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<chadmed> is anyone game/able/has the time to sanity check some DSP improvements for j314? you will need to build a downstream branch of wireplumber
<chadmed> pros: waaaay less cpu use (~2% of an ecore at 600mhz), sounds better, can theoretically hide the raw output from users
<chadmed> cons: hiding the raw output breaks clients which expect to be able to access the entire node graph (e.g. carla)
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<marcan> chadmed: is that because it sees one end only? how does it break?
<chadmed> carla can still see the physical node, but when it is open all sound stops playing. the "hiding" implementation is to set the permissions on the target node such that only wireplumber can access it, so i assume something carla wants to do with routing is being blocked by whatever permissions are set
<chadmed> interestingly though, after commenting out the policy which does that, everything works again but the node is still hidden from plasma
<chadmed> either way there are other issues with that functionality upstream so its disabled in dmitry's branch, i just re-enabled it to see what it would look like to end users when its eventually production ready
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<marcan> cool
<chadmed> ive pushed the latest version for anyone whos interested in testing. no help installing it though unless i know i can trust you to not blow up your computer as per the rules in the readme ;)
<jannau> nice: systemd has "ConditionFirmware=|device-tree-compatible(apple,j293)"
<jannau> service is autostarted from udev via the touch bar digitizer input device anyway but the conditions should make it safe to install it unconditionally on all devices
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<dsharshakov> Hello chadmed! WP filter-chain management is on my list now
<dsharshakov> we can now develop that in online mode. what's next? should we polish up what's present without hiding the nodes (that's certainly not upstreamable because of being racy)?
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<chadmed> dsharshakov: i havent really found anything wrong with the non-hiding stuff as it currently is tbh, works basically perfectly in my testing
<chadmed> if i were being picky id say that its annoying that i cant set a rule to put the card into Pro Audio on startup and the filter chain having to be a one-liner is annoying for development but neither is _really_ a problem all things considered
<chadmed> if you need a Tested-by you can use me :)
<chadmed> one interesting thing i did notice (as above) is that the node i set to hidden is still hidden even after i comment out the rule
<chadmed> but that might just be plasma caching something
<chadmed> or .local/state/wireplumber
<chadmed> i havent really investigated
<millenialhacker> Hi, has anyone experienced dead/not working keyboard after updating asahi kernel ?
<millenialhacker> (also not working touch pad)
<dsharshakov> `put the card into Pro Audio on startup` <-- will do soon, need to integrate into policy-device-profile
<mps> millenialhacker: did you built it or use from asahi distro
<dsharshakov> `node i set to hidden is still hidden` <-- it's still the same node ID. You need to restart all three: pw, pw-pulse, wp
<millenialhacker> mps I'm using my Gentoo installation (pre-chadme era)
<millenialhacker> but I use his overlay now
<mps> millenialhacker: then ask on #asahi-alt channel
<millenialhacker> I just upgrade from 6.1 rc6 to 6.3
<chadmed> dsharshakov: yeah i have killed and restarted all three multiple times, it persists across reboots even
<dsharshakov> I want to add support for loading JSON from file into WP, so (ideally) you'll use ordinary device and node creation rules to set `wireplumber.hidden` and `wireplumber.filter-chain` or so
<dsharshakov> Also I want to set target node when loading, so that it certainly and immutably attaches to the appropriate node
<dsharshakov> then clean .local/state/wireplumber
<dsharshakov> `loading JSON from file into WP` <-- essential to have a ton of props like with AutoEq headphone database. This way we'll only load four props into rulesets (device profile, hide device, hide node, attach chain)
<chadmed> ah yeah that would be more ergonomic
<dsharshakov> Thanks for review, will refactor some stuff for upstreaming. Better do a branch backup on your own storage as I'll be force-pushing that branch while refactoring for upstreaming
<chadmed> ack, ill keep my local repo stale for now
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<dsharshakov> Targeting 0.4 branch (master) without hiding nodes (impossible currently without pending changes)
<dsharshakov> fyi PW multi-rate rate mismatch bug has been smashed. You probably didn't encounter that, but that was why I warned you about multiple allowed rates
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<dsharshakov> (not released yet) but better keep a single rate enabled and use released version. let's keep git version mess to minimum :)
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<sid-linux> newbie question. Looking at the dockchannel codebase
<sid-linux> In function
<sid-linux> static void dockchannel_irq_ack(struct irq_data *data)
<sid-linux> {
<sid-linux> struct dockchannel_common *dcc = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(data);
<sid-linux> unsigned int hwirq = data->hwirq;
<sid-linux> writel_relaxed(BIT(hwirq), dcc->irq_base + IRQ_FLAG);
<sid-linux> }
<sid-linux> Question: why is there not a `readl_relaxed` to get the current value of dcc->irq_base + IRQ_FLAG
<sid-linux> before writing out BIT(hwirq) to prevent overwriting other entries ?
