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<jannau> chadmed_: allowing manual control to set the fab speed to minimal speed isn't necessarily a stable configuration either
<chadmed> jannau: i know but we cant really outright deny that
<jannau> we do right now by offering no fan control
<chadmed> like realistically no static manual fan speed is fully safe except the max
<chadmed> yeah but thats a cop-out :p
<chadmed> im happy to keep manual control gated behind the parameter forever fwiw
<chadmed> since its unsafe it taints the kernel and we can check for that
<nicolas17> wonder what this does, at a low level
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<sven> I would be surprised if there’s no thermal watchdog running somewhere which will just power off the machine if it gets too hot
<chadmed> yeah im almost 100% sure it would fail safe
<chadmed> (now that we bounds-check the values anyway hehe i almost broke my studio yesterday)
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<nicolas17> wouldn't turning the fans off just "turn it into a MacBook Air"? CPU throttling should keep it at safe temps long before it reaches emergency-shutdown levels?
<chadmed> im hoping thats what happens
<chadmed> i might dust off the j314 and test it
<nicolas17> (unless you live in arizona)
<sven> for extra credit use a hair dryer to really heat it up :>
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<nicolas17> sven: I think I did that on my desktop PC once, trying to make RAM errors more reproducible (it didn't work)
<sven> lol
<chadmed> okay im not _that_ game :p
<chadmed> macs are expensive!
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<chadmed_> looks like j314 just throttles if you clamp the fan speed
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<chadmed_> perfect
<chadmed_> so i guess the macos "high power" mode might just do what it says on the tin - clamp the fans to ~3500-4000 rpm and just unclamp that if you enable it
<chadmed_> smc reports them as doing ~6000 rpm each
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<chadmed> yeah i think we can ship this. doesnt seem possible to melt anything with the current behaviour
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