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<kettenis> kaazoo: marcan mentioned some more bits about oslog he figured out so I was waiting on some updated #defines to show up somewhere...
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<nicolas17> aaaa reading here makes me want to contribute to asahi but I feel like most stuff is beyond my skills *and* I'm actually busy on 5 different projects already ._.
<_jannau__> sddm 0.20.0 release: - wayland support is experimental
<_jannau__> but the wait 90s for sddm teardown for reboot/shutdown from plasma should be fixed
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<ellyq> nicolas17: i've looked at github and came to conclusion that folks here have things figured out, although i'm tempted to buy M1 Mini when I'll get a job so I can build for ARM64 natively :P
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<ydalton> nicolas17: same but i'm trying to find good reading material to learn about hardware stuff and computer architecture
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<sid-linux> is there a way i can get the PKGBUILD of a ALARM package?
<sid-linux> tobhe_: thanks :)
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<sid-linux> i would guess this is the authoritative repository for ALARM PKGBUILDs
<sid-linux> correct?
<tobhe> i think it is. at least it doesn't mention being a mirror in the description
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<ydalton> i got the hypervisor finally working. thanks guys!
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<jannau> sddm 0.20's wayland display server works but high dpi scaling doesn't seem to be active on the mbp 13" display
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<amarioguy> is it just me or did apple change which bit they were using to trap SMCs on T6000 and newer SoCs? seems like HID1 and EHID20 don't work anymore, does apple trap them differently now or just different HID regs?
<amarioguy> will bit twiddle to see just in case but just asking in case someone knows already :P
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<amarioguy> okay okay never mind i was being a complete idiot
* amarioguy facepalms
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