<sid-linux> are the reads and writes "orthogonal" here because this is iomem?
<sven> just guessing here because I don’t know the hardware but it looks like HW_FLAG is just „write but N to clear it“
<sven> *IRQ_FLAG
<sven> and *bit
<sid-linux> (thanks for your reply -- can you please write your message with the typos fixed. I don't know where the *IRQ_FLAG and *bit needs to be subsituted)
<sid-linux> s/HW_FLAG/IRQ_FLAG/ ?
<sven> yes
<sven> and s/but/bit/
<j`ey_> (assuming what sven said is correct.) the IRQ_FLAG doesn't 'store' anything, the hw just responds to a write of that
<j`ey_> whereas the MASK actually stores what's currently masked
<sven> it’s just this dumb iPhone‘s „you pressed something slightly to the left of i and u is more likely than i in our ML model so I’m just gonna pretend you pressed u instead“ feature *sigh*
<j`ey_> (and it's probably right, since it seems to be true for a lot of hw)
<ChaosPrincess> jannau: sth weird is happening when loading tiny-dfr as a systemd daemon, libinput fails to detect the digitizer device.
<ChaosPrincess> its probably due to load ordering, but not sure what exactly the problem is
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<sid-linux> j`ey and similarly since the IRQ_FLAG doesnt 'store' anything the read can ask the hardware to present it for a bit map of currently asserted IRQs? See `static void dockchannel_irq(struct irq_desc *desc)`
<sid-linux> s/IRQ_FLAG/dcc->irq_base + IRQ_FLAG/
<ChaosPrincess> also need to mask systemd backlight service or it messes things up
<j`ey_> sid-linux: yeah seems to be
<sid-linux> so here read and write achieve different outcomes in hardware...
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<sid-linux> Also, I'm wondering how this can be done in a top half interrupt handler? Wont this communication with the device be subject to sleep issues?
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<sven> what do you mean with sleep issues?
<sven> and isn’t too half the thing that runs in irq context while bottom half is the irq thread anyway? (not that that changes anything afaict)
<sid-linux> My understanding is that we can't do IO in the top half. We can only read from memory. IO could take a really long time
<sven> that’s not true
<sid-linux> Here `dockchannel_irq` is reading from the device
<sven> you can’t sleep in irq context
<sven> you also can‘t really access devices behind a slow bus like SPI
<sven> but that readl is still plenty fast
<sid-linux> but that readl is is reading from the dockchannel device
<sid-linux> which is going to be slow??
<sid-linux> (and therefore not permitted in the top half -- which is what `dockchannel_irq()` is in )
<sven> still orders of magnitude faster than reading from a SPI bus which is probably what you’re thinking of
<sven> doing sone I/O is totally fine in irq context. you usually *have* to do some I/O to e.g. read the irq and ack it in every handler
<sven> the issue happens when you wait for I/O over a slow bus like SPI where you usually have to sleep (or wait for an irq which effectively is sleeping anyway)
<sven> and the reason that’s a bad idea is because when you’re in irq context („top half“) many (or even all) other interrupts are disabled and will be delayed
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<sid-linux> sven: thanks -- this is useful
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<amarioguy> quick question is there a way from the ADT to check if a core is fused off or not? (long story need to be able to check if a core is fused off) or would i need to infer it being fused off based on board id or smth?
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<jannau> amarioguy: the cpus node will have only the active cores when looking at the adt from the device
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<amarioguy> jannau: ah fair, got it
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