/soc/apple/rtkit.c` line 195 onwards
<sid-linux> I never see any "Starting system endpoint..." messages in dmesg
<sid-linux> However I do see:
<sid-linux> dev_warn(rtk->dev,
<sid-linux> "RTKit: Unknown system endpoint: 0x%02x\n",
<sid-linux> ep);
<sid-linux> messages
<_jannau__> dev_dbg is only printed if DEBUG is defined in the source file
<mps> maybe this part is not reached by kernel
<sid-linux> basically `dev_warn` is seen in `dmesg` while `dev_dbg` is never seen in dmesg
<_jannau__> otherwise it's a no-op
<j`ey> sid-linux: add a #define DEBUG, to the top of that file and recompile
<sid-linux> j`ey: jannau: thanks :-)
<sid-linux> would be cool to dynamically set DEBUG rather than recompile though
<mps> "debug [KNL] Enable kernel debugging (events log level)." maybe this cmdline param could help
<mps> never used it (at least last 10 years)
<sid-linux> Will try and report back.
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<j`ey> oh, asahi builds with CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG
<j`ey> (if you're using their kernels)
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<j`ey> so: dyndbg="file rtkit.c +p" on the boot commandline might work
<j`ey> maybe you need rtkit.dyndbg, since rtkit is a module
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<sid-linux> dyndebug looks very promising -- thanks. trying it out. Here is the link to the latest documentation
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<sid-linux> mps: adding dyndbg to the boot cmdline worked ! I now see the debug messages
<sid-linux> very useful
<sid-linux> for rtkit.c
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<j`ey> sid-linux: what was the dyndbg command you use?
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<sid-linux> oops sorry I meant to thank you j`ey for the tip !
<sid-linux> In my `/etc/default/grub`
<sid-linux> I now have
<sid-linux> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 quiet dyndbg='file rtkit.c +p'"
<sid-linux> then I did `sudo upgrade-grub`
<j`ey> ok nice, good to know that works!
<j`ey> (but often when youre debugging you can just rebuild)
<sid-linux> (thanks for patiently answering my questions). For a custom build you would build the tree with the asahi linux config and then simply copy over the vmlinuz to /boot/vmlinuz-linux-asahi-edge ?
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<j`ey> you could also build the package with makepkg I think, if that allows you to modify the source dir
<sid-linux> yeah `makepkg -s` sounds better and is plugged into initramfs etc. generation
<sid-linux> but I wonder if its compile is incremental
<sid-linux> I'm going to try it out. Trivially change a file and see how long it takes to regenerate package
<ydalton> hi, i have a question, is there any documentation on the m1n1 shell commands? i can't seem to find any info about them other than when i connect to m1n1 proxy mode.
<j`ey> I don't think so
<j`ey> just the source
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<ydalton> should i open up an issue in the docs github repo?
<chadmed> the wiki is publicly editable
<ydalton> alright, thank you both, i'm gonna see what i can do
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<sid-linux> j`ey: btw if you want to add dyndbg for different files from the boot cmdline you can also do it
<sid-linux> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 quiet dyndbg='file rtkit.c +p' dyndbg='file apple-pmgr-pwrstate.c +p'"
<sid-linux> simply repeat dyndbg
<sid-linux> Probably obvious in retrospect, but just mentioning to you
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<rippanda12_> hello, im a dev for an ArchARM based OS and I want to support M1 how can I do it properly and not pull a Manjaro
<rippanda12_> is there someone I need to get in contact with and if yes who
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<tpw_rules> rippanda12_: i can't speak for the asahi project staff but for my alt distro i ship package versions from the main branch of and everything has gone okay. that's what is the public release of asahi packages. manjaro got in trouble for shipping random tags
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<rippanda12_> tpw_rules: how do users install your os? also which one? I wanna make it like the real Asahi installer but it installs my os
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<ydalton> hi, i'm having troubles running macOS as a hypervisor guest. i seem to be running into kernel panics with the rainbow apple. i am using the stock macOS kernel.
<ChaosPrincess> connect to the shell, look at the debug logs see if anything is there
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<sven> make sure that the kernel you feed to run_guest is the same version as the macOS installation where you installed m1n1
<sven> a mismatch usually results in obscure kernel panics
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<ydalton> in my case m1n1 came installed with the asahi installer
<ydalton> when i was looking for the kernelcache, i noticed there were two directories with long hashes, only one of which contained a kernelcache
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<sven> is the m1n1 on a partition that contains a full macOS installation?
<j`ey> sounds like it was a m1n1-only installation using the installer?
<sven> yeah, that’s what I suspect
<ChaosPrincess> that means wrong firmware most likely, no?
<sven> that means it’s not gonna work even with the correct firmware
<ydalton> i used chose for a full desktop installation
<sven> xnu expects a full macOS userspace
<sven> yeah, that’s not gonna work for running xnu
<j`ey> ydalton: you want to partition and install macOS
<sven> looks reasonably up to date after a quick glance
<ydalton> so i'll need to have only macOS with m1n1?
<sven> you need a full macOS installation and then replace the boot object with m1n1 like shown on that page I linked
<ydalton> alright, does it matter what macOS version i have?
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<ydalton> if i install m1n1 in the macOS volume, does that mean i will no longer be able to boot macOS directly?
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<jannau> ydalton: not directly. changing the boot policy will revert to the macos kernel as boot object
<ydalton> okay, thank you guys for your help!
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<kaazoo> Hi, I was trying to understand why MTP didn't work after updating to u-boot-asahi-2023.04-2 on j414s. Seems like doesn't contain support for oslog yet (see earlier commit for adding this
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