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<eiln> might anyone know why accel chrdev is crw------- whereas drm is crw-rw-rw- ?
<eiln> i'd assume they should result in the same dev without chmod 666
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<jannau> eiln: udev rules for drm card*/renderD* but missing for accel
<jannau> ChaosPrincess: did you ever find out how I broke the touchscreen driver on j293?
<ChaosPrincess> Using cs-gpios the "right" way just does not work on that for some reason
<jannau> sounds like it might just not the default cs pin so the spi device uses a different pin
<jannau> does macos ever uses the spi device directly?
<ChaosPrincess> Macos also does manual cs for this device
<ChaosPrincess> whats actually weird is that i tried to use spi core support for gpio as cs and that didnt work either
<ChaosPrincess> all reads are just FF if i try to do that
<jannau> did you add spi-cs-{hold,inactive,setup}-delay-ns to at least match the delays you currently have?
<ChaosPrincess> Yep, and even with 2x the delay for good measure
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<jannau> I suppose the touchbar daemon will break with my udev rule setting LIBINPUT_IGNORE_DEVICE for the device. I'll look if there's another solution to avoid offering the touchscreen per default
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<ChaosPrincess> Also, sddm apparently doesnt really understand what non-desktop means and grabs the kms lock anyway.
<jannau> probably not sddm but systemd / udev seat handling. maybe it's enough to tag the touchbar devices to not belong to any seats
<jannau> short search shows that that might not work as expected. workaround could be to assign them to a seat "touchbar"
<jannau> I'll play with that tonight and add j493 support for the touchscreen in a non-breaking way
<jannau> ChaosPrincess: have you tried to just replace the explicit usleep_range() with spi-cs-{hold,inactive,setup}-delay-ns?
<ChaosPrincess> So, toggle the cs gpio from driver code, but use spi core delays?
<ChaosPrincess> havent tried that
<_jannau__> yes, makes the driver a little bit simpler if t works
<marcan> sven: awesome!
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<mps> sid-linux: fyi, after upgrade chromium to 114 it works also on s314s (m1pro), alpine linux
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<_jannau__> chromium updates probably invalidate the shader cache as well
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<sid-linux> mps: thanks ! basically if I understood you correctly -- upgrading to chromium 114 also fixes the problem? (did you also confirm that hardware acceleration is still on in 114?)
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<mps> sid-linux: how can I test this
<mps> sid-linux: and this subject is better to discuss on #asahi-alt
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<jannau> ChaosPrincess: nice, tiny-dfr works on j493. unfortunately with more modifications than I would have liked
<ChaosPrincess> jannau: such as?
<jannau> have you already tried to optimize the button rendering? I think they could be brighter and the text could be larger/bolder
<ChaosPrincess> I used the same color as macos
<jannau> adp is for me consistently card1, the touchscreen driver works only if I keep reset high
<ChaosPrincess> Yea, its wouldnt be hard to change it to search for correct card
<ChaosPrincess> and whats with the reset?
<jannau> still trying to make it work with sddm/Xorg. assigning the touchbar devices to a special seat doesn't seem to work
<ChaosPrincess> jannau: have you tried to change touchbar brightness? It has a reat backloght device
<jannau> not sure what's up with the reset_gpio. I had to change the "gpiod_direction_output(z2->reset_gpio, 0);" back to 1 in apple_z2_boot
<jannau> haven't looked into it, just compared what differs to the previous working branch
<ChaosPrincess> jannau: set the gpio to GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW in dts
<jannau> display is better with increased backlight brightness
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<jannau> marcan: would you object shipping a sddm git snapshot with wayland support? Xorg/modesetting is annoying wrt to the touchbar display
<jannau> alternatives would be either to patch the modesetting driver and ship it or switch away from sddm
<ar> huh. sddm hasn't had a release since November 2020
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<jannau> I think I can get away with a 3 line patch for modesetting (and a modification to the adp driver). not too bad but annoying to carry a custom xorg-server package
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<ChaosPrincess> jannau: changed the daemon to scan all drm devices and made it manage the backlight automatically, feel free to check out the search code
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<chadmed> urgh carla is broken again
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<psykose> in wayland? i've had better luck with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb thru xwayland
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<chadmed> nah idk what it is this time, glibc is sending it SIGABRT
<chadmed> something in libcarla is hitting __stack_chk_fail
<chadmed> same behaviour observed with clang and gcc
<psykose> usually a stack overrun
<chadmed> yeah, the fun is trying to find where
<chadmed> and why the same build works on my x86 machine
<psykose> ime things that crash like that also give quite useful asan backtraces, but you would have to locally rebuild
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<chadmed> oh this is gonna be fun
<chadmed> it works with asan
<psykose> what's the backtrace on the regular version
<chadmed> ah its at CarlaBackend::CarlaEngineJack::getTimeInfo() hmm
<psykose> doesn't ring any bells
<psykose> but i've only used it via pipewire-jack myself
<chadmed> yeah i dont use real jack anymore, this is pipewire-jack
<chadmed> the patchbay is all fine etc
<chadmed> yeah it stops dying if i change the engine backend to PA but that is obviously not ideal
<chadmed> oh now it just works????
<chadmed> interesting
<chadmed> stale config maybe
<psykose> mystery state crashes are annoying
<nicolas17> does valgrind support arm64?