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<tobhe> marcan: submitted a tiny bug fix that you might want to include in your tree too: . With that ethernet on the m1 mini works in the initrd for me.
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<karpouzi> i have an 8GB RAM M1 mac mini machine running a slightly tweaked asahi-edge (CONFIG_USB_8DEV is set on) and am finding that kwin_wayland is substantially more laggy than kwin_x11. has anyone else experienced this?
<karpouzi> the display is a 1920x1080 60Hz monitor running over HDMI, for clarity
<karpouzi> not sure i have any quantitative proof of this unfortunately
<jannau> with display and gpu driver? if not that's expected
<karpouzi> this is on I guess ordinary mesa with no gpu driver
<bluetail> karpouzi I kinda gave up on my 8GB model and ordered the 16GB one even without asahi context. Turned out my 8gb m1 mac mini model kernel panicked due to memory issues or something like that.
<bluetail> About 'laggy'... I havent experienced it no. But I only use it headless since
<karpouzi> screenfetch says the GPU is llvmpipe
<karpouzi> `pacman -Q | grep gpu` returns nothing
<bluetail> are you up to date?
<karpouzi> i do indeed have some issues with certain apps going oom and dying, but that's not asahi or a kernel panic issue
<karpouzi> bluetail: i'm on the latest asahi-edge per git
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<karpouzi> not a major problem, to be clear
<karpouzi> i've gotten a lot of productive work done on the 8gb even :)
<karpouzi> jannau: appreciated the reply!
<jannau> karpouzi: without gpu driver wayland is slower, especially with the display (dcp, apple drm) driver
<karpouzi> right, makes sense. i just realized I had wayland running the monitor at 144hz while x11 was set to 60hz
<karpouzi> dragging a single firefox window (nothing else open) drops the kwin reported framerate from ~140 to 24
<karpouzi> anyway no need for me to continue harping on it. thanks for the help
<ar> karpouzi: do you have any desktop effects involving animations enabled? IIRC plasma has a long-standing bug with them actually rendering too fast on x11
<karpouzi> wait, actually I do have mesa-asahi-edge 23.2.0_pre20230615-1 installed
<jannau> but do you have the kernel driver?
<karpouzi> unclear. what is it called?
<karpouzi> ar: i disabled all animations in Desktop Effects, behavior is the same
<j`ey> DRM_ASAHI in Kconfig
<jannau> asahi
<karpouzi> DRM_ASAHI is not set, so there we go
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<karpouzi> huh, why can't i find either the asahi GPU driver or the rust support items in menuconfig
<karpouzi> xconfig to the rescue perhaps
<jannau> try `make rustavailable` first
<karpouzi> thank you! looks like i'm missing bindgen
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<karpouzi> needed aur/rust-bindgen-git
<karpouzi> `Source code for the 'core' standard library could not be found`
<karpouzi> unclear what this means; i installed 1.66.0 versions of rustc, rust-std, etc
<karpouzi> ah, no, this is a bindgen complaint; it wants bindgen 0.56.0
<karpouzi> but aur/rust-bindgen-git provides 0.66.1
<psykose> you have to patch the version checks
<psykose> you also don't need rust-bindgen-git
<karpouzi> gotcha
<psykose> just rust-bindge
<karpouzi> apparently that's what i ended up with anyway despite installing the -git
<karpouzi> perplexed
<karpouzi> only issue now is the `'core' standard library missing` claim
<karpouzi> oh, that's just rust-src
<karpouzi> looks like i have to patch the --blocklist-type tag as well
<karpouzi> hm, currently can't build due to a warning about the fp-armv8 feature being unknown - related to this?
<karpouzi> or do i just need a newer rustc than 1.66.0
<karpouzi> looks like i'm too out of the loop and too many things are in flux for me :\
<mps> karpouzi: rust 1.69 and 1.70 works for me
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<mps> and rust-bindgen 0.66.0
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<mps> I can paste my APKBUILD (similar to PKGBUILD) if want to look
<karpouzi> maybe i should just make clean?
<karpouzi> i'm building from the asahilinux/linux tree directly
<karpouzi> error #1: unexpected argument `--size_t-is-usize` found in
<karpouzi> error #2: actually a warning, unknown feature specified for `-Ctarget-feature`: `fp-armv8` in
<karpouzi> you know what, i probably shouldn't be building edge from the asahi branch - there's a gpu wip branch, right?
<jannau> no, asahi or asahi-wip is the most appropiate branch. with rust-1.70 you want the asahi-6.3-9 tag
<jannau> this is slowly becoming off-topic here
<karpouzi> appreciate the help; sorry to not be contributing actual dev improvements.
<karpouzi> that tag unfortunately gives exactly the same errors as above
<karpouzi> i'll call it quits for now. thanks all
<jannau> no probleml, nothing else going on here but #asahi would be better suited to discuss this
<mps> karpouzi: for --size_t-is-usize fix
<karpouzi> popping back in to confirm: a proper gpu-driver-enabled asahi-edge does not have the fps issues mentioned above ^.^
<karpouzi> nice work lina!
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